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Exposing Products and Items in sitemap.xml

Søren Larsen


One of our major customer request the products and items in the sitemap.xml, do you know if there is any feature in Dynamicweb currently that allows this? And is this something that are on the drawing board?

The Items are not pages but shown through an ItemPublisher.

I would rather not have to develop a lookup through the NavigationProvider as we previously have done in older versions of Dynamicweb for Products.


Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi Søren,

When you set up Ecommerce Navigation (under Page Properties | Options | Navigation) you have the option to include the products.

Not sure about the items; aren't they just included in the XML already? Or are you talking about specific "published" items?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Søren

As Imar states, products can be included by setting the settings AND mark all products with a primary group and marking them for include in sitemap.

Items that needs to be in sitemaps, navigations etc. should be created as page based items. That is the entire concept - if you need items in anyways as seperate pages/urls, use items as pages.


Søren Larsen

Hi Nicolai and Imar,

Thanks for the response; I will definitely try out the solution with the products and main groups.

I can see how Items works as pages when you have one site; however, we use Item publisher as we have a separate website where we add cross-site Items e.g. for news and service-messages, so I do not believe Page Items are the way to go in this particular case. 


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Søren

Item publisher can be used to publish page based items as well.

If you have the same news item published 2 places in 2 different websites, it will have 2 urls - could be a mess in sitemap.xml



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