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possibility of choosing a past date in forms for editors
In forms for editors (in Swift) I use the HTML5 date field. I need to be able to select a date back in time. How is this possible? Thanks! ...
Michael Elkjær
22/02/2024 13:44:56
Last post: 26/02/2024 09:47:43
cart pop-up
Hi! Is there a pop-up function when clicking "add to cart" in swift version 1,7? ...
Johanne Glimsdal
23/03/2022 15:49:30
Last post: 20/02/2024 17:40:51
Adjust language switch
Hi, I want to change the text between the brackets in my language switch or delete it. Which templates do I need to adjust for this? So for example adjust (nl - BE). Caro ...
Caro De Weze
14/02/2024 10:40:16
Last post: 20/02/2024 08:49:30
Search string is banning IP at DK
We had a client that reported an issue with a customer getting a 403 error and then not being able to access the site. They were entering a value into a form that turned out was getting their IP banned, I'm guessing because it was being falsely f ...
George Jaros
12/02/2024 19:14:47
Last post: 19/02/2024 17:35:20
Express Buy App can't get GetProduct() to return anything on view model?
Today we struggled with getting specific ProductFields into the "Cart Summary" view. And we found out that the Extension Method GetProduct() on the CartOrderlineViewModel always return null. Maybe something is out of context the way the Exp ...
Kevin Steffer
31/01/2024 21:02:11
Last post: 14/02/2024 16:12:06
Swift: Issues with rendering youtube videos on product page
Hi, We have tried to add a paragraf with videos on a product page. The link is as follow (url is made anonymous): The video looks and work inside ecommerce as I would expect it to work on the product page: It doe ...
Marie Louise Veigert
30/11/2023 12:01:49
Last post: 07/02/2024 10:09:44
Load more button clears search
On the product list when I'm doing a search if I click the load more button the search is cleared and it lists all the products again. It does keep the facets but it is clearing the search. DW Version: 9.16.6 ...
Cátia Torego
06/02/2024 11:00:22
Last post: 06/02/2024 17:58:22
Publications: 1 column row not being inserted
Hi all, I'm trying out the new Publications and I seem to have an issue with adding a one column row in the visual editor. Whenever I try, It doesn't get added. Tried this on our own 'Playground' as well as on a customer solution with ...
Anouk van der Veer
05/02/2024 13:24:12
Last post: 05/02/2024 14:07:04
DW 10 - Swift - Search result pages errors
Database: Swift_20240129 Files: Swift_v1.25.1 Fresh setup with no changes Content -> Search result page Error: An error occurred while attaching module (Dynamicweb.Frontend.Content) System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for ...
Bragi Þorsteinsson
02/02/2024 12:17:36
Last post: 02/02/2024 15:45:28
Mini cart in Swift
Hi, We need to implement a mini cart in a Swift solution. That is to show/hide a panel with the cart info when pressing the cart button of the right corner. This was done at Rapido by the website settings, but these setting are not in Swift. As well, ...
Tomas Gomez
25/04/2023 12:45:15
Last post: 31/01/2024 15:32:28
Form mail
How can I include this information (page name) in my form receipt email? /Suzi ...
Suzi Louring
10/01/2024 15:11:41
Last post: 31/01/2024 11:30:38
EbizCharge helper methods
Hi, We noticed the EBizCharge payment template is still calling helper methods when those have been removed in the include files: ...
Mario Santos
22/12/2023 11:56:03
Last post: 31/01/2024 11:12:34
Going back to the specific product detail page after login
Hi, For a customer where logging in to add the product to basket is required, I'm trying to get the login page to go back to the product detail page the login request has originated from. I saw there is a GoBackToPage variable and field defined i ...
Justin Sjouw
24/01/2024 13:56:49
Last post: 31/01/2024 08:36:47
Inconsistent discount price
In the template eCom/Order/OrderLines.cshtml the template tag used for the discount price is Ecom:Product.Discount.Price.PriceFormatted but in other templates like eCom7/CartV2/Step/Helpers/OrderLineItem.cshtml the template tag used is Ecom:Order:Ord ...
Cátia Torego
24/01/2024 17:16:06
Last post: 30/01/2024 20:53:24
Form default templates
Hi How do I choose a Swift template in the Forms app? Shouldn't I be able to choose from a design folder? /Suzi ...
Suzi Louring
09/01/2024 12:30:47
Last post: 30/01/2024 17:34:56
Hide country in dropdown languages
Hi, How can I easily hide the country between the brackets in the dropdown with my language switch on the frontend? For example, I want to change 'English (World)' to 'English'. Caro ...
Caro De Weze
09/01/2024 11:26:53
Last post: 30/01/2024 17:20:22
Two admin buttons when switching to language layer
Hi, I recently added several language layers to my solution. When I switch languages ​​with the language switch on the frontend, I get 2 login buttons (if I have already logged in). One gives a dropdown to log in (but I am already logged in and then  ...
Caro De Weze
09/01/2024 10:34:28
Last post: 30/01/2024 17:12:15
DW10 Swift - Mega menu headers/links using bootstrap colors and not themes
Hi DW, I'm experiencing that these headers are using bootstrap colors instead of the theme that is chosen. This is the solution: As you can see here in the inspector, it is using a BS variable instead of  ...
Martin Ottesen
08/01/2024 11:40:59
Last post: 30/01/2024 17:05:26
Enable and use consent mode GTM through DW cookie manager
We got a question related to the Dynamicweb consent/cookie manager. Does it support updating GTM whenever a user say yes/no to the GTM cookie? ...
Martin Moen
22/01/2024 15:33:31
Last post: 30/01/2024 16:05:49
Some TemplateTags are empty when order email is sent using the notification on Order flows
Hi, DW 9.16.5 , Swift v1.24.0 Please see the video with the explanation - Question - Should the tag Ecom:Order.Completed be empty? Thank you. ...
Pedro Meias
24/01/2024 11:45:43
Last post: 26/01/2024 11:47:30