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My Account front-end editing
Hi everyone, I'm trying to add soms banners and extra text to the 'My account' page via the Visual Editor but somehow the rows and columns don't appear. Is it no possibilty to add extra rows/columns? If not, is there another way to ad ...
Gitte Van Roeyen
30/08/2023 13:59:33
Last post: 30/08/2023 20:06:36
Sharing image on mobile/SMS
Hi Dw, We've recently seen that when you share a Swift website on mobile in an SMS we see the Swift logo, and I cannot seem to figure out which image I have to swap out for this image to change. Can you guide me in the right direction? Kind Regar ...
Martin Ottesen
23/08/2023 14:47:21
Last post: 25/08/2023 11:16:31
Rookie question. Where do I change the default favicon? Back in the Rapido days, it ways located in website settings. I gues I can overwrite the icon here, but is that the right way? /Files/Templates/Designs/Swift/Assets/Images/favicon.png ...
Morten Falslund
14/09/2021 09:30:33
Last post: 24/08/2023 17:14:00
Custom CSS - Swift (Error when deleting CSS)
Hi, Does anyone have an idea why I get an error code after deleting a CSS paragraph? I added the CSS to a row, then deleted the CSS paragraph and after that I got this error. How do I fix this? The error code is also not clickable, so I cant really d ...
Gitte Van Roeyen
24/08/2023 13:26:21
Last post: 24/08/2023 17:01:55
Custom Styling in Swift
Hello everyone, rookie question but I'm trying to figure out what the best practise is for adding custom styling in the Swift theme. Right now, we are working with the CSS 'Custom css' in the Swift Tools but I'm not sure if this is th ...
Gitte Vanroeyen
24/08/2023 10:23:08
Last post: 24/08/2023 10:34:00
Orderlinefields in checkout
HI, What would be the best way to implement support for orderlinefields in Swift. I tried to just render them in the template "OrderLineItem.cshtml" with the OrderlineFIelds loop and the Ecom:Order:OrderLine.OrderLineField.InputTextField.Na ...
Aki Ruuskanen
23/08/2023 16:41:41
Last post: 24/08/2023 10:16:06
Accordion fontsize
DW: 9.15.9 Swift: 1.22 How can I change the size of my accordion list item title? The styling settings is for the main title. ...
Suzi Louring
17/07/2023 11:21:16
Last post: 17/08/2023 10:17:44
Joakim Sjöbäck
04/08/2023 13:53:15
Last post: 11/08/2023 14:46:02
Pages with different headers
Hi, In Swift, how do you configure different headers to different pages? It is easy to duplicate a header but I cannot ascertain how to apply the new header to certain pages. Regards, Tomas ...
Tomas Gomez
10/08/2023 13:12:57
Last post: 10/08/2023 17:52:25
User Country is not being populated when a new user is created
Hello, DW 9.15.9 When a new user is created on the checkout, it seems the user country field is not being populated - only the country code is. Here is a printscreen of DW code Is it possible to populate the user country also? Thank you. ...
Pedro Meias
03/08/2023 22:00:02
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What is the difference between eq and q
Hi, In the demo Swift setup, what is the difference between the eq and q parameters? Thanks, Justin ...
Justin Sjouw
19/07/2023 10:55:12
Last post: 01/08/2023 10:59:22
Type ahead.facets
Hello, Is the file "Type ahead.facets" that is part of the sample repository SwiftProducts obsolete or does it serve a puporse? It has no facets defined but I'm wondering if it still has a funciton... Thanks, Justin ...
Justin Sjouw
01/08/2023 10:57:49
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Index and query issue in manage accounts search
Hi, We've noticed that on 9.15.9, with Swift update v22, there is an inconsistency for searching with special character: '&' Searching for customer 'A&A' does not return any result as expected - when searching for a custom ...
Anna Gaeta
13/07/2023 17:33:10
Last post: 14/07/2023 15:24:05
Exception on template FavoriteDetail.cshtml
Hello, Tested this on DW version 9.15.9 Swift version 1.22.0 Video showing the issue. Solution we applied. Line 75 - changed UserId: "@(Converter.ToString(Pageview.U ...
Pedro Meias
14/07/2023 04:21:21
Last post: 14/07/2023 09:55:16
Add to cart button behavior when pressing enter key after changing the quantity
Hi Please see issue on the video Enviroment used (link to product page with related products list) - DW 9.15.9 Sw ...
Pedro Meias
12/07/2023 18:48:49
Last post: 13/07/2023 17:13:00
Load More button removes Price Range facet
We noticed that the price range facet is removed after "Load More" is pressed in the product list view. We are running 9.15.5 and Swift 1.20.0. Is there any way we can incorporate the change without upgrading to the latest version? ...
Barry Geukdjian
13/07/2023 08:33:32
Last post: 13/07/2023 10:58:26
Feature Request - Show page images in Mega menu (Same as product Group Images)
Hi DW, I would love to see the possibility to use the page Images, in my mega menu just as I can use my product group images. In some cases, I might not want to use product groups for structure, but I would still like the visual aid of the images in  ...
Martin Ottesen
12/07/2023 09:40:36
Last post: 12/07/2023 14:05:17
Comptonent Vertical Row Alignment Bottom - Disables Theme?
Hi DW, As I was configuring a new swift solution, I encountered a small issue, as I wanted to push the buttons to the bottom of the Component, the buttons turned black and the theme that i had chosen seemed to disappear. In the image below i have tes ...
Martin Ottesen
10/07/2023 11:17:28
Last post: 11/07/2023 10:07:18
Feature Request - Rows Within rows
Hi DW, We sometimes have the need to include more rows within the same row. Often this comes up when we would like to either use a background image or video on a row, but we might want more than one element on top of this background. We have created  ...
Martin Ottesen
07/07/2023 13:32:40
Last post: 10/07/2023 13:03:27
Customer Center - Order overview pagination
Hi DW, We have recently found a tiny, rather funny issue. In the customer center, on the order overview, if the customer has enough orders the pages extend out to the right until there are no more pages. I have never seen another user with this many  ...
Martin Ottesen
05/07/2023 11:11:16
Last post: 07/07/2023 09:48:15