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default.aspx allways loads as default document

Diogo Brito

Hi, In one of my websites I had it configured Application as Root and Files, FolderA and FolderB as Virtual Directories.

Folders A and B are standard html microwebsites outside Dynamicweb wich where set to show at . This was working fine in DW7 but after changing the solution to DW8 the solution will throw a 404 error unless you enter the complete URL , even if you place index.html on top of the default document setup.

Dynamicweb 8 allways loads the default.aspx and i can not get around this with Direct URLs. Does any one have a solution for this other than configuring the microsites under a different website and integrate them with Iframes?

Best Regards,
Diogo Brito


Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

HI there,


Sounds like an issue with the default document. Check in IIS that the site / folder is set up to serve index.html before Default.aspx



Morten Bengtson

If these microsites should be isolated from DW you probably want to create them as sub applications instead of normal virtual directories.

Go to IIS, right click each of the virtual directories (A and B folder) and select "Convert to Application".


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