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Updating customer data from NAV without retrieving the whole list each time
Hi, In the ConnectorTestTool the example xml for "Get Customers Advanced" is: <GetEcomData Qty="10" ReimportTable="true" SetCheckpointToNow="false" CustomModifier="Test"><tables><Custom ...
Jon Thorne
14/03/2022 22:42:45
Last post: 17/03/2022 13:49:33
User orders with Integration Customer Center
HI, I am configuring an Integration Customer Center in a Swift solution with a LIve Integration. I am following instructions at In that page, the ...
Tomas Gomez
16/03/2022 13:15:52
Last post: 17/03/2022 11:23:44
BC Connection via Endpoint Management Endpoint and Authentication via OAuth2
Hi, I am trying to connect via OAuth2 to BC via a DW 9.12.3 site. First I noticed that I need to be on a 9.12.0 version to get the option to add an Access Token in the authentication information. I started with a 9.10.12 site so I am hoping that this ...
Shawn Tehini
14/01/2022 23:03:14
Last post: 16/03/2022 21:30:55
No history of order in Customer Experience Center
Hello, I have a DW solution running Swift with a connection to BC set up. I can place an order as a customer and see that order in the list of " My Orders" in the Customer Center. However, I do not see any of the historic orders (invoices). ...
Justin Sjouw
17/01/2022 11:21:58
Last post: 16/03/2022 09:21:05
Getting value for Job.LastSuccessfulRun
Hi there, I looked at the implementation of Job.LastSuccessfulRun and found this code (decompiled): public DateTime? LastSuccessfulRun { get { if (Job._logFiles.Value.Any<FileInfo>()) { Regex dataIntegrationLogFilePattern = new Regex(Regex.Esca ...
Imar Spaanjaars
15/03/2022 11:36:45
Last post: 15/03/2022 15:59:37
Endpoints at OnPremise BC
Hi, We have an OnPremise Bussines Central. The documentation for OnPremise BC ( configures the i ...
Tomas Gomez
10/03/2022 12:25:55
Last post: 15/03/2022 09:58:00
Use a different field from BC when requesting Live Stock
Hi, On a DynamicWeb 9.12.7 with latest Swift solution connected to Business Central I need to change the way the Live Integration handles stock. By Default the field (in dutch) "Voorraad" is used, but the actual available stock at this mome ...
Justin Sjouw
07/03/2022 12:25:56
Last post: 09/03/2022 21:42:04
Live Integration Prices in different Currencies
Hello, I have a solution with several languages. In English alle seems to work fine, products are shown and the prices are requested via the Live Integration. In any other language than english no prices are shown. When I check the LiveIntegration lo ...
Justin Sjouw
07/03/2022 10:07:06
Last post: 07/03/2022 13:58:56
Extension for NAV2018 similar to Business Central
Hello, I need to instruct an ERP Partner to add some additional product data. Is the documentation for Business Central ( ...
Justin Sjouw
01/03/2022 12:08:18
Last post: 07/03/2022 12:37:14
Integration Framework test tool with support for OAuth?
Hey, Any news on a test tool that supports OAuth? I can understand from our ERP partners that support for basic authentication is being discontinued soon, so it would be very helpful to have support for OAuth in the test tool. Thanks, Jonas ...
Jonas Krarup Dam
28/02/2022 10:56:29
Last post: 01/03/2022 12:57:03
User Import with Addresses
Hi, I have setup Integration Batch import for importing users and addresses from NAV. it imports users and addresses correctly but when an addresses is updated in NAV e.g. Phone number or company name then dw creates a new record for it instead of up ...
Umar Farooq
28/02/2022 15:37:32
Last post: 28/02/2022 21:22:39
Import products to create new language versions
Hi I'm want to replicate all products of one language (LANG2) into another language. Therefore I have setup an integration where both source and destination is "Ecom Provider". On the table mapping for EcomProducts I have added a condit ...
Lars Larsen
21/02/2022 13:11:09
Last post: 25/02/2022 07:51:05
Avoid Null values in Export with DataIntegration
Hi guys, I have a situation where I have to export some data using EcomProvider and import the same data in another solution using EcomProvider. The export goes well except for the empty values that are replaced with Null. Is there any (standard) way ...
Adrian Ursu
18/02/2022 20:07:32
Last post: 24/02/2022 09:12:54
Translating BC languages to DW languages
Hello forum, - I'm getting all the units from a on-prem BC (<GetEcomData><tables><Units type="all" /></tables></GetEcomData>), but I'm getting data with BC language like DAN, ENG DEU etc. which somehow  ...
Michael Knudsen
22/02/2022 09:47:01
Last post: 22/02/2022 11:38:11
AreaEcomShopId not found in Area settings
Hi guys, I have a project running on DW 9.12.x. We see a lot of these messages in the log: AreaEcomShopId not found in Area settings Everything seems to be set up correctly. Anything I have to be concerned about? Is there any way I can get rid of thi ...
Adrian Ursu
03/02/2022 13:55:15
Last post: 21/02/2022 12:18:02
Error running batch job
Hi there, I upgraded a solution to 9.12.4 and now I get this when running an integration task: License error: eCom_DataIntegrationERPBatch_BC module is not installed It's a normal Import data with custom request add-in and we're not using BC  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
25/11/2021 16:37:54
Last post: 21/02/2022 08:47:23
Inverting a boolean value during import
Hi, What would be the best (and easiest ;-)) way to invert a value during import. In the source data there is a boolen Field X, if field X = true then in DynamicWeb the field "Never out of stock" should be false. if field X = false then in  ...
Justin Sjouw
16/02/2022 17:30:04
Last post: 18/02/2022 15:48:37
ProductEAN from BC
Can anyone please tell me which field in BC ProductEAN is fetching the information from? ...
Martin Moen
20/01/2022 15:48:55
Last post: 18/02/2022 10:59:05
Update user with imported data
Hello, I'm trying to achieve a scenario where a user can register himself via the frontend with the extranet app, and when the user is added to NAV the data should be updated with the correct customer ID. User registration via the extranet app wo ...
Justin Sjouw
15/02/2022 16:55:08
Last post: 16/02/2022 08:43:15
Missing session in LiveIntegration when running as scheduled task
We are having issues with resending failed orders with a scheduled task. The session in the OrderHandler is null: It has happended after we upgraded from 9.10.xx to 9.12.7. Any help? Thanks! ...
Vincent Gercke
27/01/2022 13:06:15
Last post: 15/02/2022 08:55:34