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Forum » Integration
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Import products in several languages from BC
Hi, We need to import the products from BC in several languages. The request is: <GetEcomData><tables><Products type="all" setLanguage="LANG1" languages="ENU" /></tables></GetEcomData> And t ...
Tomas Gomez
15/06/2022 15:56:27
Last post: 21/12/2022 12:59:02
Cannot unset default language once set
Hi there, I am using the DynamicwebProvider to import data. I set the Default language by mistake: However, I can't unset it anymore in the UI. When I choose None, then Save and Close and reopen the job, the language is back. I have to manually r ...
Imar Spaanjaars
18/12/2022 15:50:06
Last post: 19/12/2022 10:09:29
Live integration - BC - permissions
Hi ! I have implemented integration to BC using DW Erp-plugin-unit. We have some batch-jobs and have enabled Live-integration. Live-prices is working fine, but have some problems with order-export. I get this error when I try to transfer an order to  ...
Jesper Splidsboel
16/12/2022 15:42:15
Last post: 16/12/2022 16:00:01
Data Integration Task Violates Primary Key Set on AccessUserTable
Hi, I found on a 9.10.13 site ( that the User Provider allows the import of duplicate values to the primary key field. Duplicates are allowed only the first time the record is created in Dynamicweb: I ...
Carolee Schuck
13/12/2022 19:30:37
Last post: 14/12/2022 18:26:52
Importing data in EcomStockUnit table leads to duplicate records
Hello, We have a dataintegration import on the EcomStockUnit table, where every import creates a new record for each row we import, because of the autonumber Id key field. The setting to delete rows that do not exist in the source does nothing. EDIT: ...
Hans Kloppenborg
14/12/2022 10:50:52
Last post: 14/12/2022 13:09:32
Yellow flags on Scheduled tasks
Hi guys, We have a project where we see very often (every day) that scheduled tasks are marked with a yellow warning. We have looked in the logs but we cannot find an obvious reason for these flags. We have assumed some tasks are overlapping and we h ...
Adrian Ursu
06/12/2022 10:54:19
Last post: 09/12/2022 19:30:10
DataIntegration - Remove missing products from multiple shops (9.12.10)
Hi, we have a client using the "Remove missing rows after import" setting on a data integration job to import products from an XMLProvider. After they've added some of their products to PIM, the client feels the option is no longer work ...
Gunnar Örn Baldursson
01/12/2022 11:26:03
Last post: 09/12/2022 11:59:04
Hi guys, We have a project running on DW 9.13.12. We have noticed (surprised) that the order XML object does not contain a node for OrderPaymentMethodFee. It has one for OrderShippingMethodfee but nothing for PaymentMethodFee. Is this a bug or some s ...
Adrian Ursu
06/12/2022 10:14:06
Last post: 08/12/2022 12:21:59
ClientCredentialType 'Default' missing from authentication configuration in Endpoint management (DW 9.14.3)
Using DW version 9.14.3 I need to connect to a BC code unit using the ClientCredentialType 'Default', and while I can connect to the code unit with a connector service, I am unable to select 'Default' as Type in the authentication con ...
Roald Haahr
30/11/2022 11:06:28
Last post: 30/11/2022 11:37:49
Live Integration - BC - There is no Currency Exchange Rate within the filter
I Get this error when I request for a price in currency = "DKK" from BC. "There is no Currency Exchange Rate within the filter" If I request for price in EUR I get a response with data. In BC default currency is "DKK" an ...
Jesper Splidsboel
29/11/2022 11:57:11
Last post: 30/11/2022 11:16:04
BC - Dynamicweb Plug-In Unit error
Hello: I need to do a Business Central cloud - DynamicWeb integration demo. Reading the dynamicweb documentation i found this: ...
Jose Caudevilla
30/11/2020 14:52:17
Last post: 22/11/2022 20:22:47
Live integration not working, stock and prices not shown
Hello. I've been having an issue with a clients Live integration with AX. The requests and response succeeds but then there is an error and no prices or stock are show: Request GetProductsInfo sent: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" ...
Goncalo Faria
21/11/2022 14:10:01
Last post: 21/11/2022 15:20:06
Order Line discount totals being set to 0
Hi DW We have a weird problem with order line discount on a solution running DW 9.14.1 and using BC14 Plug-In unit version and live integration (live integration version 7.0.3). When calculating orders/carts that includes order line discount ...
Chris Søgaard
21/10/2022 08:41:27
Last post: 16/11/2022 15:10:26
Integration Activity: Mappings are not shown if there is a tablescript that throws an exception.
Hey, If you have a tablescript that throws an exception, you cannot edit any integration activities - the mappings are simply not shown. It fails silently. Can you please make the fail visible? :-) Thanks, Jonas ...
Jonas Krarup Dam
01/11/2022 12:24:37
Last post: 16/11/2022 15:07:19
Dataintegration - mapping is missing
Hi, I have existing integration jobs and I discover an error, but can't reproduce it. Some of my mappings is missing as the images shows you. The last 4 tables has this error. Could it happen If loading is slow or I get an error loading the mappi ...
Jesper Splidsboel
10/11/2022 11:36:31
Last post: 10/11/2022 15:49:55
Error installing code unit on BC
Hi there, When we follow the installation instructions on installing the code unit for BC ( we get this error: Has anyone see ...
Imar Spaanjaars
25/10/2022 13:30:33
Last post: 08/11/2022 14:23:00
Cannot register new F&O authentication
Hi there, When attempting to register a new F&O authentication I get an error when clicking Save: Steps to reproduce: 1. Open Settings | Integration | Endpoint management 2. Click Add Authentication 3. Under Type choose OAuth 2.0 for Dynamics CRM ...
Imar Spaanjaars
04/11/2022 13:58:35
Last post: 04/11/2022 14:37:14
Excel Provider source file path not valid error
Hi, we are experiencing an issue when running an Integration Activity that uses the Excel Provider as the source provider. When setting up the source provider, we are able to select the correct location from the file picker, in this example: The loca ...
Thiago Tedesco
18/10/2022 21:55:33
Last post: 01/11/2022 14:37:17
Which BC user is used by the integration?
Hi there, When setting up OAuth for BC as documented here: we choose an AD  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
18/10/2022 13:58:44
Last post: 01/11/2022 10:27:09
Recurring order not sending to ERP
Hi there, When a new order based on a recurring order template is created, should it go through the ERP with Live Integration automatically? Currently, that's not what we see when using the AltaPay gateway (but maybe with others as well) and the  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
21/10/2022 10:38:01
Last post: 28/10/2022 15:35:06