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Related products in Swift

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I have a project that I am converting from Rapido to Swift and I seem to have an issue with related products.

I need to list specific Related categories and also a "Similar products" related list.

How do I accomplish these needs? The options of the Related module do not seem to cover it.

Thank you,




Jennifer Johansen Dynamicweb Employee
Jennifer Johansen

Hi Adrian

I am not sure what you are trying to acheive. With the related products . 
Maybe you can specify or give an example. 

In Swift we support related products, in different related groups.

But if you need to create a related product section "Similar products" you can create a new row with related product paragraph and point that to a specific service page,
where you can override the product view model parameters if needed based some of your criterias.
But i guess i need an actual example to guide you further.

Best regards


Jennifer Johansen Dynamicweb Employee
Jennifer Johansen

Example of what i mean :)

  • You can create your design using product components
  • and use the design on the Product component slider
  • Select Advanced / Custom
  • And point to a Service page , where you define/overrride som specifc parameters

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Jennifer,

My specific use case is that I want to list a specific Related Group using the Component Slider.

In the version I started with, I can use the Product Slider (not component slider) but that one will create a group for every related group I have defined.

The Product Component Slider does not even have the option to use Related Products:

Maybe the setup for my use case is a bit different?

Thank you,


Jennifer Johansen Dynamicweb Employee
Jennifer Johansen

Hi Adrian 

Yes the Product Component Slider is missing the Related producs option. I have a task item for that in the queue.

And yes with Product Slider it wil divide the products into the different related groups that are specified.
And it is not possible to select one or multiple related groups out to show.  (But this is a request i have heard before, which we can look into) . 

The only thing that i can think of is Creating a new related group called Similar products, but you will still run into the issue that it will show all related groups if they are added on the product


Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Jennifer,

Thank you for the clarification.

I believe that a "Related group selector" would solve the issue.
We have solved it this way:

Maybe it makes sense for the user to have the option to decide which relation groups should be displayed instead of displaying all.

Thank you,




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