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Forum » Templates
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constant problem with Facebook share (images not valid content)
Hi As you see here, I have problem with facebook not accepting the image content type I Have tried ur ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
03/12/2019 17:45:35
Last post: 03/12/2019 18:55:09
Alternative images in product catalog
Is it possible to loop through the alternative images/links in a product catalog paragraph? I'm using a product catalog paragraph to create an XML product feed, i do see the small, medium and large images but i don't see a template tag or loop to dis ...
John Broers
02/12/2019 16:49:31
Last post: 02/12/2019 17:12:35
How to get focal point in PageViewModel?
I have a problem not being able to get the imagepath with the selected focal point in a pageviewmodel. How do i get access to the focal point values? ...
Daniel Hansen
24/10/2019 15:36:47
Last post: 18/11/2019 14:13:48
Newly created PropertyItem itemtype results in NullReferenceException when trying to do null check
Hi, I've just created an Item which I'm using for page properties. When I in my layout template use the code below I get a NullReferenceException (System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.) But only on the p ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
06/11/2019 21:13:38
Last post: 06/11/2019 23:32:26
Search and replace template filename on Page table?
Hi, I have to change template (from html to Razor) on 2000+ pages on a site. I want to know if it's enough to do a search and replace on the PageLayout column on the Page table? Or is there anything else to think about? ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
30/10/2019 16:43:02
Last post: 30/10/2019 23:06:05
Two extranet apps on one page
Hi, I'm using the Extranet app for a newsletter signup, which is located in the footer of the website. I also have a 'create account' page which makes use of the Extranet app. Both setup with the Create profile form. So the create account page has tw ...
John Broers
29/10/2019 14:17:59
Last post: 29/10/2019 15:34:56
Is it possible to set unwrap:true on PageViewModel's @Model.Placeholder(...)
Hi, Running version 9.7.2, it will generate a div for each paragraph, when rendering them with @Model.Placeholder(...). Is it possible to set unwrap:true in some way? It would have made sense if it could be included as part of the settings parameter  ...
Roald Haahr Jensen
25/10/2019 13:33:33
Last post: 25/10/2019 15:03:51
Handlebars template not rendered in product details
Hi there, we have a WIP test site up and are experiencing some strange issues. The product information is not being rendered but other handlebars generated content is being rendered on oth ...
Reynir Viðar Ingason
24/10/2019 10:07:09
Last post: 24/10/2019 14:23:54
Wrong saved card number on order confirmation page
When using a saved card I am getting the wrong number displayed on the order confirmation page. The value is wrong if I try to get it either from the template tags (Ecom:Order.TransactionCardNumber) or the API, although it's correct on the backoffice ...
Cátia Torego
04/10/2019 11:49:33
Last post: 07/10/2019 02:31:29
PageVievModel - when used no paragraphs are rendered (DW 9.6.13)
When I use PageViewModel on my Master and Page templates my placeholders and their content are not rendered... I have tested using two dead simple plain master and page templates using edit: ParagraphViewModel PageViewModel, my placeholders are not r ...
Jacob Storgaard Jensen
26/09/2019 15:58:57
Last post: 04/10/2019 12:18:56
Loop throug ItemRelations list on "external" item using the API ItemManager storage
Hi I want to control the footer of a bootstrap based website, by having an itembasedpage where i create/edit the footercols in a list. I have createt an page item - where the item is named "Footer" - and this Item has a field named "Cols" that is an  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
01/10/2019 07:17:55
Last post: 03/10/2019 06:33:25
Avoid templates from "breaking" if resource isn´t found
Hi On a razor page template, I call on an external Item called "Alert", and the item-id is 1. It´s based on this @{ string myint="1"; var item = Dynamicweb.Content.Items.Ite ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
27/09/2019 14:34:00
Last post: 27/09/2019 14:54:55
Issue with UserManagement:User.UserAddress.ID returning Users ID for default user.
Copied from my reply - just to make it visible :) There is a bit of an issue here it seems. If your user has lets say ID 5 - then when u run through the users addresses, then the address not in AccessUserAddress will when u call GetValue("UserManagem ...
Claus Kølbæk
19/09/2019 15:37:22
Last post: 22/09/2019 14:55:59
Controlling behaviour of master pagetemlate (master.cshtml) Based on settings on a pagebased Item
Hi I need a solution for where I can allow an editor to control things, that will effect behaviour of the master page template (master.cshtml) across all pages of all types. I was considering setting up an item based page as a sort of a settings/cont ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
18/09/2019 15:25:39
Last post: 19/09/2019 12:49:41
RenderItem filter AND and OR conditions
Hi guys,m This is a copy of the a comment from one of my coleagues. It was posted on another thread and got no answers so far. I thought that it will help if I make it a thread on its own. The context. I have some Dw_Page items that I want to list ba ...
Adrian Ursu
06/09/2017 15:11:39
Last post: 04/09/2019 10:15:13
Changing contactreceipt
Hey, We would want to change the email notification for a customer of ours (volandis). When a form is submitted we are sending a email notification with the information, but the receiver gets a dynamicweb based e-mail. We would want to edit the templ ...
E Muller
19/08/2019 16:00:55
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Format SendDate tag in Email content.
Hi, Is there a way to format the email tag: {{EmailMessaging:Message.SendDate}} Now it returns the full DateTime but we would like to get the date only. So it can be used inside the content text of a recuring email. If there is no standard feature fo ...
Jesse Bakker
29/07/2019 11:33:34
Last post: 31/07/2019 15:44:41
Declaring/using variable across paragraph templates
Hi I have started posts about this before, but this is maybe a little bit different. I want to declare a variable in paragraphTemplateA.cshtml, and then I want to use/show it in paragraphTemplateB.cshtml I was thinking i could use ViewBag for this, b ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
12/06/2019 10:31:53
Last post: 01/07/2019 17:47:06
Get the name of current pagetemplate
Hi Is there a way to output the name of the current pagetemplate from a paragraph template view? @TemplateTags does not reveal this, but maybe somehow via the API this could be done? /Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
01/07/2019 14:41:08
Last post: 01/07/2019 15:38:48
Error when setting up a new website
As part of my training, I'm configuring an empty website in DW. I've followed this guide (at least I think I've done so) Now I get this error message: Exception in  ...
Siv Hansen
10/01/2019 12:58:29
Last post: 27/06/2019 14:31:14