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Check if an image exist
Hi! I have a assigned 2-6 images for a product and added custom image patterns, but as the number of images can vary I only want to display image patterns that really have an attached image. I'm defining the patterns in the product catalog module and ...
Per Ljung
12/03/2012 13:27:09
Last post: 05/04/2012 14:56:27
PM Produkt destination XML or SQL error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'testfelt'
Vi forsøger at importere nogle test produkter via XML og har tilføjet et custom felt "testfelt". Når vi forsøger at importere disse test produkter oplever vi en import fejl: PM Produkt destination XML or SQL error ...
Morten Fink Eriksen
28/02/2012 15:58:49
Last post: 04/04/2012 17:16:42
EcomOrderCustomerNumber dosen't work
On the orderpage im trying to overwrite the default AccessUserCustomerNumber with a user defined. I have a input field like this <input type="text" title="CVR"" id="EcomOrderCustomerNumber" name="EcomOrderCu ...
Marco Johannesen
02/04/2012 14:32:06
Last post: 03/04/2012 14:32:00
Change Extranet user Timeout
Hello DW, I have a question for you. Lets's there is a webshop, that allows access only to the Extranet users, there is time-limit (default about 15min.) how long can they be idle while logged-in until they will be logged of automatically. It should ...
Dmitrij Jazel
28/03/2012 15:48:50
Last post: 03/04/2012 08:41:36
Change productid in form
Hi! I have product page with a dropdownlist of related products. When choose a product in the list I want change the product id attribute of the form so that when the customer clicks the "buy-button" it's the product choosed form the list t ...
Per Ljung
22/03/2012 09:48:32
Last post: 28/03/2012 16:20:36
Problem with search function
Hi! I have problem with the search function for products. The function works when I use the standard form with an input field and button to click on, but it does not work when I use the autocomplete feature. Is it possible that someone can take a loo ...
Per Ljung
12/03/2012 09:42:35
Last post: 28/03/2012 15:03:15
Multiple set of e-com variants and updated info
We have set up multiple sets of variantoptions in ecom with separate dropdowns for each set on the product page (one for size, one for colour etc.).
How can we make the product variant info update (reload with the right info) when one of the dropdown ...
Per Søgaard
28/11/2011 09:31:36
Last post: 28/03/2012 12:13:01
Show group in navigation in xslt
Hi there. I have a xslt menu that renders some ecomgroups, and i would like to only show those that have the group setting show in menu enabled. What is the attribute to test for in the xslt to see wether it's set or not? Am running dw Regar ...
Christoffer Andersen
21/02/2012 09:17:54
Last post: 28/03/2012 12:01:06
6523: Bug - Sales Discounts
This is fixed in
6523: Bug
Title: Amount discount is only applied once even if quantity is doubled or tripled
Description: Previously amount discounts did not stack with quantity, this has been fixed This fix result in another problem: I us ...
Michael Stigaard Sørensen
16/02/2012 10:04:16
Last post: 27/03/2012 09:20:33
Discount total price
Hi I need to get a total discount price of an order. Is there a tag for this? Will appreciate greatly any help!
Antonio ...
Antonio Amézquita Ganoza
20/03/2012 14:39:55
Last post: 22/03/2012 10:47:07
Multiple groups in url
I am experiencing a problem when including multiple groups in the url that seems to be related to groupids looking similar, so they get parsed incorrectly. It seems that if i have a group say "GroupID=GROUP2" and then likewise have a group ...
Morten Fink Eriksen
21/03/2012 17:47:10
Last post: 22/03/2012 09:05:11
Editor Customfields are not height enough
Hi DW, When creating custom product fields of type "editor", you're bound to the default height that a developer some fit for a everybody. (At least as far as i know)
The height of 150 pixels doens't suit all our clients, and we've had a fe ...
Martin Nielsen
21/03/2012 16:04:50
Last post: 22/03/2012 08:21:26
eCom product Category?
Hello DW, As you have standard installation of DW7, you have products that are located in the groups.
Eventually you can include those groups in navigation and do all different things with it. I was wondering, if there is a possibility to add a Categ ...
Dmitrij Jazel
13/03/2012 16:04:07
Last post: 20/03/2012 02:10:52
Can't make Related products list work
Hi! I have written this to a template and both tried to use it as a product list template and a product detail template, but there is no output. The loop does not work, I have the Related Products module installed. What can be wrong? <!--@LoopStar ...
Per Ljung
12/01/2012 17:55:49
Last post: 16/03/2012 17:25:03
Ecom Group : Related groups
It's possible to attatch related groups on a ecom group, but i can't find any Template Tags to loop through these. How is this supposed to work? ...
Simon Larsen
16/01/2012 14:06:06
Last post: 16/03/2012 17:16:05
Shipping prices
Hi, we have a situation where the customer in ecom can be either private or business and depending of that the shipping price will be different. Is there a recommended way to do it? Or can we just make something like this in the shipping module? Post ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
23/01/2012 16:14:45
Last post: 16/03/2012 17:01:19
eCom navigation disappears
Hey guys :-) My client has a website with 4 dwnavigations, the first one of them is a ecom navigation which got the frontpage as parentid.
As long i'm on a productpage/frontpage the ecom navigation is shown, if i move to ex, a contact page, the ecom ...
Kasper Jensen
16/03/2012 16:24:58
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Import products to more than one produt group
Hi, this may be a simple question and it may have been addressed in other threads, but I couldn't find any in the forum? DW version: QUESTION: Is it possible to import products via XML to destination group as well as several other product gr ...
Jens Jakob Kristensen
08/03/2012 16:42:29
Last post: 11/03/2012 05:16:51
Customer orderfields in xslt
Hi! How can I access custom order fields using xslt? I've tried this, but no luck: xsl:value-of <xsl:value-of select="Ecom.Order.Field.CustomerType" /> <xsl:value-of select="CustomerType" /> <xsl:value-of select=&qu ...
Per Ljung
24/01/2012 16:30:00
Last post: 09/03/2012 16:04:41
Adding a payment type to the cart via Ajax?
Hi There I am trying to recreate the updateCart() function via ajax, and I ran into a problem,
my function doesn´t update the payment total in the Ajax cart I call/or in another words the payment type doens´t get submitted to the cart.. I ...
Antonio Amézquita Ganoza
29/02/2012 12:40:52
Last post: 07/03/2012 09:20:33