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Forum » Feature requests
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Booking module - allowed and dissallowed dates
Hi, I would like the following to be added to the booking module: Add the option to exlude resources, services and calender from beeing bookable in defined date and time intervals. Add the option to dissallow booking of all resources, services and ca ...
Thomas Nielsen
28/06/2012 15:58:53
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5 things to improve the daily use of Dynamicweb
Dynamicweb is a very good cms, but some things have been bugging my customer for a long time and they would love to see it improved: 1. A trash bin in eCom so that if you delete groups or products you can get them back. 2. All editor windows using th ...
Per Søgaard
21/06/2012 16:42:49
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Possibility to have multiple imports to the same table AND delete old rows
Possibility to have multiple imports to the same table AND delete old rows ... without any custom development See: Large organization ...
Morten Bengtson
01/06/2012 11:12:41
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PageID added to login page allowing for link to page edit directly
Hi, We have a customer which uses an external search provider (Searchimprove) and in the backend of the search system a "CMS" button is provided. This button should take the editor from the page list provided in Searchimprove to the page ed ...
Sten Hougaard
14/05/2012 14:34:35
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Newsletter description tag
Hi, The range of available tags in the newsletter groups liste is limited to id and name. A client of ours requeste the group description to be available here too. Is that possible? BR. Lars ...
Lars Hejgaard Sørensen
01/05/2012 09:17:02
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Product Loop from related/associated groups loop
On my product view page I also want to display the rest of the products in the selected product group. I have had need for this loop several times and can't quite figure out why it is not there. "The product can be member of more groups" yo ...
Rune Skovbo
11/04/2012 13:43:34
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eCom: Searching for an order's previous CART-id
Hi, In the eCom order listing: Any thoughts on making it possible to search for a CART[ID] , which returns the ORDER[ID], the CART[ID] was "morphed" into, when the order went through checkout? ...
Jacob Bertelsen
03/04/2012 16:03:36
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Related products folder
It would be nice if you could point to a folder containing related products, instead of have to point to each individual product. That would also make the sorting of the related products easier. /Rune ...
Rune Skovbo
06/02/2012 09:49:05
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Pages Bulk Properties
Hi, Would be great if we could edit multiple pages at once: - have a tree view will all pages and a checkbox for each page (select what pages to manipulate) Have all available page options/properties except: - name, metadata and url - shortcut - dire ...
Nuno Aguiar
05/01/2012 10:37:32
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getImage.aspx advanced limitation
Hi, Would be great if we could prevent the image handler from manipulating images by a certain criteria: example: - if original width <= 1024px - if original height <= 768px - if original size <= 90Kb What I am trying to achieve is to have t ...
Nuno Aguiar
05/01/2012 10:24:44
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Extended search - speed optimize with more cache options
Hi DWs It would be great if I could cache some more of the filters in the extended search to get some more speed on the result. The search index is only updated once a day (during the night) on one of our current solutions, so the extended search cou ...
Peter Bille Larsen
04/01/2012 15:50:25
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authenticated user tags as global tags
Hi, Would be nice that, in the same way cart tags are available on the page template, the authenticated user tags could be as well this way: we could access any authenticated user information on a page level This would prevent having to set up the ex ...
Nuno Aguiar
29/12/2011 13:37:16
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change username
Hi, Would be great if we could update the username, like it was possible in the old Intranet/Extranet module. We have some clients that want the e-mail to be their username (similar to paypal), but after registring they cannot change it. This poses a ...
Nuno Aguiar
28/12/2011 20:25:08
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Change language in frontend
Hi, Would be great if we could 1. change the language through one single parameter 2. have a navigation for available languages Situation 1 Consider the URL - If we loaded &culture=pt-PT the  ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/12/2011 10:27:47
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Separate device layout/paragraph folders
Hi, Choosing "Device layouts" for a given page, I would like to keep "Phone", "Tablet" and normal layout-files separated in folders, so it would be impossible to choose "Phone"-layouts for "Tablet", & ...
Jacob Bertelsen
19/12/2011 11:49:49
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eCom groups - Show in menu
I have a page with a product list showing eCom groups. I also have an eCom menu where you can also see the eCom groups. When I go to eCom and edit an eCom group and deselect "Show in menu" item disappears in eCom menu but not on the list vi ...
Per Søgaard
09/12/2011 15:17:32
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DIBS optional parameters
Hi, Will you consider extending the DIBS checkout handler with optional parameters? We actually need to use the "capturenow" parameter, but it is not possible to include when using auto-post. DIBS parameters: ...
Morten Bengtson
05/12/2011 16:45:14
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Add support for SSL, Port number, Username/password on smtpserver
Would be nice if we could get addtional settings when added a smtpserver to globalsettings / control panel. SSL True/False Port number Username Password ...
Jais Edelmann
22/11/2011 21:53:57
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Canonical link ecom
We would like to have canonical links on category page, product cards and product list in ecom to prevent duplicate content. ...
Peter Bille Larsen
14/11/2011 13:22:18
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Custom userfield templatetags
I am missing tags for custom userfield when the user is logged in. All standard field is avaliable, but not any of the custom fields. Can you please take a look at this and add tags for custom fields in a future release? ...
Janus Lock
10/11/2011 08:29:40
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