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Forum » Integration
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Dynamics AX 2009 DynamicWeb Connector URL
We are trying to find the service URL (AX Endpoint) for the DynamicWeb Connector as installed by our customer in Dynamics AX 2009. They have followed the installation for Dynamic AX 2009 as specified in this document DynamicwebIntegrationFrameworkAxE ...
Tymen NNM
24/02/2016 13:46:54
Last post: 25/02/2016 09:51:28
Remove missing groups
Hi, I'm having a problem with the data integration and the groups. I set up a job (see screenshot) to import the groups to an ECom destination, while ticking the "remove missing rows after import" checkbox, to delete groups which are no longer in the ...
Gaetan Di Caro
22/02/2016 11:31:10
Last post: 03/02/2017 13:24:22
Integrating parts list
Hi, In a coming project, I'll probably need to import parts list products : one product made out of a several parts, each part being a choice betzeen several products. I see in the documentation how to create that in Dynamicweb, but I'm not sure how  ...
Gaetan Di Caro
16/02/2016 13:07:02
Last post: 16/02/2016 16:24:52
NAV Code units for the Integration customer center
Are there any NAV code units avalible for the Integration customer center? ...
Thomas Larsen
15/02/2016 19:29:55
Last post: 10/05/2016 12:54:43
Make it easier to work with base classes like DynamicwebProvider
Hi there, I think this should go into the Feature Requests forum, but I wanted to discuss it here first. We have some custom code that inherits DynamicwebProvider. The use case is fairly simple: execute a stored procedure before and after the job run ...
Imar Spaanjaars
11/02/2016 21:50:32
Last post: 12/02/2016 23:25:49
Multiple scheduled tasks with additional input
Hi there, I have a scheduled task that runs a data import using "Import data addin". I am specifying some custom parameters in "Data import settings". (We have a custom end point that can fork out to either Production or Test depending on the setting ...
Imar Spaanjaars
10/02/2016 11:16:37
Last post: 10/02/2016 23:35:52
Issue with group sorting
Hi there, I have the XML as show below that contains product data, a group sorting and a comma separated list of group IDs. It all works fine, except for the group sorting. No matter what's in GroupSorting, it always ends up as 0 in the database. Is  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
10/02/2016 11:13:03
Last post: 10/02/2016 23:35:28
From Source Provider To Source Reader
Hi As the titel more lor less says, i want to get some stuff from my source Provider to my source reader, what i want to move, are my 4 text bokses that look like this: [AddInParameter("username"), AddInParameterEditor(typeof(TextParameterEditor), "m ...
Casper Andersen
02/02/2016 14:11:57
Last post: 02/02/2016 15:12:51
Importing product variants with different price and stock
I have seen the video regarding simple or extended product variants that you have, but I still have a few questions: The use-case is as follows: -Products with SIZE and COLOR variants with individual price and stock information on each variant combin ...
Espen Strømsnes
01/02/2016 12:36:46
Last post: 01/02/2016 14:37:51
Template for Data integration
Hi Guys, Is there a way to create templates for Data Integration activities? I see a few already populated but I assume they came with the standard installation: ErpDataImport, ErpOrderExport etc. Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
31/01/2016 13:29:48
Last post: 01/02/2016 09:08:17
Communication between Windows service and Dynamics Nav webservice
Hello All We have an issue with an integration of a dynamicweb webshop to a Microsoft Dynamics Nav 2013R2. When we use the Dynamicweb Service Test App we get the following Response: "Parameter request in method Process in service DWWebService2 is nul ...
Søren Hinrup
25/01/2016 16:07:40
Last post: 16/05/2017 12:37:16
Liveintegration - shipping fee
Using (almost)standard live-integration as supplied from DW, we have som strange behavoir, when getting data for an order from NAV. We are getting user specific prices for at loggedin customer, and setting those prices on the order. That is all fine. ...
Kenneth Radoor
18/01/2016 14:39:25
Last post: 25/01/2016 10:18:14
Importing users with UserProvider
Hi guys, Have a deadline on this one today, would appreciate allot for your help on this one... 1) Created Export activity with source "user provider" - XML as destination - generates XML all ok. 2) Created Import activity on the same site, where XML ...
Dmitrij Jazel
15/01/2016 12:02:54
Last post: 18/01/2016 09:52:38
Data Integration XSL Entity
Hi, We are importing some products from an XML File with a XSL Transformation. Several product names have ® reg and ™ trade symbols and when rendering without any output escaping in front-end the product/page title will render  reg;. To solv ...
António Ramos
21/11/2015 11:18:38
Last post: 23/11/2015 16:29:21
Item provider set paragraph name
Hi. I'm importing data into Paragraph Items. I can't seem to set the "ParagraphName" - It defaults to the Id of the item. I tryed the "NewPageName" but no luck. This is to make is more user friendly when browsing the items in the backend and selectin ...
Mikkel Høst
28/10/2015 19:01:39
Last post: 30/10/2015 10:24:58
RE: Insert Label in Live Integration AddIn
Hello, I'm extending some functionalities from the Live Integation Project. I was sorting the parameters in the backoffice AddIn by type (ex: all parameters for the orders sorted together), and I would like to place a label in the beginning of that ' ...
Gonçalo Assunção
30/09/2015 17:44:59
Last post: 01/10/2015 10:06:32
Data integration module: Missing NewPageName in new ItemProvider
After upgrading to DW 8.7, I noticed a data integration job that failed. Unfortunately the new ItemProvider is NOT backwards compatible (I must have missed it in de release notes). Trying to rebuild the job with the new ItemProvider I missed the NewP ...
Ben Doorn
15/09/2015 11:14:01
Last post: 30/10/2015 10:36:47
UI for User Provider gets clipped
HI there, Looks like the recent changes in the User Provider increased the height of the form controls so the UI is now clipped. It's workable in the wizard (although it gets clipped there too) but you can no longer change the mail template through t ...
Imar Spaanjaars
13/09/2015 23:16:59
Last post: 16/09/2015 02:04:13
Notifications.Standard.Page.OnGlobalTags running more than once
Hi I am using the Live Integration project on a solution. This project uses the Notifications.Standard.Page.OnGlobalTags event. But the problem is, that the OnNotify method runs more than one time for each page request. Any idea why this is happening ...
Lars Larsen
10/06/2015 14:18:07
Last post: 12/06/2015 10:46:29
CSV Data Integration is just starting
Hi People... Someone know why sometimes one Batch (Data integration) is executing just this "starting batch" and dont give any error? I'm using csv file to ecom products provider Sometimes is wo ...
George Nelzo Pereira
09/06/2015 15:18:10
Last post: 10/06/2015 12:52:25