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Cookie Manager for one website
Hi guys, What is the recommended way to setup cookie warning for only of the websites in a solution with many websites?? Right now it seems like I can only activate it for all the websites?? Best regards, Andes ...
Anders Ebdrup
26/08/2014 22:43:05
Last post: 27/08/2014 11:04:36
Image handler
Hi When using the image handler in dw (Admin/Public/GetImage.aspx) it seems like it scales width and then crops height if crop=0 (center). Is it possible to scale height and then crop width and still have crop=0? Regards Thomas ...
Thomas Schroll
10/02/2014 13:39:58
Last post: 26/08/2014 15:44:17
Canonical link in meta
Hi DynamicWeb, I have issues with duplicate canonical rendered on my pages. Here is what I have and done so far, and what I want to achieve. We need to have canonical on all pages (content pages, eComm group pages, eComm product pages), even if the C ...
Davor Zlotrg
12/08/2014 14:00:27
Last post: 22/08/2014 13:29:02
Item type data in XML only showing up on the page with the fields itself
Hi there, I created an item type for page properties, assigned a value to the page and then ran it with savexml=true on the Solution Set. The item field for the page property does show up in some navigation files but not for others. For example, usin ...
Imar Spaanjaars
20/08/2014 17:08:54
Last post: 22/08/2014 08:50:30
GetImage upscale
Hi, how do i make GetImage to upscale images? Iv'e tried DoNotUpscale=False as opposed to DoNotUpscale=True ( which denies upscaling ) , but it does not work. Best regards. Jonas ...
Jonas Mersholm
21/08/2014 09:22:22
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After new Extranet user created - send automatic confirmation email
Hello guys, This one should be quite easy I think. I have Extranet module on the pagargaph, set to Create user form. And when user fills in the information, it is neccesery to send an email with confirmation. In paragraph module settings (see attachm ...
Dmitrij Jazel
06/02/2014 10:56:36
Last post: 21/08/2014 08:09:44
RE: ItemPublisher - sort by mutiple keys
Hi, At the moment it does not seem like its possible to sort by multiple keys. To do this, am I forced to create a datalist for this porpuse or is there something I am missing?:) regards Jan ...
Jan Sangill
19/08/2014 11:51:18
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DNS redirecct does not work correct
Hi I have set a redirect via DNS at with a web-alias for the shop But it's not working correct because when I watch the source code on I only get this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3 ...
Jesper Friis
11/08/2014 13:41:02
Last post: 13/08/2014 11:40:12
Login form positioning
Hi. We have a restricted area on a solution, and therefor ofc. a login form. How do i positionate this specific login-form into one of the paragraphs on the given page? So i am certain that it will display exactly where i want it? Currently it just p ...
Jonas Mersholm
12/08/2014 12:33:51
Last post: 12/08/2014 12:36:53
Begræns valg af mulige afsnit-typer
Hej Er det muligt kun at tillade oprettelse af et tomt afsnit (almindeligt afsnit), dvs. ingen items på et dwcontent område? ...
Simon Brunemark Christensen
11/08/2014 14:13:35
Last post: 11/08/2014 16:30:30
New User form ampersand
Hi, The User Management form has a FormStart tag. It seems that if you have are in a URL with ampersands, they are not being converted to a W3C valid value. eg: This tag is not "respec ...
Nuno Aguiar
04/08/2014 19:28:40
Last post: 11/08/2014 12:19:24
C# Email Scheduler sends same email twice
I am using the following code in a cronjob to send newsletter mails at a fixed interval. The cronjob calls an .ashx file. The problem is, that the email is being send twice to every recipient, but only sometimes. Other times it will send just once. T ...
Jonas Mersholm
05/08/2014 12:36:01
Last post: 11/08/2014 11:25:54
How to render item based paragraph?
Hi DynamicWeb, I have item based paragraph (item list) that has own .cshtml Template. Template is just ordinary dropdown where options are rendered as content of item list. This is working when I open page of that paragraph and everything is rendered ...
Davor Zlotrg
07/08/2014 11:07:30
Last post: 11/08/2014 09:33:34
Get page item field value in paragraph template
Hi, I have a page which is an item (Article). On this page i also have some paragraphs. They can be either regular paragraphs or item paragraphs - it doesn't matter. Is there any easy way I can access a value from a field on the page item in the para ...
Rene Poulsen
08/08/2014 15:07:50
Last post: 11/08/2014 09:21:17
Error in CMS when using Extranet on paragraph
Hi I've updated the testenvironment at our customer and run into a problem. All works fine, only if you load a paragraph with the Extranet module or create a new paragraph and add the Extranet module, it throws an error (see attachment) It's using DW ...
Martijn Bokhove
08/08/2014 10:19:59
Last post: 09/08/2014 09:25:23
Issues with page properties
On one of our solutions we recently got problems interacting with page properties (see attached screenshot). This was not a problem until recently (I got the bug report July 22nd). We've tested on different pages with the same results. In some browse ...
Joakim Tønnesen
28/07/2014 08:28:06
Last post: 08/08/2014 16:01:15
Common domain name for two websites.
Hi, one of our clients wants to implement such structure (two different DynamicWeb websites named language1 and language2): Then they want to bind those sites with a separate dom ...
Denys Ubizskyy
21/07/2014 11:36:16
Last post: 08/08/2014 15:41:41
Sitemap.xml not working
Hi DynamicWeb, I have issue with sitemap.xml. It is not working on my local machine. We recently upgraded DW locally to version Also I set up 404 handler on my local IIS in custom errors section (from instalation guide) but it is still just ...
Davor Zlotrg
21/07/2014 09:50:39
Last post: 08/08/2014 15:39:12
Content from news module not rendering on #2 site
Hello, We have 3 sites on our server sharing a dynamicweb installation, but on one of our sites(and only that one) the news from the news module are not showing/rendering. I don't really know where to start toubleshooting it. I have tried going thoug ...
Mikkel Gunvald
07/08/2014 11:25:00
Last post: 07/08/2014 14:28:03
Search (Paragraph ID)
I have a sad situation. On a pages of a website, we have paragraphs. The titles are shown, but the content is hidden with javascript. The idea is to give a more graphic presentation, so when you click on the titles, the content folds out. Now in orde ...
Peter Munkholm
06/08/2014 12:10:06
Last post: 07/08/2014 11:22:11