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Does Dynamicweb know which files are referenced

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


The File archive tends to grow and grow because files not referenced anylonger are not deleted. Does Dynamicweb know which files are referenced? If not, it would be great if this information was stored somewhere so it is possible to see which files can be deleted when they are no longer referenced.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Lars

Dynamicweb does not know. It can be referenced anywhere - in fields, text editors, templates etc... And can be the result of scripting:

file = "whatever" + someDynamicNumber + ".pdf".

So it would be a really difficult feature to make work for real. It would always be an approximation...

BR Nicolai

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Hi Nicolai

I know it would be an approximation. But other CMS's have this feature and often we hear this wish from our customers. At least it would be great if there were a notification when a file is referenced via a field of the file picker fieldtype. In that way we could build it ourselfs.


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