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Dynamicweb with State server
Hi, is it possible to run Dynamicweb CMS with the stateserver instead of InProc? desc: I need some of the benefits of stateserver but I do not know if dynamicweb will break! Thanks. Best Regards  ...
28/04/2009 14:16:05
Last post: 07/09/2010 17:26:30
"If Defined" tags using on tags from a PageTemplateExtender
Hi, I've made a PageTemplateExtender which exposes some tags, the tag "BDCartIsEmpty" is only set when the cart is empty. From the documentation the "If Defined" tag should work on tags which have a value. If the tag has an empty  ...
28/04/2009 12:17:14
Last post: 14/07/2009 11:03:59
Not showing the right language
I am experiencing a wierd problem with languages and eComm fields I use eComm as a custom partners list and have made som extra fields with quotes etc. I then display these quotes on the front page by inserting 2 pieces from a product group and then  ...
27/04/2009 11:22:49
Last post: 29/04/2009 09:11:12
FeeProvider / PaymentFeeProvider
Hi I want to add a fixed amount to the shipping fee depending on a value in a custom field on the product. I'm pretty much into how to look into the product custom fields, and i have a FeeProvider running OK. But how to ADD instead of REPLACING the F ...
27/04/2009 09:29:13
Last post: 29/04/2009 09:20:12
Hi Om my request DW Helpdesk har created a new document telling how to do basic upgrades of Dynamicweb. That document is now available on downloads - perfect :) But now for the tricky stuff: I know there are some scripts to be run as well by the ange ...
24/04/2009 11:14:57
Last post: 24/04/2009 14:51:54
importing special characters
I have created a csv import activity for the import/export module. But am having problems with special characters like á being imported as Ä. What could the couse of this and how can I fix it? ...
24/04/2009 11:07:42
Last post: 28/04/2009 16:06:35
Saving an paragraph results in NullReferenceException
When using the new UI, and after editing a paragraph then pressing save or save & close will result in NullReferenceException. The things you edit in the paragraph gets saved but you dont get the paragraph list view as you should after saving. Ex ...
23/04/2009 13:19:02
Last post: 28/04/2009 16:09:10
hi, We are running a custom application and i have a question about the HttpCompression dll that is used. I am asking this because i encountered a problem when using output cache within a custom module. When using output caching and w ...
23/04/2009 10:49:59
Last post: 23/04/2009 11:20:24
TemplateParagraphColumn in xsl does not display all paragraphs
I just started using the new xslt templates. I ran into a problem when trying to displaying all paragraphs in a column. It only shows the last paragraph in the selected column :( Why is the template not showing all paragraphs ?? My xslt template is p ...
21/04/2009 18:05:32
Last post: 28/04/2009 16:07:58
product prices & vat
hi In the edit-product page in ecom, the product price is treated as the price excluding vat. The vat is then later added to the price in the web-page and on the order. Is there any way of treating the product price as price including vat, without se ...
21/04/2009 17:02:13
Last post: 22/04/2009 08:33:03
Address line in browser
This may be outside the topic, but I found no category suited for this question, so here I go: Scenario: We have a site, partitioned into two layers (area/language). One layer is for product brand A, the other for products brand B. Each brand is acce ...
20/04/2009 14:33:02
Last post: 20/04/2009 15:10:01
hi there Could you give me some tips on how to best implement a giftcard function? The idea is that the user can recive a code that he then enters in the shoppingcart and gets say 10% discount on all products. -jan ...
17/04/2009 15:23:56
Last post: 04/01/2010 23:44:29
If defined på custom felter
I min orderconfirm template vil jeg udskrive en tabel med deltager i et kursus. Jeg forsøger her kun at udskrive de felter, hvor der er indtastet noget. Jeg har uden held forsøgt mig med følgende kode (udsnit): <table cellspac ...
17/04/2009 09:59:53
Last post: 20/04/2009 10:36:27
Product Pagetitle
In DWs eCom controlpanel its possible to overule the original pagetitle with the name of a product shown on a given page. A custom pagetitle can be added with adding &PageTitle=CustomPageTitle to a Querystring. But I would like to show more than  ...
16/04/2009 20:04:14
Last post: 21/04/2009 10:03:26
Hi, Adding &pdf=true to a querysting i DW will return a given page in PDF. But the pagesize of the PDF are unfortunally in US-format. A the resolution in the PDF dosent match the screensize of a A4 in screen-resolution (595px X 842px). The genera ...
16/04/2009 15:43:07
Last post: 05/05/2009 19:36:10
DBPub problems
I want to show some data from the AccessUser-tabel in my SQL-database, so I have decided to use the module Database Publishing. I therefore use Dynamicweb Database as database type and connect to the sql-database and the table. So far so good. I set  ...
11/04/2009 11:33:07
Last post: 24/04/2009 14:49:28
Cancel Added Product
On adding the product to the cart, the "Dynamicweb.Notifications.eCommerce.Cart.Line.Added" fires. How can I cancel the product from being added to the cart. I can't find and e.Cancel or somethng like that. Is the only sollution to delete t ...
07/04/2009 16:25:54
Last post: 20/04/2009 11:03:47
@LoadControl - what is that
I have a new (old) client with that has this on one of his pages. I can understan what it is supposed to do. "!--@LoadControl(/Files/System/UserControls/SubscribeCampaign.ascx)--" But after the last update it stopped working I cannot find a ...
02/04/2009 00:29:00
Last post: 15/04/2009 09:59:02
Submit to basket
Is it possible to make a "submit to basket" function that will NOT reefresh the page? Anyone had any luck? Rasmus Vork ...
01/04/2009 10:28:13
Last post: 27/05/2011 18:43:32
How do I obtain the ID of the treenode, when a user clicks on an item in dw:Contextmenu? /Peter Terkildsen ...
30/03/2009 16:58:34
Last post: 07/04/2009 18:29:57