I have set up a custom solution for development on my local machine.
When I activate customized URLs, the base href tag is set using https, which is a big problem because the asp.net development server in visual studio apparently doesn't support SSL... go figure.
I can see that you make a check like this in pageview:
if (Request.ServerVariables["https"] == "off") {//use http...} else {//use https...}
The problem is that the developent server does not set the server variable at all, so the expression will always evaluate to false and then https is used.
Can you turn the expression around or change it to:
if(!Request.IsSecureConnection) {...}else {...}
... or just use Request.Url.Scheme when generating the base href ?
... please? :)
This small change would make it possible to debug a solution even when using customized urls, which would make things a lot easier.