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Price Provider, PreparePrices method question
Hello guys, We have application: It is yet another DW shop, with product field filters, and about 1500 products. Search index is made automatically every 5 minutes. all goes well. Except for this method here: public override void PreparePrice ...
Dmitrij Jazel
13/03/2014 16:03:50
Last post: 17/03/2014 12:54:17
meta description
I want tho set the Meta Description if it is empty. Whith this I can change the text of the description: pageView.Meta.MetaTags.Remove("Description"); pageView.Meta.MetaTags.Add("Description", "text"); But before I chang ...
Paul Nilsson
23/09/2011 08:49:48
Last post: 13/03/2014 10:19:28
Tax Provider OR Price Provider
Hi, We have a client that want's to set tax free for specific users (users are international companies - DW usergroup) billing/shipping to outside our country (the international part of it :P) We never developed a Price Provider nor a Tax Provider. W ...
Nuno Aguiar
10/03/2014 12:28:40
Last post: 13/03/2014 09:49:39
Default value for itemfield
Hi, Using the Code First approch I have made an item with an itemfield of type DateTime. The field should have todays date as the default value. Therefore I have added this line of code "[DefaultValue("@Code(System.DateTime.Now)")]". But still new it ...
Lars Larsen
27/02/2014 13:06:14
Last post: 13/03/2014 08:45:17
News comments - notifying and editing
A client of ours is using the standard News comments functionality. However, they would like to be able to send a comment to the other users in the comment thread whenever a new comment has been made, and they would also like users to be able to modi ...
Peter Terkildsen
12/03/2014 10:23:48
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Get path for Files directory
Lets say i would like to load an XML file from razor using xDocument. How would i go about getting the destination/path to the files directory using c# ofc. Everything i tried, is returning the /Appliaction(8.x.x) folder ( Getting the root path ) Is  ...
Jonas Mersholm
11/03/2014 11:07:17
Last post: 11/03/2014 14:44:23
Smart Search results in SQL
Hi, Is there any way to get smart searches results in SQL? We were trying to create a data feed in Data Publishing, and wanted to use Smart Searches (easier for the client) and output the data in Data Publishing. Can we do this? Otherwise we will use ...
Nuno Aguiar
10/03/2014 16:06:42
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NLB Best Practices
More often we came across clients that want their solutions hosted in NLB and when hosting their own solutions they usually want their Application folder to be unique and in the network share instead of having one Application per server. I have notic ...
Diogo Brito
26/02/2014 22:06:10
Last post: 06/03/2014 18:49:22
Priceprovider doesn't work
Hi, FindPrice has been overridden in custom dll, but after DIBS payment comfirmed and DIBS updated order with payment data, the recalculate order line seems use the standard price provider and save the standard price in the database. We use DW versio ...
Judy Zhang
05/03/2014 11:36:41
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Slow product view in shop
Hi I have a problem with extrem long loadtime on productdetails view and i know why (Se debug list below). When i click on a product the page generates a ton of requst to the database, but why? I get thousand of the following DB select. 10:50:32.365  ...
Henrik Madsen
01/03/2014 12:07:37
Last post: 05/03/2014 10:24:52
Email sent notifier
Hello! I am using the EmailRecipientProvider, but how do I mark that an email has been successfully sent to an user, so I am not sending the same email twice? Do we have a notifier or something like that? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
27/02/2014 12:50:19
Last post: 04/03/2014 15:25:53
using PriceMatrix
I noticed that you have a pricematrix object in you ecom namespace. I was curious as to how and if this object can be used. Is it working? How is it stored in the database? are there any examples anywhere on how it is used? kind regards Sune Fengel ...
09/06/2009 11:59:05
Last post: 04/03/2014 10:33:37
Internal/friend TaskType
Hi Dw, Why is SystemTools.ScheduledTasks.TaskType made internal/friend? Wouldn't be an idea to be able to use the same enum when creating an add-in for the task scheduler? It seems like a lot of the functionality for this is marked as internal/friend ...
Anders Ebdrup
28/02/2014 08:22:56
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Rendering Custom Tags on Page.OnOutput
Hi hope someone can give a little guidence. I have a cs library creating assets for a DW 8.3. the Library.dll is being passed to the DW Application bin directly and all is cool. I have an ItemType set at page level adding additional properties to eac ...
Kevin O''Driscoll
25/02/2014 17:51:38
Last post: 27/02/2014 15:29:31
Shipping fee
Hi folks. I am creating a custom fee calcuation wich i am trying to implement in the cart module. What i want to do is. 1) calculate fee according to weight and volume of the order. 2) generate and display the different delivery options with fee as r ...
Aksel Andersen
26/02/2014 11:09:44
Last post: 26/02/2014 12:40:26
product.Discount class crashing solution
Hello, We've got a problem with the following code. The problem is, that it will cause both VS and the solution to crash, when we run it and ask directly to the product.Discounts class. Also tested on the latest DW 8.4 version Our test price provider ...
Martin Gammelholm
20/02/2014 09:45:34
Last post: 26/02/2014 11:30:53
News:Manchet in Razor
Hi DW, I'm trying to render a news Manchet if it exists, and if not, render the first x chars. The code goes as like this @if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty( l.GetString("News:Manchet") ) ) { <div class="teaser">@l.GetValue("News:Manchet")</div> } ...
Jonas Mersholm
26/02/2014 08:48:10
Last post: 26/02/2014 11:16:31
Created a test site, and get an error
Hi I have created a test site that runs locally, to make sure that the custom modules of the solution work in DW 8. I have made a copy of the application folder and the database. The test site should use the same files folder as the main solution. I  ...
Kevin Krämer
25/02/2014 14:49:32
Last post: 25/02/2014 16:03:04
Items enum editor
Hi all, Do anyone know how to make a CheckboxListEditor which consists of an enum? I have tried this approach, but with no checkboxes rendered: [Group("Location")] [Name("Lokationer")] [Field("Locations", typeof(Dynamicweb.Content.Items.Editors.Check ...
Anders Ebdrup
25/02/2014 10:23:26
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FeeProvider for PaymentFee and ShipingFee
Hi DW, Is it possible to create a FeeProvider that only run on a PaymentFee and not on ShippingFee and visa versa? I have a issue with a FeeProvider that is made for handeling custom shipping fees, but this provider also runs on payment fee, which i  ...
Martin Nielsen
20/02/2014 16:25:12
Last post: 24/02/2014 11:43:41