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Forum » Dynamicweb 10
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Deleted asset categories visible on product
Hi team, I've deleted all asset categories in the settings and created new ones But on a product detail the original categories are still there. This seems to interfere with the assignment of assets to the correct category. My rules don't fun ...
Davy Capiau
26/07/2024 15:44:12
No replies yet
I can see that redirects I had defined in 9 via still work. But I cannot manage them in Settings - Web & HTTP it seems? For now I can edit the rows directly in the datab ...
Justin Sjouw
19/02/2024 11:52:55
Last post: 26/07/2024 08:53:09
Using CLI for deploy - Overwrite parameter not working
Hi DW I can seem to update files on DW Cloud hosting using the CLI and maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it seems like I can't get the overwrite parameter to work. I can upload files, but I cannot overwrite existing files on the target. An ...
Chris Søgaard
19/07/2024 14:08:23
Last post: 25/07/2024 14:00:54
Issues running on Azure App Container
Hello, Im not sure if anyone can help, because seemingly its a rare issue. We are trying to run Dynamic Web 10, in a docker container, running on Azure Container App (Within a container app environment) It runs fine for about 5 minutes. We then get t ...
Joseph Vause
24/07/2024 16:27:35
Last post: 24/07/2024 17:17:33
Error when installing addin through appstore on wsl2 ubuntu
When I try to install addins through the appstore through DW10 admin UI on ubuntu it doesn't work correctly. The feedback from the UI indicates success but the addin isn't usable. The problem seems to be in the generated path hierarchy of the ...
Jóhannes Þorkell Tómasson
08/01/2024 17:00:18
Last post: 23/07/2024 16:38:53
Installation ID in Docker
Hi, When running a dw10 instance in a docker image, everytime the container app reboots, the installation ID is reset, which means the license file is no longer valid, which means we have to login etc everytime. Is there a way we can set the installa ...
Justin Sjouw
22/07/2024 16:30:04
Last post: 22/07/2024 16:44:02
EcomPrices don't applied without valid dates(from, till)
Hello In DW9 there are no configuration needed for "valid from" and "valid till" fields in price matrix In DW10 prices from price matrix don't applied unitl "valid from" and "valid till" fields configured w ...
Andrejs Zavorotnijs
17/07/2024 10:57:04
Last post: 18/07/2024 08:27:28
Facet list from db-column
I have values like "A, B, C" in column FieldValueValue in table EcomProductCategoryFieldValue for a specific FieldValueFieldId that I use to populate a facet for filtering in UI. I can control the formatting of how the values are stored, bu ...
Jens Peter Olsson
04/07/2024 16:22:51
Last post: 15/07/2024 11:32:04
Uploading entire folders in Assets
Hi DW DW10 version 10.5.4 I don't know if this is a feature that is not working or if it's a feature that has not been implemented, but when working with the "Assets" section in DW10, I can upload drop both files and folders in this ...
Chris Søgaard
20/06/2024 08:57:52
Last post: 12/07/2024 15:31:38
Static hosting of files in DynamicWeb 10.6.3
Hello, I have a requirement to host this file at: 'wwwroot/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association' for my implementation of Stripe to be able to work with Apple Pay Wallets I have added: app.UseStaticFiles(); to my program. ...
Joseph Vause
10/07/2024 12:20:23
Last post: 12/07/2024 09:12:57
Smart searches in DW 10
Hi there, Will Smart Searches be supported in DW 10 as we had them in 9? Are they now called Dynamic Segments? Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
28/06/2024 10:11:29
Last post: 12/07/2024 08:41:10
CDN Issue
Hi, I have set both CDN settings, but only the normal img url seems to be replaced. Is there anything special I need to do to also replace the srcset url? or it this a bug maybe? ...
Justin Sjouw
26/06/2024 17:23:11
Last post: 04/07/2024 15:41:34
Set primary page (productdetail) on groups in ecommerce
Hi, Im looking into the DW10 version of PIM and ecommerce. In the documentation it states that you cannot choose a productdetailpage for this group. Have this functionality moved? Or just removed? I ask because the client want this functionality :) B ...
Marie Louise Veigert
01/07/2024 11:27:39
Last post: 03/07/2024 12:02:03
Data Models in DW10 PIM
Hi, Im looking at DW10 PIM and try to find all previous features. I seems like Data Models is essential, but cannot figure out how to add them? I have set a test up under settings. Can anyone help me ? :) BR Marie Louise ...
Marie Louise Veigert
28/06/2024 14:03:20
Last post: 01/07/2024 09:08:15
In all dw10 solutions I have checked I get a 404 on /Admin/Public/EmailMarketing/Unsubscribe.aspx Is this implemented already? ...
Justin Sjouw
27/06/2024 17:50:46
Last post: 01/07/2024 01:06:20
Rendering 'Spare parts' under product
Hi, In this article, there are talked about Spare Parts (bomproducts): It looks like its setup in Swift, but I cannot figure out how. Anyone who have set it up, who can help me in the correct direction? I kno ...
Marie Louise Veigert
25/06/2024 07:54:22
Last post: 28/06/2024 17:40:34
Create instead of move button when moving a content page
Just a small thing, when I move a page and select the destination, the button label is create, would be more logical if it is move: ...
Justin Sjouw
26/06/2024 17:40:35
Last post: 27/06/2024 15:16:58
Problem with email after submit form
Hi, I have problem with sending mail after submitting the form. This form is default on DW 10 last version. After i insert the inforamtion in form and go to send the request i do not get any email. This is the form In backend it is set: Am I missing  ...
Pamela Šokčević
26/06/2024 10:32:35
Last post: 26/06/2024 14:16:04
User count in "Users that can be impersonated"
Can someone maybe explain what the "User Count" column means? It seems to always be 0? ...
Justin Sjouw
12/06/2024 12:34:30
Last post: 26/06/2024 10:01:25
Impersonation signing in as current user instead of customer
Hi, Not sure if this is a dw10 or Swift thing. I'm running Swift 1.26 on 15.3, no custom stuff. I have setup Impesonation, and when I login as DemoUser, I can see that I can Impersontate the user "B2B Customer" in "My Customers&quo ...
Justin Sjouw
12/06/2024 12:30:49
Last post: 26/06/2024 09:46:36