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After new Extranet user created - send automatic confirmation email

Dmitrij Jazel

Hello guys,

This one should be quite easy I think. I have Extranet module on the pagargaph, set to Create user form.

And when user fills in the information, it is neccesery to send an email with confirmation.

In paragraph module settings (see attachment) - there is a place where you can define the confirmation email template, from field, and subject field. But how do you actually tell to the system, that it must be sent, or not.

At the moment, email is not beying sent.

I wanted to know where can I check if email is supposed to be sent, or where can I controll whether I want that email to be sent or blocked.


Kind regards,




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Dmitrij

That should send the email.

Where are you hosting? Does other parts of the system send emails? Make sure your SMTP settings are correct:

Also have a look at \Files\Files\MailLog\.NET to see if you have any errors on the SMTP


BR Nicolai

Dmitrij Jazel

Hey Nicolai,

Thanks for info.

We are hosting oursealves. The emails are normally sent, with help of formmailer, and other automated emails... There where no issues with any of that stuff...

I will take a look at the MailLog, and will come back to you here, as soon as I find something.




Aki Ruuskanen

I have a similar problem, only that the mail is sent. But the password tag does not render any password in the template. The Username is rendered. 

I have the same settings as in the post above. No approval and Autologin after creation. This are the tags:

Användarnamn: <!--@UserManagement:User.UserName--><br/>
Lösenord: <!--@UserManagement:User.Password--><br/>

Regards / Aki

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

If your solution is configured to have encryptet passwords, we cannot send them out...

Aki Ruuskanen

Well, they are not encrytped.

And the "Forgot your passsword?" sends them out. So I have done a workaround (hack) where I use that functionaöity on the confirmation page, but I it would be nice to be able to use standard functionality. 

Nicolai Høeg Pedersen


Just checked up on it. Passwords are never rendered with the user for security reasons. You should probably never send passwords via email.


Aki Ruuskanen

I agree. But the customer has the cash and wants it that way. :)


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