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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Is it possible to convert publicated item list to
Not easy to explain this one, but i´ll try We have a costumer who stores large amount of data in the good old fashioned Item List (the one under properties and advanced on page level). But now that the posibility to list subpages has come, it is poss ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
30/05/2018 11:10:36
Last post: 30/05/2018 23:46:43
How to purge Access database?
Hello, I need to delete all statistics from a solution that runs with an Access database. I cannot purge the table from Management Center > System > Solution report for some reason. Can I truncate the statv2sessions table without causing proble ...
Martin Christensen
29/05/2018 09:56:49
Last post: 29/05/2018 10:55:02
Does Dynamicweb know which files are referenced
Hi The File archive tends to grow and grow because files not referenced anylonger are not deleted. Does Dynamicweb know which files are referenced? If not, it would be great if this information was stored somewhere so it is possible to see which file ...
Lars Larsen
28/05/2018 12:28:25
Last post: 28/05/2018 13:50:02
Is it possible to limit index to only index content from certain website?
On a solution with multiple websites, is it posible to limit an index so that it is only indexing content from a one of the websites? If so, how do i do this? Don´t know if it plays a big role performance wise, but it would be "cleaner" /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
25/05/2018 06:10:09
Last post: 28/05/2018 11:13:10
DateTime itemtype field used in website properties
Hi I have an itemtype with a DateTime field. This itemtype is used as website properties. When changing the time in the datetime field and saving the change, the new time part of the field is not saved! This does not happen if the itemtype is used as ...
Lars Larsen
07/05/2018 13:08:10
Last post: 24/05/2018 08:47:47
Image handler doesn't change DPI
I've generated an image URL, from the Image handler in the administration, that looks like this: "&Format=jpg&Width=2000&Height=0&Resolution=300&Crop=0&DoNotUpscale=1". If I download the image and debug the details, it still s ...
Mikkel Belchuke
15/05/2018 13:44:22
Last post: 24/05/2018 08:35:00
Possible to subscribe on pages?
Hi, Are there an option in Dynamicweb 9.4+ (or 9.5 from august) where you can subscribe to a page? Fx we need to be able to do something like this: A user are assigned to a page as the responsible editor. The user gets a email at a selected time abou ...
Marie Louise Veigert
23/05/2018 08:21:49
Last post: 23/05/2018 10:05:05
Backend permission
In our Pentair solution ( we use permissions. We have a webinar overview where users, based on permission, can see the webinars we have available for him ( The Permission module works, ...
Gerard Kocks
22/05/2018 15:26:50
Last post: 22/05/2018 15:58:05
Forms for Datalists
Hi guys, I am trying to use the Forms for Datalists for the first time. I have read the documentation and found some default templates in an older solution. I have setup a custom table and created a form on it. Everything seems to be rendered nicely  ...
Adrian Ursu
14/05/2018 17:50:47
Last post: 17/05/2018 08:38:33
Translation issue on public change password page
Hi there, When someone's password has expired, they are taken to: /admin/public/access_user_changepassword.aspx. That page uses the translation engine to localize the UI. However, that defaults to Danish when you're not logged in (see screenshot). An ...
Imar Spaanjaars
13/11/2017 22:14:37
Last post: 11/05/2018 21:29:33
Item creator - Redirect to created item
Is it somehow possible to redirect to the created item from the item creator module?. I tried doing this with ajax post, but I have no information about the query or even the item details that was created. Best regards Jakob Westhausen ...
Jakob Westhausen
08/05/2018 15:36:13
Last post: 09/05/2018 16:57:55
User don't have access to page Properties
Hi, We are running on DW 9.4.9 and we have some users with default settings/ Permissions and these users have access to specific websites on the solution (in backend). They can modify the content without any problem but when they try to goto Page pro ...
Umar Farooq
26/04/2018 12:13:11
Last post: 08/05/2018 14:27:29
ItemCreator API and Add/Update to Product Field type
Hi Guys, I have a situation where I need to create ItemType based pages and Paragraphs using API. What wouls the best place to find out about how to do that? I mean in the API documentation. The second part is about adding/removing a product in a Pro ...
Adrian Ursu
07/05/2018 16:15:01
Last post: 08/05/2018 10:18:59
Editor error
I updated a Dynamicweb to and now i get a error that seem to be Jquery related ? When i try to insert a link. If I press "Internal Link" I cant get to select a "Internal link" or "Link to file". When i press the buttons, i get "Uncaug ...
Per Jensen
07/05/2018 09:47:43
Last post: 08/05/2018 06:52:54
Dynamic value for "Max number of submits" on forms for editors
Hi guys, I know it is a long shot, but I have to ask it first. I have a situation where I want to use a form for multuple pages without duplicating the form. Imagine an event (like a training) with several dates and locations. Each date and location  ...
Adrian Ursu
07/05/2018 16:20:38
Last post: 07/05/2018 21:02:39
Sequence contains no elements error
Hi guys, We wanted to update an application hosted in Azure. We wanted to disable the frontend to be able to do some configuration in the CMS before releasing to the world. The disable frontend option in the solution settings don't seem to exist anym ...
Peter Leleulya
07/05/2018 12:40:03
Last post: 07/05/2018 13:14:49
Abandon Basket functionality without logging in
Hi, Regarding abandon basket, I have been advised there are two cases: The user is logged in, but does not complete the order, so a cart is stored in DW. An email will be sent to the user, and this is opened on another browser. Since the user is logg ...
Jacob Bertelsen
04/10/2017 13:37:12
Last post: 04/05/2018 11:58:12
Forum category overrules page title
Hi, if you insert af forum module on a page that shows the threads of a given category, it appears that the name of the category will be used as the title for the page, overruling everything else. How can I prevent this? We have a solution with a com ...
Martin Christensen
01/05/2018 14:54:08
Last post: 01/05/2018 23:18:08
/Admin/Public/Download.aspx and CDN
Hi, I have a question about using /Admin/Public/Download.aspx for downloading files (for example a link generated by FilepublishFileLink, or a manual link with force download: Admin/Public/Download.aspx?File=). When I configure a CDN in the admin, wi ...
Harald Brouwers
01/05/2018 15:24:22
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Remember Me on login
Hi, I'm trying to implement "Remember Me" on a login template, but can't get the functionality to work - DW version Which tags (id and name) do I have to use? This is my code: <li class="m_bottom_15"> <label for="username" class="m_ ...
Søren Bremholm Jakobsen
30/04/2018 09:41:23
Last post: 01/05/2018 12:47:39