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Mutliple product lists underneath the same website root
I have a site that needs two seperate product lists. The first list is made up of products that are not sold online, the second can be added to cart. I thought I might be able to just create two Product List pages, but I found that the Product List G ...
Justin Sjouw
16/03/2023 09:16:41
Last post: 31/03/2023 07:54:44
Digital Assets folder permissions
Hi guys, I am trying to do something semi schetcy and it's not working the way I thought. Maybe someone can help... I am adding a folder to Digital Assets where I upload a picture. I use that picture as an image for a product. I then change the p ...
George-Alexandru Draganoiu
20/03/2023 15:32:48
Last post: 29/03/2023 14:46:52
Swift RSS Feed
Hello Everyone I can't seem to find the documentation or the answer to my question on the site itself, so here goes. How do you create an RSS Feed in DW Swift, I do know that you need an Article List, but how to proceed from there I'm unsure. ...
Jack Hagedorn
29/03/2023 08:46:17
Last post: 29/03/2023 10:39:12
Using Robots.txt
Using Roboxts.txt Hi. In Swift Robots.txt, is a service under Swift Tools and a page, like any other page, setup with the ”Swift_PageClean.cshtml” template. But how do you use it correctly? I can insert elements like the swift text module ...
Daniel Hollmann
09/12/2021 09:37:46
Last post: 29/03/2023 09:15:49
Newsletter component
Hi! I'm working with Emails at the moment, and I would like to see more options in components. Is it possible to get an image with overlaying text, where you can change the background color and positions of the text? (see images below) I have tri ...
Johanne Glimsdal
13/03/2023 10:47:16
Last post: 24/03/2023 12:57:56
Issues here or on GitHub?
Hello, I noticed that the last months issues reported to GitHub remain completely unanswered, Do you guys want issues and questions reported here, on GitHub or both? Thanks, Justin ...
Justin Sjouw
23/03/2023 09:23:14
Last post: 24/03/2023 10:58:07
My favorites page bugged?
Hello I get random null ref exception when accessing the My favorites page. It's just like the products are in the list/lists (3 pcs, "default", "wish list" and "christmas wishes") but when I try to access them, it t ...
20/03/2023 13:50:57
Last post: 24/03/2023 10:56:53
Generated files?
Hi, After setting up a fresh copy of Swift, and adding it to one of my own repositories, I'm confronted with the fact that a lot of new files are added after first run. I have been trying to figure out where they come from and if I should want th ...
Justin Sjouw
12/01/2023 15:37:50
Last post: 23/03/2023 10:57:21
Primary page not honored
It appears that in Swift 1.19.0, the primary page set on the product group is not being honored the same on products with variants compared to standalone products (products without variants). I was testing to see if 1.19.0 had cleared up the issue re ...
Melissa Borgmann
20/03/2023 19:05:07
Last post: 22/03/2023 17:53:32
Dropdown menu position
Solution on DW 9.15.3 and Swift 1.19.0. Newest Swift update appears to have fixed the issue reported here: (where the dropdown menu runs off the screen), but intr ...
Melissa Borgmann
16/03/2023 20:50:14
Last post: 17/03/2023 16:35:37
Back in stock notification on a swift 1.16
Hi, I'm about to implement a back in stock notification at a swift 1.16. Is it possible to follow below guide on a swift? The template ex. uses templatetags. A ...
Søren Jakobsen
08/03/2023 12:42:28
Last post: 17/03/2023 15:30:40
I am trying to find the Product Details Info template, the Item Type is still there but the cshtml is gone? My best guess is that it is now replaced with Components and a product detail card, but would just like to be sure :-) https://doc.dynamicweb. ...
Justin Sjouw
16/03/2023 09:10:48
Last post: 16/03/2023 09:30:28
Verifying Pinterest field not working?
Hi DW, When using this field: I suppose it would create the necessary meta tag in the head section of the site for Pinterest to verify the site. But nothing is showing in the head section, I have tested this on a demo shop 1.19. ...
Martin Ottesen
15/03/2023 10:49:41
Last post: 15/03/2023 15:10:31
Pinch zoom on modal image
Hi All, The Media Gallery works pretty well on all devices, but I have a customer that would like to enable the user to pinch zoom in further to an image that was opened in the modal dialog on a mobile device. I'm wondering if anyone has seen tha ...
Justin Sjouw
13/03/2023 11:42:59
Last post: 14/03/2023 08:44:43
Swift Themes not considering Bootstrap Switches and Radio Buttons
Hi, DW 9.15.3 Swift 1.19.0 When we try to render switches based on bootstrap documentation they render as following (No theme selected for paragraph) It seems the checked and not checked ...
Pedro Meias
09/03/2023 16:27:55
Last post: 13/03/2023 12:27:27
Search url
Hi Swift team, Swift 1.19 Template: Swift_SearchField.cshtml The search result page does not have a pretty url and it's because of this parameter: redirect=false What is it used for? Example: With "redirect": http://skabertrang.swift.dy ...
Suzi Louring
09/03/2023 13:09:39
Last post: 09/03/2023 14:56:35
Variant dropdown and default value
Hi Swift team, Thank you for the new product variant selector :) DW: 9.15.2, Swift: 1.19.0 How can I insert a default value for variant dropdowns? ...
Suzi Louring
08/03/2023 14:49:22
Last post: 08/03/2023 16:52:43
Variant selector and pretty urls.
Hello, I have a standard Dynamicweb / swift solution and I've added a variant selector. But I'm encountering some issues when selecting the variants. When I get to the product detail list the page and url looks like this When I pick the first ...
Jack Hagedorn
08/03/2023 10:11:32
Last post: 08/03/2023 14:25:09
DW 9.15.2, Swift 1.19 - Gift card amount does not match gift card balance when applied
DW 9.15.2 Swift 1.19 Hi, On a Swift solution we added a field for gift card code input in the cart. However, when I tested I noticed that the discount provided by the gift card does not match the balance on the added gift card. Also the discount give ...
Roald Haahr
01/03/2023 10:06:02
Last post: 08/03/2023 10:27:12
Media Gallery missing code to handle dummy product
Hi, Swift_ProductDetailsGallery.cshtml is missing code to handle the dummy product in visual editor mode, now it is just: @* Get the product data *@ if (Dynamicweb.Context.Current.Items.Contains("ProductDetails")) { product = (ProductViewMo ...
Justin Sjouw
08/03/2023 09:55:25
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