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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Server timeouts caused by the DynamicLead tool
Hi Dynamicweb, We have an installation where the dynamiclead tool is activated which causes a massive 15Gb+ database. Because of the big database, the website gets a lot of timeout errors when accessing the extranet and the marketing section if they  ...
Justin Breg
16/03/2017 14:11:04
Last post: 20/03/2017 17:01:18
Field being analyzed - when asked not to
Hi, I can't understand why a field is being analyzed when asked not to. Could this be a bug? You can see the term vector is not 1 - which it should not being analyzed Could it be a bug with "List Box&q ...
Nuno Aguiar
20/03/2017 14:06:47
Last post: 20/03/2017 15:16:26
Log-files on anti-spam
Hi, Are there any log-files of mails caught using the anti-spam functionality? Best regards Kurt ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
17/03/2017 11:51:14
Last post: 20/03/2017 14:55:59
Page description copies to subpages [SOLVED]
Hi, we are using for a customer, and when they or we enters text in a page description, DW copies that value to all its subpages. I can't understand at all why DW has this behavior, please help! UPDATE 20/03/2017: This seems to ONLY happe ...
Daniel Linder
20/03/2017 08:48:34
Last post: 20/03/2017 14:43:13
Dynamicweb documentation search issue
Hi, If you go to and search for paragraph id you get an error Best Regards, Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
17/03/2017 16:21:00
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Redirect after Extranet login
I have a website in three languages on three different domains. The site is built on the wrap. At the moment when the user logs in they are automatically directed to the first language's login page. How do I change it so on my two secondary langu ...
Michael Andersen
15/03/2017 14:41:28
Last post: 16/03/2017 09:49:31
Itemlist -> Itemrelationlist
Hi there I have a major issue with a DW 8.9 solution, for one of our clients. An issue that became present with an upgrade from DW 8.8 to 8.9. The main issue is the search-functionality in the administration, which times out when searching "free ...
Mikkel Casper
14/03/2017 14:04:02
Last post: 15/03/2017 14:26:53
Editor removes span div etc..
Hi, is it possible to prevent the editor from deleting span, div etc. written in the the HTML view? It's DW and with the provider based editor ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
15/03/2017 10:45:21
Last post: 15/03/2017 10:52:46
Issue with custom product category field of type decimal
Hi guys, I've added a CATEGORY field "MyField" to my product of type "decimal". When in the CMS I enter the value 10,00 it saves the FieldValue 10 in table EcomProductCategoryFieldValue. When in the CMS I enter the value 2,95 it saves the FieldValue  ...
Peter Leleulya
06/02/2017 09:13:02
Last post: 14/03/2017 10:40:04
PDF=True - Unicode characters
Hi All, I'm trying download a PDF file with the parameter "pdf=true". The page that should be rendered have some unicode characters, and the PDF is being rendered with strange characters. Example: ™ is rendered as "â„¢". Did someone have this problem ...
Ricardo Pereira
10/03/2017 14:01:53
Last post: 13/03/2017 20:27:31
Rich text editor on page item properties
Hi, I applied a rich editor field to a page properties item type. When I edit it the value seems to be saved on DB but the tag does not return value. Is anyone experiencing the same issue? I'm currently using 9.2.4. ...
Mario Santos
03/03/2017 11:50:17
Last post: 10/03/2017 10:52:37
Rendering items directly in a template with 'Show on paragraph'
Hello, Short question; I'm rendering items in a template as described here: Can I specify a 'Show on paragraph' in the template where the item details are shown? ...
Harald Brouwers
08/03/2017 10:58:25
Last post: 10/03/2017 08:44:20
Search Weighted do not search in product catalog(ecom)
Hi, I want to create a search that search not only in the website, but also in the items and ecommerce. In search weighted module, I see settings regarding to ecommerce. But when i search, it is not showing any result related to ecommerce. I attached ...
Arker Soe
28/02/2017 10:21:11
Last post: 10/03/2017 08:05:08
Custom 404 strange behavior
Im using DW 9, and are currently trying to setup a custom 404 page using the guide found here. My setup IIS: ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
03/03/2017 07:51:22
Last post: 09/03/2017 14:41:02
Default meta data
I have filled out the meta data on the website, and not on any of my sub pages. The documentation then states that DW should show data from the website ( But this is not working in my case. Website settings h ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
01/03/2017 14:47:52
Last post: 09/03/2017 14:30:51
?debug=true in Dynamicweb9
Hi, ?debug=true only gives the total execution time in Dynamicweb 9, can I some how enable the full Execution table again or is this not available in Dynamicweb9? /Søren ...
Søren Heide Larsen
28/02/2017 14:02:04
Last post: 01/03/2017 22:00:25
Cache in browser
A customer is sending us Google page speed reports that says we should use cache in browser for all images. How can we activate this in Dynamicweb and silence our insisting customer ;-) ...
Per Søgaard
28/02/2017 15:38:40
Last post: 28/02/2017 21:44:25
Repository not showing in DW
Hi, We have a problem with a recently added product repository in Dynamic Web. The repository is not showing in the Management Center any more, but the files are presenr at the fildesystem -> See 01 Repository not showing.png and 01 Repository fil ...
Sander Veltman
28/02/2017 14:41:14
Last post: 28/02/2017 16:31:42
Load images from external server/cdn
Hi We have a client that has a very high demands on diskspace for images. 100 gigabytes initially, and maybe up to a terabyte eventually. Otherwise, they don´t have high demands on hosting. Maybe 100 to 150 regular visitors pr day, and a peak of 1.00 ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
24/02/2017 19:41:41
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Updating rich text editor on page property item
Hi, I added a rich text editor as an item page property field. When try to update the field I get a js error on ckeditor.js and the field is not updated. Does anyone is experiencing the same issue? DW: 9.2.4 BR, Mário ...
Mario Santos
24/02/2017 17:21:15
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