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Visits from suspecious sites

Iben Louise Birkkjær Christensen



Recently I have experienced a lot of traffic from suspecious russian websites to my company site


Does anyone have any idea as to why this is happening? It is rather annoying as it is scewing my statistics. Can I do anything to stop it or can i filter the refereres out of my statistics in any way?


/Iben Louise


Morten Bengtson
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Iben Louise,


You cannot rely on the countries/flags you see next to your visitors in Dynamicweb statistics. These are based on a local register of IP-addresses that most likely is not up to date (IP-adresses change owners frequently). I experienced something similar last year, with  lot of romanians that was visiting a danish site. It turned out that the IP-range belonged to a university in Denmark.


In Dynamicweb statistics you should be able to click on a green icon next to an IP address, which will take you to an external site with details. On that site you can often see detailed current information about an IP-address. However, for more reliable statistics, I recommend that you use Google Analytics.


If you want to you can filter out the IP-adresses under settings in Dynamicweb statistics. This is described in the manual here: - Just be aware that the IP-address might belong to a russian person today, but danish person tomorrow ;)


If you believe that the site is being "attacked" you should probably contact Dynamicweb support and have them take a look at it. The visitors can be blocked from the server if needed.




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Iben Louise Birkkjær Christensen

Hi Morten


Thank you for your answer.


The sites turn up when I look at the refereres to my site. A LOT of russian webadresses turn up - and they look like, they might contain 'adult content'.


I will try to contact the Dynamicweb Support to see if they can help.


/Iben Louise


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