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Rendering 'Spare parts' under product

Marie Louise Veigert


In this article, there are talked about Spare Parts (bomproducts):

It looks like its setup in Swift, but I cannot figure out how. Anyone who have set it up, who can help me in the correct direction?

I know how to set up bom products.

Im looking at DW10 :)


Marie Louise


Anouk van der Veer

Hi Marie Louise, 

I was curious about this myself so I digged around a bit. I think the Spare Parts Portal isn't really there yet, as I can find nothing about it in the manuals and such. I did see DW talk about BOM products and integrating this into Swift 2.0, in their Q2 product brief: Around 26:30 they talk about it briefly.

So I don't think we can try it out just yet!

Kind regards,

Lars Holm Byg Dynamicweb Employee
Lars Holm Byg

Hi Marie Louise,

The product details page rendering BOM products uses a customized "SWIFT_RelatedProductList" item type, treating BOM products like related products. This simple example only works for BOMs with specific products and doesn’t support selecting parts from a group.

Anouk is correct about enhanced rendering in Swift 2. We're improving this from product detail to checkout.

Implementing spare parts varies by customer needs.
For many spare parts, using related products might be better. It allows differentiation between spare parts and consumables, which are often necessary in a spare parts portal but are not part of a BOM when ordering the product.
Consider how BOM-built products are sold. Some sites sell them as "normal" products, while others require ordering the different parts, making a BOM product type more suitable.

Even with better support in Swift 2, spare parts portals may need adjustments to meet specific needs.

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Marie-Louise and Anouk 

We have a Swift solution with customizations you can get a copy of if you want to dig deeper into it. It is made on DW9 on an older Swift thougjh, but you can get the concept and the customizations from this solution if you want.

Let me know, and I will put you in contact with the right person.

BR Nicolai



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