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EcomPrices don't applied without valid dates(from, till)

Andrejs Zavorotnijs


In DW9 there are no configuration needed for "valid from" and "valid till" fields in price matrix

In DW10 prices from price matrix don't applied unitl "valid from" and "valid till" fields configured with active dates



Morten Buhl Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Buhl

Thanks for the bug report. It has already been fixed internally (#20509) and will be available in the next 10.6 release - see changelog


Andrejs Zavorotnijs

Another thing is,

when I trying import EcomPrices with EcomProvider(destination provider)

EcomCurrency field is empty string, but after import default currency applied, unless I configure constant value empty string in data intergation job


Also if price record in price matrix already exist and I need to update price

After import there are no fast update for prices

here is 1000

and inside price is correct 989

But in Frontend still 1000

There are also no prices cache to clear(products cache clearing doesn't give any result), how I can apply new prices instantly? 

Rasmus Sanggaard Dynamicweb Employee
Rasmus Sanggaard


The new fix makes currency a required field (UI change will be in 10.7) - a price without a currency doesn't really make sense. 

The missing price cache from the other services caches, is a bug and will be fixed in bug #20520. 


BR Rasmus Sanggaard

Andrejs Zavorotnijs

If currency field is empty in DB, then price applied to all currencies

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Andrejs

Yes - that is correct. in 10.7 we will update the UI so you cannot create a price without selecting a currency - but if you add empty to the database, the price will apply to all currencies. Dangerous though :-)

Andrejs Zavorotnijs

Hi Nicolai and Rasmus

Is it mean, that in 10.7 UI "all currencies" no longer be an option

Same plans for discounts?

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

From UI, no. From integration you can.

Do you have a use case where the price is the same across currencies? e.g.DKK 100 and SEK 100?

Andrejs Zavorotnijs

Nope, I don't have

All currencies configuration for prices and discounts can only be used if the solution uses 1 currency, but this will always be an issue in the future, if client decides to use more currencies.



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