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Dynamicweb 7 performance problems
Hi, Did anyone felt performance problems after installing DW7? I have installed it in one of our servers and after a while I had to continually make an IISReset to avoid clear the Application Pool memory. User's could not access the websites on that  ...
31/10/2009 13:52:39
Last post: 02/11/2009 17:18:34
Order number in subject of ordermail
Hello! I would like to know whether it is possible to show the order number in the subject of the email to customer and store. I have tried to copy the tag into the basket module without success. Any ideas? - Allan Iversen ...
30/10/2009 08:54:03
Last post: 30/10/2009 09:25:50
Custom Order Fields Not Editable
Hi, is it possible to make custom order fields not editable? <!--@CustomOrderFields--> tag always displays input field. ...
29/10/2009 13:03:46
Last post: 04/11/2009 11:21:09
Encoding probs with File- and XML-File Destination
When creating file output with Import/Export module we can use the File- or the XML File destination activities - but the files are NOT written in UTF-8 Encoding. Is this a BUG, local issue or release specific? ...
29/10/2009 11:41:43
Last post: 04/11/2009 11:54:49
Editor loses value in new UI
I'm trying to build a very simple custom module using the Dynamicweb Editor control. I've created the MyModule custom module using the MyModule_Edit.aspx page. When adding the module to a paragraph and entering some text in the editor, this text is l ...
28/10/2009 16:55:20
Last post: 30/04/2010 15:18:30
run on every pageload
How do you make a custommodule that runs on every pageload? I need to check for som urls and make redirects and i figure this is the way to go. - Sune ...
27/10/2009 16:35:24
Last post: 28/10/2009 09:01:44
Customized URLs and base href
Hey guys, I have set up a custom solution for development on my local machine. When I activate customized URLs, the base href tag is set using https, which is a big problem because the development server in visual studio apparently doesn't su ...
26/10/2009 19:22:39
Last post: 27/10/2009 14:33:05
RSS feed image
When adding a RSS feed via News v2 list the first section of the genrated xml reads: ..bMaster></webMaster> <pubDate>Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:45:57 GMT</pubDate> <lastBuildDate>Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:4 ...
26/10/2009 14:08:08
Last post: 27/10/2009 09:12:13
Cart step 4: server side validation for checkbox General Conditions
We’re using DW version In the cart step 4 we have a checkbox you’ve to check to agree with the General Conditions. We have client side javascript validation for this (just like in the bikez demo), but also want server side valid ...
23/10/2009 08:47:31
Last post: 04/11/2009 13:17:42
Orderstep validation
I'm having trouble with a few orders that are submittet to the ecom with paymentmethod and shippingmethod choosen. I've setup the orderstep-validation to validate exactly those 2 input-field. I've checked all my templates, and tried to reproduce the  ...
20/10/2009 12:51:18
Last post: 04/11/2009 11:18:17
Pipeline broken after v7 release
After v7 hass been rolled onto the solution, a very simple import pipeline is no longer working. I just get this in the log: 10:05 AM Product destination Error restoring temporary tables: TEST. I've tried changing the source xml-file, to contain only ...
19/10/2009 10:11:07
Last post: 19/10/2009 13:24:21
News statistics
Hi, Since the statistics module makes it very hard to keep track of the most read news, I need to develop a report using the database publishing module, but the problem is the SQL criteria, can anyone help me? I have tried searching in the databases, ...
14/10/2009 12:49:23
Last post: 16/10/2009 12:05:55
Dealer search
Is it possible to exclude Custom Fields from the Dealer search, when using the global search parameter Dealerq in the search form? ...
13/10/2009 15:43:30
Last post: 16/10/2009 11:43:47
Can you use the search module for searching in data management?
I client of ours is using data management and want to have customer search applicants profiles uploaded with data management. When using data management, can you use the search module for searching in content saved by data management and created with ...
13/10/2009 15:05:53
Last post: 11/11/2009 09:47:02
Serverfejl i admin i min DW7 opgradering
Hej, Jeg har i dag opgraderet mit testprojekt til DW7 og det har egentligt også kørt udemærket. Den gik fint igennem opgraderingsprocessen og jeg har kunnet rode rundt i administrationen. Frontenden fungerer uden problemer. Men her ...
12/10/2009 12:39:17
Last post: 22/10/2009 11:25:15
Extending a loop
Hey guys, i'd like to extend one of Dynamicwebs standard eCommerce loops. I loop my variants on my BOM products, and i need access to a customfield in the BOM variant product. Only a few standard fields are available in the loop by default. Here's an ...
08/10/2009 15:55:11
Last post: 04/11/2009 12:00:40
Creating Nested Loops
I have images grouped by their corresponding les number. Now I want to use a nested loop to display them on my page. The strange thing is that the way I'm doing it the first loop seems to work but the second is lost and returns the "loopname_0output" ...
05/10/2009 10:33:34
Last post: 26/10/2009 15:44:51
Creating news from code, and setting 2 date
Hello everybody, I've created a small module that creates an AccessUser and a News in one click. It works great, with one exeption. When i open the created news from the admnistration the Active to year field is set to 1990, regardless of what i set  ...
29/09/2009 11:09:29
Last post: 29/09/2009 14:16:26
Session variables
Hi, Is there any (undocumented?) way to get hold of sessionvaiables in a template? Regards / Aki ...
24/09/2009 15:12:49
Last post: 13/10/2009 15:37:18
23/09/2009 11:21:34
Last post: 13/10/2009 16:02:56