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Sales Discount UX optimizations
It's a bit confusing for the admins when a sales discount that is deactivated by the End Date still displays as active.
I know it does not apply the discount if the current date is after the End Date of the discount but it is still confusing.
Maybe y ...
Adrian Ursu
04/03/2015 13:48:59
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Sort variants
Hi, On the product level, would be important to be able to sort the variant groups when assigned to a poduct. Example: I product A, you assign variant group X then Y You get X + Y variants If the client makes a mistake and wanted Y + X - he needs to ...
Nuno Aguiar
23/02/2015 13:32:30
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Rasmus Pedersen
18/02/2015 13:55:06
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Master Razor include
Hi, To optimize our work we have a series of functions and helpers we need in most/all templates. We then decided to include a generic razor file in all our templates, to ensure we managed all of our functions and helpers in a single place. However w ...
Nuno Aguiar
18/02/2015 11:25:00
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RE: ItemPublisher - sort by activationdate
Hi, In itemPublisher it is possible to search by creationdate. However, I have come across needing to search via activationdate instead. I am in need of this in a news list of articles. I am using the activationdate / deactivationdate as date fields, ...
Jan Sangill
17/02/2015 09:03:45
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RE: OMC Lead Tool - Email notifications
Hi, Right now the email notification contains all the leads sorted by EI. We would like to send out email notifications containing leads that meet some more specific criterias than just all potential leads based on the EI within a given time period. ...
Jens Jakob Vedel Kristensen
12/02/2015 11:46:37
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Setting editor profile for the "Newsletter v3" module
Hi It would be so nice if it was possible to set an editor configuration for the "Newsletter v3" module. Could be set in the "Management Center - Control Panel - Modules - Newsletter v3". Often an editor would have one restricted editor configuration ...
Lars Larsen
21/11/2014 15:10:53
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Data Integration: know which schema to use
Hi, We're experiencing quite some problems with getting customers to follow a (csv or any other option) schema to import data to DW using Data Integration. I've had some trouble as well figuring out what to use in for example the situation in which w ...
Tom Kamphuis
19/11/2014 13:04:14
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Martin Grønbekk Moen
17/11/2014 11:10:20
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New Translation Engine
Hi, I lot the new translation interface and how to use them in Razor, however I have a few suggestions for the new translation engine: The file template selection lost the "Translate" icon - Now we cannot locally see what translations are used Can it ...
Nuno Aguiar
31/10/2014 13:40:47
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Ecom - Login redirects to 1st step
Hi On a checkoutflow I have multiple steps before the final checkout. For example: If I prompt the user to log in on Step 2, they get redirected to the first step. Would be great to be able keep them on the same step! Thanks! ...
Lars Pham
21/10/2014 14:43:11
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Copy field when creating itemtype
I don't know if this has been requested before, but i really need the ability to copy complex fields when creating an itemtype. Its rather time consuming to have to create complex fields again on the same itemtype if they have alot of values, like a ...
Morten Fink Eriksen
21/10/2014 13:41:43
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Option to choose wether items are actually deleted from table
Hi, As it is now with items they are not actually deleted if they are removed from a paragraph. The reference to the item is simply removed from the paragraph row. I would like to somehow be able to delete the actual item if it is removed from a para ...
Sten Hougaard
17/10/2014 10:05:27
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Users grouped by customer
Hi Guys, I have faced a lot lately the need to group Customers under an Company (or Client) entity. It happens a lot in B2B scenarios where an entity called Company (or client) has several users that place orders in the name of the company. And in ER ...
Adrian Ursu
16/10/2014 11:06:35
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Assortments for Anonymus users
Hi Guys, I am trying to use the new Assortments functionality but our use case is somehow different than the current implementation. Our use case assumes that Anonymus users or Authenticated users that dont't have an associated assortment, will see t ...
Adrian Ursu
16/10/2014 11:02:46
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Double opt-in for user creation and newsletter subscribe
Hi All, I could not find anything about a double opt-in system for user authentication or newsletter subscribe, therefore I assume it does not exist. I believe nowadays double opt-in is a widely used feature of both CMS and eCommerce applications. It ...
Adrian Ursu
06/10/2014 13:46:29
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ProductCategoryFields of type checkbox through be enumerable
ProductCategoryFields of type checkbox can have multiple items selected. Currently the results come back as a comma delimited string in "Value". If only one item is selected then "OptionLabel" will exist, otherwise "OptionLabel" won't exist. OptionLa ...
Scott Forsyth
19/09/2014 23:49:03
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Forgot password improvements
For a client we needed some more fields than username and password. In the forgot password email template only username and password is available and no other standard user fields.
Also the injected javascript alerts are not pretty. I think it is tim ...
Remi Muller
05/09/2014 15:33:21
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Pagename - Use in URL field
On Page Properties there is a field "Use in URL". This field is created as max 50 characters. This is an unessasary problem for our customer who uses long page names... /Torben ...
Torben Bak Jensen
30/06/2014 15:26:55
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Metadata in File Manager
Hi, Sometimes we need metadata to be available in multiple folders. It would be great if we could set the metadata to an entire folder structure (subfolders), so the user does not need to create meta fields for galleries and they would exist automati ...
Nuno Aguiar
18/03/2014 10:59:54
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