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Content from news module not rendering on #2 site

Mikkel Gunvald


We have 3 sites on our server sharing a dynamicweb installation, but on one of our sites(and only that one) the news from the news module are not showing/rendering.

I don't really know where to start toubleshooting it. I have tried going though the configuration but I can see any difference on the sites that would explain why the news aren't rendering.

I'm running Dynamic Web, but I was running Dynamic Web when the error started.

I hope someone is able to help me solve the problem. 

THX :)


Mikkel Ricky

The first thing I would do is to check that the templates on all three sites are the same.

Best regards,

Mikkel Gunvald

I have tried using the same templates without luck.

This is the template for one of the news modules:

  <span class="date"><!--@News:Date--></span>
  <a href="<!--@News:Href-->" class="heading"><!--@News:Heading--></a>
    <a href="<!--@News:Href-->">
  <!--@If Defined(News:SmallImageClean)-->
    <img src="Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?Image=<!--@News:SmallImageClean-->&Width=220&Height=95&compression=100" alt="<!--@News:Heading-->" />
  <hr />

Mikkel Ricky

Try adding debug=true to the url to see what templates are actually being loaded.

Mikkel Gunvald

Uhh.. I like that option! Thx!

It seems that it's the [NewsCategoryAccess] field that is causing my problem. How do i set this field?

In my db the field is blank, which is fine.

[NewsCategory].[NewsCategoryAccess] + ',' LIKE '%,Domain Users,%')

On my other sites it is: 

[NewsCategory].[NewsCategoryAccess] = ""

Mikkel Gunvald

That is for setting permissions on each category, and I dont want that.  I want to remove the [NewsCategory].[NewsCategoryAccess] + ',' LIKE '%,Domain Users,%') because i dont want to control who are able to view the news.


Mikkel Ricky

Where do you see "[NewsCategory].[NewsCategoryAccess] + ',' LIKE '%,Domain Users,%')"? Send me an email ( if you prefer not to share the url in the forum.

Best regards,


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