Developer forum
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Searchmodule should include ParagraphTitle
It seems that the current Search module in DW, does not including ParagraphTitle (the title of a paragraph in its serach). It would be nice if it did :) ...
07/05/2008 11:26:15
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Nyheder V2
Der er ønske om, at arkiv funktionen på nyheder v2 modulet virker en smule anderledes.
I typiske nyheds moduler bliver et arkiv brugt til at have artikler, som ikke p.t er nyhedsrelevante, men hvor man som bruger godt kan have interesse ...
25/04/2008 11:21:35
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Multiple addresses on users
Addning multiple addresses to users and enable the user to assign different addresses for different purposes.
One addresss is used for delivery another for billing and another for invoices.
In e-com the right address should be shown in the r ...
25/04/2008 08:51:07
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login features enhancement
Hi, At the present login error messages are only available in danish or english. We should be able to change them according to the language layer. For the "Recover password" feature, the system should analize if the e-mail exists or not. If it does " ...
08/04/2008 12:32:29
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create menus
Hi, For footer, special menus and support menus, we could create a set of "links" for internal pages, external pages or even files, that would act as menus, instead of having to create blank pages redirecting to the original page. Nuno ...
03/04/2008 13:36:26
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news + image gallery
Hi, I would like to open for discussion a request very common in Portugal. Clients often want to associate an image gallery to a news. We have to create a link to a pop-up window, or redirect to another page manually. Any ideias on better ways to do ...
28/03/2008 19:25:38
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custom fields enhancement
Hi, For people used to work with Dynamicweb, specially with the forms module, looks odd to see the "dropdown" field type, seperated from the rest of the field types. Couldn't this feature he added to the list? The radio button feature is not mentione ...
26/03/2008 11:37:23
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force download
Hi, When creating links to files, would be great if there was a checkbox to force download to that link, similar to what happens in file publishing. nuno ...
25/03/2008 18:38:16
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checkbox compulsory
Hi, Because of "I agree with the terms and conditions" usage in some forms, the "colpulsory" option in checkbox fields in the forms module should be available Nuno ...
24/03/2008 19:58:13
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