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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Request: Add option to set: Reply-To, Sender and From in Forms

Request: Add option to set: Reply-To, Sender and From in Forms

Claus Kølbæk
Claus Kølbæk


So due to nasty things like SPF and other things alike it, it has become impossible to simply use the "Get from Form" option in the sender field. So instead we are now just using something simple as noreply@domain - however - this removes the option to simply hit reply on a contact mail.

Now if we could have the option to specify the before mentioned 3 fields individually, it would be possible to fix the above problem - in most cases (I think there are a few mail clients whom simply ignore them).

It would be great to see this on both Form for editors and Datalist :)

Also - if anyone got any great workarounds then I am open to input!


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Claus

Using noreply@ is also a problem for some customers - it has to be a real mail address.

The reply to field has just been implemented in forms for editors for DW9. Not implemented in datlists though.

BR Nicolai


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