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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Data Management Lists - Security
Hi, We have a client with Data Management Lists, and the problem is that the table Users and Module are very accessible to them. Isn't there a way to block some columns or tables for security issues? For example, the userType and password, as well as ...
Nuno Aguiar
20/02/2013 10:57:05
Last post: 20/02/2013 13:33:07
Custom URL's from AreaID
Hi, Despite all of the personalized URL configs, I cannot get the "/Default.aspx?AreaID=0" to get parsed. Shouldn't it change according to the specification in Websites OR the First page of the website? Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
20/02/2013 11:10:46
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Error editing default paragraph in fresh
I have just installed a clean DW and on Windows 7 and IIS7. Everything looks okay, but I get the following error (screenshot) while trying to edit the default paragraph on the frontpage. I tried changing to and then it works,  ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
16/02/2013 12:18:39
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Error calling websevice
I have an issue when calling a webservice, sometimes an error occurs: Exception information: Exception type: ArgumentException Exception message: An item with the same key has already been added. Stack trace: at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentExcept ...
Klaas Spaargaren
14/01/2013 14:33:08
Last post: 15/02/2013 22:46:09
Unpublish item types
Is it me, or does "unpublish" not have any effect on the new Item Types? ...
Heine Virenfeldt Kristensen
13/02/2013 11:24:21
Last post: 13/02/2013 11:52:16
Dynamic news list from URL
Hi people Im trying to make a news list where the category is determined by the URL. Is that possible? I have the category ID from a news list and am trying to build a "read more from this category" link. As far as I can see I only have the ...
Rune Skovbo
12/02/2013 14:20:10
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Best practice menus
What is the best practice when it comes to menus. I need two menus, one top menu and one main menu. Today I have created the structure like this (first screenshot), but I have some questions regarding this. What if I need one of the pages to be visib ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
10/02/2013 12:57:19
Last post: 10/02/2013 22:18:31
Translate tag question
Hej Guys, Question about translate tag here... if f.eks. you have a tag like this one: <!--@Translate(NettoPris,"Forhandler nettopris",Global)--> This tag returns a culture specific translation... Website has 4 languages in total. Whe ...
Dmitrij Jazel
06/02/2013 15:15:30
Last post: 06/02/2013 15:50:20
Export pages made with item based repository
Dynamicweb contains the possibility of exporting and import pages/paragraphs via XML. Does this also work with content made with the new items Regards, Peter ...
Peter Terkildsen
04/02/2013 20:14:10
Last post: 04/02/2013 22:04:32
Language Management and Items
Does the existing standard functionality in Language Management also work with the new features in items? ...
Peter Terkildsen
04/02/2013 20:15:12
Last post: 04/02/2013 21:56:29
Forms and AntiSpam
Hi, The antispam checkbox in the Management Center does nothing for the Forms Module (Data Management) and all the threads in the Forum end up with no real answer conclusion. Is it a bug? Is Dynamicweb working on it? How can we make it as efective as ...
Nuno Aguiar
31/01/2013 16:02:24
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batch 301 redirects
Hi, I have around +500 redirect to configure (301) redirects, due to a new design and restructure of a website. Does anyone have a good/pratical way to do this in Dynamicweb? Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
21/01/2013 12:30:02
Last post: 30/01/2013 12:40:15
ecom email marketing
A client has the following requirement. He wants to send email notification to his customers based on orders placed. - Send email one week after order placed. - Send email after third order. - Send email when customer has not placed an order in the l ...
Remi Muller
22/01/2013 11:51:44
Last post: 25/01/2013 11:14:04
Setting frontpage for different languages
How do I set a page as the default start page for two websites. The two websites are different languages. Today on we have this already. I have made a copy of both the Dutch and the French site and want to use the French frontpage for both  ...
Jesper Troelsen
15/01/2013 16:13:40
Last post: 15/01/2013 18:39:25
Can one develop further functions for the Forum?
Hi I have a solution where I would like to have a message system build into. The message system should be avaliable at the users own profile page, but I would altso like the possibility of being able to send a private message directly from a forum po ...
Iben Louise Birkkjær Christensen
20/11/2012 08:55:49
Last post: 14/01/2013 09:11:55
Password protected static pages
Hi! We have a customer who wants to put an archive of static pages on to the DW webpage. In other words, upload pages to IE ( /Files/Folder/staticfiles.html ) But they want the documents to be password protected with the DW login ( Extranet extended  ...
Tom-Erik Paulsen
13/12/2012 13:42:36
Last post: 14/01/2013 09:09:39
Android doesn't render all code
I have an issue with android devices below ver. 4 not redering all code from DW. If I make the exact same code in a manuel html file, it renders correctly. I can see, that others have same problem: ...
Janus Lock
10/01/2013 11:48:40
Last post: 10/01/2013 16:22:09
Datalist userid session value
Hi, I need to know how I can get the ID of the current user in a datalist. I've tried using @Session("userID"), @Session("DW_UserID") etc... But none of those I've tried seem to work. Btw., have you got any documentation of what s ...
Rene Poulsen
02/01/2013 16:23:16
Last post: 03/01/2013 09:43:28
FCK editor on your forum is not working in IE10
Hi Dw, Just wanted to let you know that the FCK editor here on the forum, doesn't render when using IE10 (Windows 8). I get this error: Enabling Compatibility mode fixes it. // Martin ...
Martin Nielsen
12/12/2012 08:48:25
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Changing name of PDF when using ?PDF=true
Hi guys, I found this old thread about generating PDFs here on the forum and I'd like to know if anything has changed these 5 years. Can i change the name of the PDF without cod ...
Martin Nielsen
11/12/2012 16:14:35
Last post: 12/12/2012 08:19:53