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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Comments in news list view.
Hi there. On our solution, we have to display the amount of comments, of a given article in the news module, on the frontend list. We havent been able to figure a programatically way of doing this through the template tags, therefor we are fetching t ...
Jonas Mersholm
04/08/2014 09:07:54
Last post: 04/08/2014 15:45:19
Validate login form version
Hi! I need to validate a login form in this version... It doesn't seem that <!--@Server:Request.Username--> is parsed? So how would you guys display an error message on postback?? ...
Martin Skov Nielsen
11/07/2014 23:02:15
Last post: 21/07/2014 22:43:08
Items - Product field type missing
Hi, I want to use the new product field type on an item. My solution is running and the new field should be available from Isn't the field supposed to be th ...
Rene Poulsen
10/07/2014 12:39:57
Last post: 10/07/2014 13:45:27
Forms validation
Hey all, Im working on a quite old solution ( in which i have the Forrms(DW7) installed. I am trying to enable the DW validation, by checking the required checkbox for fields such as email, phone etc. Hereafter I set the module template to d ...
Mikkel Toustrup Olsen
08/07/2014 09:35:50
Last post: 08/07/2014 10:19:21
User Smart Search
Hi Guys, I am trying to add a condition in a User Smart Search and I cannot figure out hot to compare to an empty string. Something like "select all users that have values in the field..." I tried comparing to '' but it throws an error., Any ideas? T ...
Adrian Ursu
03/07/2014 17:04:42
Last post: 07/07/2014 11:26:45
Reading ItemType properties from the .xml
Hi, I was wondering if there is a DW way to read properies or settings from an ItemType XML. For example we have different product types which have applied different filter settings. I want to create a filter Custom Module that will dynamically creat ...
Kevin O''Driscoll
04/07/2014 17:50:31
Last post: 06/07/2014 18:08:51
RE: Inserting data with parameter in razor
Hej, I dette eksempel i razor template: var inserted_to_db = Dynamicweb.Database.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO DB_bedommelse_rating(DB_bedommelse_rating_rating,DB_bedommelse_rating_url) VALUES(@review_val,'fsfsd')"); Får jeg en fejl, fordi at @review_ ...
Jan Sangill
03/07/2014 13:05:05
Last post: 04/07/2014 08:29:26
Product catalog module throws 404 if the url has a trailing slash
Hi, I have an issue with Product catalog module attached to a paragraph http://myshop/category - this is working fine and shows categories and products http://myshop/category/ - this gives me 404 How can I fix this ? Dynamicweb version is Th ...
Davor Zlotrg
27/06/2014 11:15:04
Last post: 27/06/2014 15:03:34
Password Recovery
Not entirely sure this actually belongs in this section, but the solution im looking for is a paragaph of sorts so ill give it a try. ive just implemented a login funktion for our website and its working like a charm, the important bit here is that t ...
Morten Berendtsen
23/06/2014 14:38:02
Last post: 27/06/2014 14:34:00
RE: Itemtype pages - start on paragraph - not page data
Hi, Itemtype pages - start on paragraph - not page data. is that possible. To avoid that extra click on the mouse:) /jan ...
Jan Sangill
27/06/2014 11:18:03
Last post: 27/06/2014 11:45:01
Item publisher includes items on all subpages
Item publisher includes items on all subpages, not only the page it is on. How to only include fromt the page. ...
Per Søgaard
25/06/2014 12:24:43
Last post: 25/06/2014 13:46:09
Customized URLs : WARNING: This can break links on your website
Hi, In the Customized URLs section of the Management Center, there's an option to set "Ensure unique paths for each area". This option indicates there's a risc of broken links (WARNING: This can break links on your website). Can someone explain to me ...
Ton Martens
25/06/2014 11:41:58
Last post: 25/06/2014 13:44:07
RE: Items and most read
Hi, If I wanted to get the "most read" items under a itemtype, how could that be accomplished? regards jan ...
Jan Sangill
23/06/2014 10:23:37
Last post: 23/06/2014 13:43:09
Frontend editing news rich text field
Hi there How do you guys go about frontend editing rich text fields in the news module? When trying to attach a CK editor to the field i get the html tags are not formattet right, giving me <p>Content</p> etc. in the text field. Any ways  ...
Rune Skovbo
19/05/2014 15:44:54
Last post: 23/06/2014 12:05:29
Links in Email Marketing are replaced with link.ashx
Hi Guys, I am trying to set up a an Email MArketing camppaign and I have some trouble inserting a link in the template> Here is the link I am trying to insert:{{Email:User.UserName}}&PwToken={{Ema ...
Adrian Ursu
20/06/2014 10:46:25
Last post: 23/06/2014 09:22:22
Change page template querystring
In umbraco you can write something like localhost/somepage.aspx?altTemplate=someTemplate and that page is rendered by that template Is it possible to change the page template via the querystring in DW? ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
27/08/2012 15:43:09
Last post: 20/06/2014 09:19:24
Search and Items in 8.2.3
Hi Guys, What limitations of Search Weighted I might expect if I try to use Items as Pages in a 8.2.3 solution? Is it working? Is it working partially? It does not work at all? What fields I can use? Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
17/06/2014 20:03:42
Last post: 19/06/2014 10:57:35
Creating a very limited acocunt
HI there, I am trying to create an account with permissions in the backend to only access a single page. After manually blocking access to all pages except one in the tree (what a pain, there really should be an easier way), I then blocked access to  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
21/02/2014 22:31:13
Last post: 19/06/2014 09:22:17
RE: Fetch items sorted by date and from page 2
Hi, If I wanted in my template to get Items from a specifick itemtype Sorted by date for example. And I wanted to also NOT get the first 10 items for example. How would that be done? /jan ...
Jan Sangill
18/06/2014 14:27:55
Last post: 18/06/2014 15:59:18
RE: ItemsPublisher and paging count
Hi, When using itempublisher, how would I get the total amount of Items. At the moment there is a paginate.count - however if pagesize in itemPublisher is set to for example: 10. Then this count will never exceed 10. In fact there is 50 items there,a ...
Jan Sangill
18/06/2014 14:21:38
Last post: 18/06/2014 15:08:07