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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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SCA support for Ingencio payment gateway.
Hi. As far as I know, SCA is only supported in DIBS, QuickPay, Bambora, Stripe and Valitor. We expereince increasing demand for a secure Ingencio payment gateway, are there any plans to upgrade it to follow modern seucirty recommendations and support ...
Simon Nordahl
01/06/2021 12:26:24
Last post: 01/06/2021 13:11:43
Live prices mismatch on add to cart request
Hi there, We are using live prices and we subscribe the CartLoaded and OrderLineAdded notifications. There issue I am pursuing is when we add quantity of one previously added product the minicart counter/price is not up to date. The reason behind thi ...
Mario Santos
19/05/2021 11:35:01
Last post: 01/06/2021 09:09:37
Countrycode gets removed from URL
We want to make some changes to the URL structure of our ecom groups but run into some problems. The current situation is: What we want: Both rom and vacuum-units are ecom groups in this URL. I  ...
John Broers
08/04/2021 11:26:38
Last post: 28/05/2021 10:38:51
Stock value not rendered correctly when using Stock Locations
Hi guys, I have a situation with a project and I am not sure if it's how the functionality is supposed to work, a configuration issue, or a bug. I have a solution running on DW 9.9.8 where I have defined a few stock locations and the values in these  ...
Adrian Ursu
27/05/2021 15:59:08
Last post: 28/05/2021 10:00:17
Multiple websites for add to cart, a single website for checkout
Hi guys, I have a situation with a solution used for multiple websites. One of the websites is an actual shop while the others are more marketing sites. Each site has its own domain name. The customer wants to allow users to add to cart from the mark ...
Adrian Ursu
26/05/2021 15:48:59
Last post: 26/05/2021 17:02:08
Change Order status during checkout
Hi guys, I know it's a long shot but I have to ask. Is there a way to control OrderStatus in the checkout process? I mean, based on some criteria, to define what Order status the new order will be saved in. I have some situations where I want to avoi ...
Adrian Ursu
03/05/2020 13:01:59
Last post: 26/05/2021 13:00:53
Related Products on variants
Hi, If you have a EcomShop containg Extended variants, then it does not seem that you can add Related products to each of the variants. At the moment is only available on the Master Product. The Table EcomProductsRelated is also missing a field "Prod ...
Keerthy Sethupathy
25/05/2021 14:47:21
Last post: 26/05/2021 09:46:07
RMA email templates
Hi guys, Is there any example of the emails that can be used for RMA notifications? What about the location where these templates should be located? Is it eCom/RMA/Mail/ ? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
18/05/2021 08:12:25
Last post: 19/05/2021 08:53:08
Prices in DB with VAT
Hi there, I have "Prices in DB include VAT" turned on and entered prices that include VAT. For shipping, I set to not calculate tax over shipping. Yet when I enter a fee it's treated as it was without VAT For example, 5 becomes 4 something). I can fa ...
Imar Spaanjaars
25/04/2019 14:35:09
Last post: 17/05/2021 11:46:54
Manufacturer value from PIM not visible in Ecommerce
Hi guys, I have a solution running on DW 9.9.8. I am experiencing some strange behavior when updating the values when using bulk editing. I am setting the manufacturer on a couple of products, after the update I can see the manufacturer correctly dis ...
Adrian Ursu
14/05/2021 13:42:44
Last post: 17/05/2021 03:01:21
Retrieve Favorite products by User
Hi guys, I have a solution running on DW 9.9.8 and I have a request to display a small list of Favorite products for the current user. Not an extensive Favorite list, just a widget with 4 of the favorite products of the current user. I have noticed t ...
Adrian Ursu
13/05/2021 12:11:20
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Auto Product Relation Rules
Dear All, I have noticed there is one new section on Product Group fields called 'Auto Product Relation Rules' but I couldn't find more informations related to it on the document website. I also tried to test but couldn't see any changes on the front ...
Aye Nyein Myat
22/04/2021 15:20:08
Last post: 12/05/2021 21:29:34
Same Product purchased with points and purchased with Price
Dear All, If the same product was purchased with both points and prices, we noticed that it is appeared in 2 different orderlines: one for those qty purchased with points and one for those qty purchased with prices. Could you please advise if these t ...
Aye Nyein Myat
12/05/2021 11:19:12
Last post: 12/05/2021 14:52:06
Can we use ORDERCUSTOMERREFID field to keep the value of Customer PO Number?
Dear All, On our website, we need Customer PO Number as a mandatory field to fill up on Checkout page before B2B customers confirm the order. In order to keep the filled value of Customer PO Number from Checkout page, can you please advise whether we ...
Aye Nyein Myat
10/05/2021 16:49:44
Last post: 12/05/2021 11:12:56
Reserved stock when user returns to cart
Hi, I ran into an issue with the behavior of the reserved stock when the user returns to the Cart. The product becomes reserved when the user adds it to the Cart and if the user walks out for the x minutes determined in the Ecommerce settings, the pr ...
Mafalda Correa
10/05/2021 12:47:52
Last post: 10/05/2021 16:14:35
Sorting products in Favorite lists
Hi guys, Is there any way I can allow the users to sort their favorite products? Is this a supported functionality? I can see a SortOrder field in the EcomCustomerFavoriteProducts table but I am not sure if I can control this value from the front-end ...
Adrian Ursu
15/03/2021 13:08:29
Last post: 06/05/2021 13:48:15
Creating search function for the Order Discounts
Promotions of our customer created in 'Order Discounts' will continue to grow over time. At this juncture, they already had 15 pages and they need to click page by page to find their promotions created. They want us to create the search function for  ...
Khine Lwin Myint
08/11/2018 10:10:47
Last post: 06/05/2021 11:25:11
Model.Cart.TotalProductsCount returning wrong value
Hi, Rapido 3.4 ships with the Model.Cart.TotalProductsCount to render the counter on the Cart. As far as I know, this was always working, but recently we started seeing incorrect values. Model.Cart.TotalProductsCount is now counting all orderlines in ...
Mafalda Correa
04/05/2021 20:10:19
Last post: 06/05/2021 02:22:06
Localize multiple products at one time
Hi there I can 't seam to figure out how to localize multiple products in one go - how is that handled? I can localize 1 group or 1 product at a time, but the option only seam to be there when I edit a single product/group, not when I mark more. Plea ...
Rune Skovbo
04/05/2021 16:26:15
Last post: 04/05/2021 20:22:05
Product-group path is available in all languages
Hi On sites with multiple languages, product-groups path from one language can be used on another (all other) eg. /produkter/transportbaand/ (correct DK path) *master /produkte/foerderband/ (correct DE path) /produits/convoyeurs-a-bande/ (correct FR  ...
Thomas Jensen
02/02/2021 17:08:20
Last post: 04/05/2021 13:54:58