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Forum » Templates
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Lise T. Pedersen
15/09/2017 15:20:23
Last post: 19/09/2017 11:29:49
RenderItem filter AND and OR conditions
Hi guys,m This is a copy of the a comment from one of my coleagues. It was posted on another thread and got no answers so far. I thought that it will help if I make it a thread on its own. The context. I have some Dw_Page items that I want to list ba ...
Adrian Ursu
06/09/2017 15:11:39
Last post: 04/09/2019 10:15:13
RenderItemList - custom parameters
Hi, I don't think it is possible, but worth a question here: is it possible to send custom parameters to an ItemPublisherList template using the RenderItemList. Let's say I have 1 item based page (on this item I can choose 1 image). From the template ...
René Poulsen
23/08/2017 14:05:15
Last post: 23/08/2017 15:12:41
Unique menu id/class
Is it possible to get an unique id/class code for the xslt menu navigation? As in: one link could have another css style. Etc. <xsl:attribute name="class"> <xsl:text>menu-link menu-id-<!--@Menu.ID--></xsl:text> <xsl:if test ...
Sofia Soje
18/08/2017 16:14:35
Last post: 21/08/2017 10:12:31
Null-propagation and other 6.0 features in templates.
Hi all Have anybody had success with incorporating c# 6.0 features in Dynamicweb templates? Eg. Model?.Area.Culture? I've tried with installing Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform in the project which removes the build warnings in temp ...
Simon Nordahl
15/08/2017 13:57:57
Last post: 15/08/2017 14:50:01
Custom Field in Product List
Hi people... I have one product custom field... I can get easily this value in the product details... but when I'm trying get in the product list, this is just accessible when I have dwtemplatetags. This is a BUG? How can I have this value in the Pro ...
George Nelzo Pereira
11/08/2017 18:41:29
Last post: 17/08/2017 15:10:12
Basket - Delivery address not being recorded
Hi, I have a solution based on the wrap, and in the basket the user has the possibility to choose an alternative delivery address from his address list (I change the values of the delivery address fields via javascript on select). My delivery address ...
Gaëtan Di Caro
09/08/2017 12:50:41
Last post: 10/08/2017 08:45:04
ImageHandler - Can you resize and then crop a image?
Hi, DW version: 9.2.16 I'm using the ImageHandler (GetImage.ashx), and hoped someone could help me. I'm having an image, which have to be resized and cropped when it's mobile. I've tried the "&crop=0&width=xxx&height=xxx" which works, but ...
Marie Louise Veigert
18/07/2017 11:28:51
Last post: 18/07/2017 12:15:10
Forms for editors... anyone who has a useable Bootstrap template?
Hi guys, I had hoped to find a standard, useable, and somewhat "bootstrapifyed" template in "Forms for editors", but unfortunately no... Anyone who have already hacked their way through the tedious work of implementing all the different field-types?  ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
19/06/2017 16:26:32
Last post: 20/06/2017 09:04:12
Invalid discount code
Hello, I am trying to tell the user that an entered discount/voucher code is invalid, but say we have 10 % on all items in the shop and I am now entering an invalid discount code. How can I tell the user that the discount code does not exists? As I c ...
Anders Ebdrup
07/06/2017 21:57:53
Last post: 23/11/2021 13:17:48
Checked checkbox in form for editors.
I have a checkbox, which is signing the user up for newsletters. And I would like it to be checked from the start, so that the user must "uncheck" it. I have tried to create an "overwrite" as described in the documentation - ...
Lise T. Pedersen
01/06/2017 13:03:12
Last post: 01/06/2017 16:09:57
Gift Card tags in e-mail
Hi DW. I am trying to include the Gift Card code in my order receipt but it simply won't show. In my last step of the checkout flow I am showing the customers Receipt and I can get the Gift Card tags fine here: if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GetString("Ec ...
Christian Hansen Nørgaard
01/06/2017 11:43:57
Last post: 09/06/2017 08:42:33
Query publisher - indexing item based pages - how can i render something other than MenuText
I am setting up. a search that uses the new index to index item based pages, along with itembased and regular pages with item based paragraphs on them. Using the querypublisher, i loop throug the search results using a freetext parameter, and I do ge ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
31/05/2017 20:24:06
Last post: 01/06/2017 15:38:08
TAG Global:Paragraph.Content
Hi... I have one structure like this: 1.Home 1.PageA 1._includes (Paragraph1, Paragraph2, Paragraph3) In the PageA I have one template with one include like this <!--@Global:Paragraph.Content(Paragraph1)--> Its working fine... But if I have ins ...
George Nelzo Pereira
30/05/2017 13:31:27
Last post: 31/05/2017 15:03:51
How to retrieve Metatags set on image
Hi DW. Like the title says, how do I retrieve Metatags set on images? I found a tag that I could use if I am on a Product page: @GetString("Ecom:Product.Imagepackshot.Metadata.Alt") - In my product catalog I am using alt. images where my prefix is pa ...
Christian Hansen Nørgaard
29/05/2017 11:03:54
Last post: 30/05/2017 12:01:04
Klarna "remember me" option, administered by Klarna
Hi Guys, Today customer contacted me, and asked if they can have this: They are saying it's part of "standard opset" but I am not sure if that is true or not? If it is, then I guess this shoiuld have been as par ...
Dimitrij Jazel
22/05/2017 10:32:37
Last post: 22/05/2017 10:54:47
VariantCombinations loop v. vs.
Hi, I'm working with eCom and variants on a v. solution. On that one I can use the VariantCombinations loop to get the variants of the product. Inside it I can easily get the URL for the variant by using the Ecom:VariantCombination.Link.Clea ...
René Poulsen
10/05/2017 09:00:50
Last post: 10/05/2017 10:16:26
Get instagram images in Razor templates?
Hi guys, might be a stupid question... But has any of you managed to pull in images from a specific Instagram user into a Razor-template? I just need to pull in the 9 latest images from an Instagram account, but so much js-crap laying around online t ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
02/05/2017 09:32:32
Last post: 02/05/2017 20:49:56
CustomerCenter.ListTypes.Lists does not render lists
Hi, I have a bit of a strange problem with this tag: GetLoop("CustomerCenter.ListTypes.Lists") I am logged in with a user that has a number of favouritelists. But the tag does not contain any lists unless I also have "TemplateTags" in the tempate. Wi ...
Aki Ruuskanen
28/04/2017 09:34:25
Last post: 18/05/2017 16:16:14
PageTemplateExtender to use with "IF Statements"
Hi, I have one PageTemplateExtender with some Tags... this tags are printing normally. If I use in one template (DataList) is printing but if I use the "IF Statements" to check is not working... But If I use the "IF Statements" in Master template tha ...
George Nelzo Pereira
20/04/2017 15:36:16
Last post: 24/04/2017 16:56:47