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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Custom fields values on User groups are deleted on User group save

Custom fields values on User groups are deleted on User group save

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I have the following situation:

Solution I have defined a bunch of User custom fields and I am using them to store various information on the fields specifically for User groups (that's because User groups don't have custom fields). everything is working fine, I can store the values and I can read them just fine.

I have then upgraded to The behavior has changed. If I try to store values on those fields, everytime I save the user group, the values are gone.

I understand this is not standard functionality (to use user custom fields for storing values for User groups) but I need to know if this was done on purpose (meaning there's no way back) or it's a bug caused by other changes (meaning it will be fixed).

Thank you,



Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu


I have tried assigning a User Item type to store custom values.

The ItemType is assigned to the group, but the values are not. Basically, it does not create a new line in the ItemType_UserGroupItemType not it does store an ItemID in the AccessUserItemId.

I hope this helps.




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