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TemplateParagraphColumn in xsl does not display all paragraphs
I just started using the new xslt templates. I ran into a problem when trying to displaying all paragraphs in a column. It only shows the last paragraph in the selected column :( Why is the template not showing all paragraphs ?? My xslt template is p ...
21/04/2009 18:05:32
Last post: 28/04/2009 16:07:58
product prices & vat
hi In the edit-product page in ecom, the product price is treated as the price excluding vat. The vat is then later added to the price in the web-page and on the order. Is there any way of treating the product price as price including vat, without se ...
21/04/2009 17:02:13
Last post: 22/04/2009 08:33:03
Address line in browser
This may be outside the topic, but I found no category suited for this question, so here I go: Scenario: We have a site, partitioned into two layers (area/language). One layer is for product brand A, the other for products brand B. Each brand is acce ...
20/04/2009 14:33:02
Last post: 20/04/2009 15:10:01
hi there Could you give me some tips on how to best implement a giftcard function? The idea is that the user can recive a code that he then enters in the shoppingcart and gets say 10% discount on all products. -jan ...
17/04/2009 15:23:56
Last post: 04/01/2010 23:44:29
If defined på custom felter
I min orderconfirm template vil jeg udskrive en tabel med deltager i et kursus. Jeg forsøger her kun at udskrive de felter, hvor der er indtastet noget. Jeg har uden held forsøgt mig med følgende kode (udsnit): <table cellspac ...
17/04/2009 09:59:53
Last post: 20/04/2009 10:36:27
Product Pagetitle
In DWs eCom controlpanel its possible to overule the original pagetitle with the name of a product shown on a given page. A custom pagetitle can be added with adding &PageTitle=CustomPageTitle to a Querystring. But I would like to show more than  ...
16/04/2009 20:04:14
Last post: 21/04/2009 10:03:26
Hi, Adding &pdf=true to a querysting i DW will return a given page in PDF. But the pagesize of the PDF are unfortunally in US-format. A the resolution in the PDF dosent match the screensize of a A4 in screen-resolution (595px X 842px). The genera ...
16/04/2009 15:43:07
Last post: 05/05/2009 19:36:10
DBPub problems
I want to show some data from the AccessUser-tabel in my SQL-database, so I have decided to use the module Database Publishing. I therefore use Dynamicweb Database as database type and connect to the sql-database and the table. So far so good. I set  ...
11/04/2009 11:33:07
Last post: 24/04/2009 14:49:28
Cancel Added Product
On adding the product to the cart, the "Dynamicweb.Notifications.eCommerce.Cart.Line.Added" fires. How can I cancel the product from being added to the cart. I can't find and e.Cancel or somethng like that. Is the only sollution to delete t ...
07/04/2009 16:25:54
Last post: 20/04/2009 11:03:47
@LoadControl - what is that
I have a new (old) client with that has this on one of his pages. I can understan what it is supposed to do. "!--@LoadControl(/Files/System/UserControls/SubscribeCampaign.ascx)--" But after the last update it stopped working I cannot find a ...
02/04/2009 00:29:00
Last post: 15/04/2009 09:59:02
Submit to basket
Is it possible to make a "submit to basket" function that will NOT reefresh the page? Anyone had any luck? Rasmus Vork ...
01/04/2009 10:28:13
Last post: 27/05/2011 18:43:32
How do I obtain the ID of the treenode, when a user clicks on an item in dw:Contextmenu? /Peter Terkildsen ...
30/03/2009 16:58:34
Last post: 07/04/2009 18:29:57
Ecom Search product names only
I'm developing a web shop based on dynamicweb solution. I've implemented search functionality using ecom search. However I'm getting strange results for some queries since the search seams to search both in titles as well as in description. Is there  ...
26/03/2009 14:08:03
Last post: 20/04/2009 11:05:10
Hello DW, After DW's latest updates, i have noticed that we can't use anymore Gui.DropDownList() for tables that contains only one column. For example we have such code: Gui.DropdownList("sort1","Billetnet.mdb","Tabel1", ...
26/03/2009 11:06:04
Last post: 27/03/2009 14:46:14
Log user login
Hi We have a client that wants to know when their customers have logged. We can find out when they bought something, but their last login. Actualle we need it to find out who has NOT logged ind ;o) Iny suggestions ? /Lars ...
26/03/2009 08:55:01
Last post: 27/03/2009 13:04:51
notify page template of product added to cart
Hi! Is there a way to notify my page template that a product has been added to my cart? I'd like to use a yellow-fade technique, or something simmilar, to tell the customer that a product has indeed been placed in the cart. I tried adding a querystri ...
25/03/2009 13:14:47
Last post: 27/03/2009 11:00:00
Scheduling pipelines
Hey all, I've made a pipeline that i would like to schedule to run once a day. I thought i should use Schedueled Task to acheive this, but i can't find my Pipeline anywere within that module. Isn't it possible to schedule a pipeline? ...
23/03/2009 11:36:06
Last post: 23/03/2009 14:07:48
Master template XSLT
Theres some major issues with the master template xml output. <title></title> doesent output correctly , its static Dynamicweb.NET output <metatags/> are closed and have no children. This is a crusial error for our biggest DW client ...
23/03/2009 10:44:38
Last post: 23/03/2009 19:35:27
search words
Can you add search words to a page and can you only include searthen pages in the search? Ex: if you whant pages that relate to a&nbsp;searten city you would add that city to the search words of those pages and these would then be listed in the s ...
20/03/2009 16:34:32
Last post: 23/03/2009 08:47:15
next/previous product
hi Is there no easy way to implement a next/previous product link on the product(detail) template? I understand that I can use the product list template for this but then I need two seperate pages for listing products, an that will mess up my menusys ...
19/03/2009 11:17:12
Last post: 20/03/2009 13:11:30