Developer forum
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parsed html
Hello, While working on a new site it would be nice if we could turn off the parsing of the design html files. So we can work on the site and dont have to delete the parsed files everytime we alter a html file that is included. Even better a querystr ...
19/01/2011 17:51:02
Last post: 19/01/2011 18:23:30
Ecom backend search
Hi, Can i search over all products in the backend? Or within the current shop or current group including childs? It seems i can only search within the selected group excluding the child groups? Kind regards,
Remi ...
19/01/2011 15:39:34
Last post: 20/01/2011 11:16:13
Ecomgroups in DB
Hi, I'm trying to add ecomgroups directly in the database. I have added some groups to the tables EcomGroups
EcomShopGrouRelation But they don't show up in admin. Am I missing some table or could there be some other reason they are ...
19/01/2011 14:48:50
Last post: 21/01/2011 11:04:33
Viewstate in CustomModule
I cant seem to find viewstate in my class that inherits from Dynamicweb.ContentModule, would it be possible to get access to this, so its possible to save temporary information in viewstate to avoid the use of session and/or cookies (Running on a old ...
19/01/2011 14:22:33
Last post: 19/01/2011 14:25:01
eCom Search 7.2
Hi, I need to be able to use the new eCom search feature in my page template.
I've tryed using Global:paragraph.content and the Include option.
The template load's but without outputting the filter options. How is this done? ...
19/01/2011 12:33:45
Last post: 20/01/2011 11:48:17
Further overriding URL generation
I really like the idea of the Urlprovider as discussed in this document: Very easy to s ...
18/01/2011 15:47:50
Last post: 20/01/2011 09:18:52
Hi, We have a client hosting externally that want's to configure a separate smtp just for the newsletters. This was possible in Extended, but in v3 I can only seem to use the dropbox. - He sends up to 80.000 e-mails at a time (around 100kb each) - Dr ...
18/01/2011 14:05:59
Last post: 18/01/2011 17:22:39
SEO url on eCom item?
With the newest release ( the new feature regarding SEO urls on productlink dosent work if you've to lowercase url (backend option) :( Did someone at DW (or DW SEO) ever check out "best practice" on urls??? ...
18/01/2011 12:15:38
Last post: 26/04/2011 09:01:19
cache problems
Hi, We have a client with load-balance configuration where we have: - 1 database - 1 internal webserver configuration used by the company's users - 2 external webservers (DMZ) on load-balanced that sync the Files folder (and only that folder) but are ...
17/01/2011 19:48:53
Last post: 20/01/2011 08:49:20
Designs Layouts ecom navigation
Hi, I have the following pages at level 1:
- Home
- Products
- Cart When i configure the Products page to include all groups of Shop1 then things start to fall over.
The Top menu is also rendering the ecom groups under products:
- Products - Group1 - ...
17/01/2011 15:13:25
Last post: 21/02/2012 16:18:40
Order price does not match in DIBS
Jeg har lavet en OrderTemplateExtender, der siger at kunder i DK der køber for mindre end 80 kr. skal ikke betale moms ellers er den 5%. Denne kode har jeg udviklet i samarbejde med Lars Sørensen på Forum siden. Link til forum tr& ...
17/01/2011 12:14:34
Last post: 25/01/2011 03:29:05
Info from IP adress
Hi, Can I use the Dynamicweb API to retrieve information about the visitors IP adress. If so could someone point me to the right direction. Regards / Aki ...
14/01/2011 13:42:38
Last post: 17/01/2011 11:07:11
Import products on several languages
The languages in question are: Danish, English and German. I have tested an import with an product .XML file with the language attribute set to LANG1. This worked like a charm.
Now I need to find out if I can manipulate the language settings for the ...
14/01/2011 13:42:34
Last post: 24/01/2011 03:06:04
Dynamicweb in .Net 4 application pool
Hi, For a new Dynamicweb solution i tried running the application pool in .Net 4 and integrated pipeline. This seems to work without problems. My question is do you support and recommend running the Dynamicweb application in .Net 4? The reason i ask ...
14/01/2011 10:15:17
Last post: 23/09/2013 12:52:43
Add custom tag to existing loop
Hi, Is it possible to extend the existing standard loops in a ProductListTemplateExtender? I'd like to add a few tags (ie productgroup images) to the loop "Subgroups" so these will be available in the template. Any more or less working exam ...
13/01/2011 11:21:09
Last post: 20/01/2011 09:17:36
Global element doesn't show as global
At a customer we have a situation where the original of a global element does not show as global element. The references to this pragraph do show up as global elements. so the problem as that, looking at the original of the global element, there is n ...
12/01/2011 15:31:14
Last post: 17/02/2011 12:22:32
Create products via front-end
Hi, I wan't to create products via the front-end and use as much standard module as possible.
I've set up a form using the new form module to create a product in dbo.EcomProduct. This works fine, but the relation between the product and a giving grou ...
12/01/2011 14:22:16
Last post: 21/01/2011 10:33:55
VariantGroups and Variant compinations
Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to make variants display in two different dropdowns.
The two variantgroups could be "size" and "color". When "size" is picked in the dropdown either a post is made with the first varia ...
11/01/2011 14:45:00
Last post: 31/01/2011 11:43:40
How to import a Excell file and convert it to XML
first of all... Is it at all possible?
I have been trying to save my Excell file as a CSV (semicolon) and then import it in DynamicWeb using the import/export module.. This has sofar generated an error, referring to line 1 character 1 as "#" ...
11/01/2011 14:07:15
Last post: 27/01/2011 11:03:25
User defined URLs
Hi, I don't know if I'm missing something. I'm using standard templates, and when I, on page /Produktkategorier/El-Artikler/Køkkenudstyr.aspx, which contains a product list, click a product, I'd assume the URL to be /Produktkategorier/El-Artik ...
10/01/2011 16:20:15
Last post: 11/01/2011 10:19:54