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Pages/Items based on Page Templates should be Unpublished as default
best thing would perhaps, if it could inherit the settings on the Page Template, but at least it should be Unpublished as default, as you 99% of the time will want to add or edit content before publishing. As it is now, it´s published as defaut, and ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
03/07/2017 16:03:43
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User Details - Addresses
Hi, we have a field for house number in default address... It's possible to have this field in Addresses when we edit? ...
George Nelzo Pereira
30/06/2017 16:08:12
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Responsive Flexwin
Hi Dynamicweb, As DIBS has depricated their PaymentWindow and recommend using the Flexwin can you please add the "decorator: responsive" ( Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
30/06/2017 00:07:38
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Confirm profile changes with password
Hi Dynamicweb, We are trying to implement a solution where users have to confirm profile changes with entering the current password, but this does not seems to be supported as it only works if the user changes the current password at the same time. I ...
Anders Ebdrup
29/06/2017 23:31:58
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User/Group ID in user/group card
Hi, Much like with Products, would be nice to see the User ID in the User card. I'd suggest in either the User Info or the Audit sections. Best Regards, Nuno. ...
Nuno Aguiar
23/06/2017 12:58:02
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Allow sorting on custom fields - Order History
Hi, In the customer center module, would be nice if we could sort by custom fields through query string parameters. Currently when we need to do this, we need to switch to the Data Management module, for this simple feaure. Best Regards, Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
07/06/2017 13:48:05
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Data Integration: ProductCreated and ProductUpdated in EcomProvider
Hi, It would be great if the EcomProvider could handle ProductCreated and ProductUpdated. It would make sense if ProductCreated was set the first time a product was imported and ProductUpdated wat set when a match was found. You should be able to tur ...
Mikkel Ulstrup
17/05/2017 15:52:41
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Have an option to instruct the item dropdown to exclude items on inactive paragraph
Hi, It will be usefull to have an option in the OptionItem attribute to control what to do with inactive items. I have a dropdown field in an itemtype which is listing all paragraph items of a specific type, however when i disable the paragraph the i ...
Ben Doorn
11/05/2017 12:26:59
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Language-settings: Unpublish pages and items by default
In language control settings, when new pages and items are created and set to "deactive new pages/items", pages and items for language versions are created and set to "Hide in Menu". Feature Request: Make it possible to control publication setting fo ...
Mikkel Casper
10/05/2017 11:26:56
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Width of custom fields
Hi guys, We have a site where the description of items in a category field or product for an ecommerce product are very long. Some fields also start with the same series of characters making it impossible to distinguish items (see dump). Is it possib ...
Imar Spaanjaars
07/05/2017 12:58:06
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GLS Parcelshop - opening hours
Missing opening hours for the parcelshops. This is extremely relevant. ...
Martin Chirazi
04/05/2017 15:49:01
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Product default images as shop layered config
It's only possible to set the default image as a global setting in the management center. If you have multiple shops this is not appropriate, you need to be able to have different default images for each shop. ...
Martin Chirazi
04/05/2017 13:11:18
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Activate and Deactivate Item Relation List Elements
For elements in the item field type item relation list, it would be really useful if it was possible to activate and deactivate elements in the list. It would also be useful if it was possible to set the time for activation and deactivation of these ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
19/04/2017 12:08:35
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Improve Add Page/Paragraph
Hi, Adding paragraphs When we can't add standard paragrahs, the title still shows, taking up unnecessary space and confusing the user (dump 1) Would be important to somehow sort the items. Sorting them out alphabetically is nice, but does not fit mos ...
Nuno Aguiar
10/04/2017 13:26:28
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Item Allowed Parents
Hi, Would be great if we could also have a list of all of the Items on the "Allowed parents" in "Restrictions" of an Item (dump #1) We have 1 Email Page Item page and 1 Email Paragraph Item. We apply restrictions on the page, to only allow creating E ...
Nuno Aguiar
10/04/2017 13:17:17
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Show notification when
I like the "Get from form" option in Forms for Editors as it easily allows a content manager to change the From address to the submitting user. However, it currently has a usability flaw. When a content manager checks off that field, and no field in ...
Imar Spaanjaars
30/03/2017 16:59:42
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Manage all reviews from a single location
Hi there, Now that some functionality has been moved from the Management Center to the Ecommerce node, I think it's time for another node there: Reviews. It would be great to see all reviews across all products in a single list and manage them there ...
Imar Spaanjaars
26/03/2017 16:42:04
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Right click options in Content tree menu
Hi Guys, I know it;s not a priority, but i put this request in for the time you will get to it. For the right click menu,on the tree nodes, it would be nice and helpful to have a shortcut to Publish/Unpublish and Hide in menu. Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
26/03/2017 13:36:14
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Google Places API for Address Validation
HI Guys, Have you considered adding Google Places API for address Validation? It looks like they have a pretty interesting daily limit for free calls: 150.000/day. Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
26/03/2017 13:17:32
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Module settings with language versioning
Hi, Working with languages we have icons that tell us when a paragraph field is just like the master or has language specific value, giving us the option to revert back to the master version (see attachment). However we don't have that for the module ...
Nuno Aguiar
24/03/2017 13:01:41
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