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eCom - Copy of a product
Hi There, is there a possibility to copy a product? it would make our life much easier to copie a product, edit it afterwards and make a new product of it. Thanks and greetings! ...
20/05/2009 15:04:31
Last post: 25/05/2009 16:17:19
Create list of users from Extranet?
Is it possible to extract a list of users from the Extranet-module? Ex. a list of members, employees etc. to be displayed on a regular webpage. If possible - then how do I do it? :-) All the best, Peter Wikke Esbjerg/DK ...
25/05/2009 09:55:47
Last post: 25/05/2009 10:07:46
Import custom productsfields
Hello everybody! I have created some productsfields (Kolli antal, Stykpris etc). I would like to have them imported using the ecom import/export function. I have tried to export some of the existing products but the export doesn't contain any of the  ...
20/05/2009 10:34:38
Last post: 20/05/2009 15:46:57
Extranet user currency
When a extranet user is logging on the web shop, the currency set on the Language/Area is not overruled by the users setting, unless the Ecom Internationalization module is activated. Is this correct? ...
19/05/2009 11:02:44
Last post: 20/05/2009 12:50:30
Column 'ParagraphPreview' does not belong to table Table
Hello I made a clean install on DW version with MS SQL. I can create Pages but when trying to create a paragraph i get the error: [ArgumentException: Column 'ParagraphPreview' does not belong to table Table.] System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColu ...
19/05/2009 12:42:45
Last post: 19/05/2009 15:06:14
Local DW install with SQL DB
I've installed a local DW copy for development purposes using a local SQL Server database. I can log on to the admin backend - I can create pages in the site tree - but when I try to save a new page paragraph, I get the following error: "Kolonne ...
18/05/2009 12:00:25
Last post: 19/05/2009 13:54:48
Column 'ParagraphPreview' does not belong to table Table
Hello I made a clean install on DW version with MS SQL. I can create Pages but when trying to create a paragraph i get the error: [ArgumentException: Column 'ParagraphPreview' does not belong to table Table.] System.Data.DataRow.GetDataColu ...
19/05/2009 12:39:44
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Ecom - Cart Quantity xslt
Hi, When I look at the xml output I don't see a total quantity tag/loop. The only thing I can see is this: Xml Output: - <Ecom.Order.OrderLine.Quantity.Form> - <![CDATA[<form action="/Default.aspx" name="QuantityFormCART3&q ...
14/05/2009 11:36:57
Last post: 14/05/2009 14:55:55
Use extranet customfield in orderform
I have created a field named "cvr" in extranetextended. How do I get this value inserted in the eCom orderform? I have tried with --@DWextranet_Cvr_Value-- but notthings happens?! Any good ideas? ...
12/05/2009 09:05:29
Last post: 12/05/2009 10:45:52
eCom groupmenu - sort listing
I have inserted the group from eCom in my left menu. I would like to have them listet as they are in the backend, but the only seem to be listet alphabetic. I have used the standard "LIClean_leftmenu.xslt" template for my menu. ...
12/05/2009 09:02:16
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eCom Nav xslt
Hi, Im trying to display all sub-groups of a group in the eCommerce. My structure like this: Group Group Subgroup Subgroup Group Subgroup Group My XLST returns something like this (<xsl:copy-of select="/"/>): <Groups> <Group  ...
07/05/2009 17:03:13
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File upload, when entering customer information
Hi all! Does anyone know if it is possible to make a custom field or something, which would enable the customer to upload a file to the server. The link to that file would then be displayed, when the backend administrator browses through that specifi ...
07/05/2009 09:55:34
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Dynamicweb.Templatev2.Template template filename
I use the OrderTemplateExtender. When it fires, i'd like to know what template is currently loaded (the Filename, f.e. relative to the templates folder). Is this possible? I see that Path is private? Kind regards Sjoerd Westerhof ...
06/05/2009 13:57:11
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Where is the Activity class?
Hi Im trying to write my first Activity extension. I copied the VB code from this example and tried to convert it to C# code using http://www.developerfusion ...
06/05/2009 10:41:08
Last post: 06/05/2009 13:22:35
Hi, Adding &pdf=true to a querysting i DW will return a given page in PDF. But the pagesize of the PDF are unfortunally in US-format. A the resolution in the PDF dosent match the screensize of a A4 in screen-resolution (595px X 842px). The genera ...
16/04/2009 15:43:07
Last post: 05/05/2009 19:36:10
Is there a whay to easy setup a pagination for a custom paragraph module? I mean, you have a list from the database that you like to display on the page but you only whant to show 10 rows at a time. So you need to have a "prev 1,2,3,... next&quo ...
29/04/2009 14:23:03
Last post: 29/04/2009 16:21:25
FeeProvider / PaymentFeeProvider
Hi I want to add a fixed amount to the shipping fee depending on a value in a custom field on the product. I'm pretty much into how to look into the product custom fields, and i have a FeeProvider running OK. But how to ADD instead of REPLACING the F ...
27/04/2009 09:29:13
Last post: 29/04/2009 09:20:12
Not showing the right language
I am experiencing a wierd problem with languages and eComm fields I use eComm as a custom partners list and have made som extra fields with quotes etc. I then display these quotes on the front page by inserting 2 pieces from a product group and then  ...
27/04/2009 11:22:49
Last post: 29/04/2009 09:11:12
Saving an paragraph results in NullReferenceException
When using the new UI, and after editing a paragraph then pressing save or save & close will result in NullReferenceException. The things you edit in the paragraph gets saved but you dont get the paragraph list view as you should after saving. Ex ...
23/04/2009 13:19:02
Last post: 28/04/2009 16:09:10
TemplateParagraphColumn in xsl does not display all paragraphs
I just started using the new xslt templates. I ran into a problem when trying to displaying all paragraphs in a column. It only shows the last paragraph in the selected column :( Why is the template not showing all paragraphs ?? My xslt template is p ...
21/04/2009 18:05:32
Last post: 28/04/2009 16:07:58