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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features
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Inc and Ex VAT amounts showing the same
I am having difficultly with the orderdetails template in the swift customer experience center Its showing the same total value with and without VAT I have checked the numbers in the ecomorders table and they are def different for with and without va ...
Stephen Anthony Jackson
08/05/2024 18:50:05
Last post: 13/05/2024 16:57:05
Generating Ecom product urls for redirects when moving to DW
Hi, Our customer is moving from another system to DW. The product url structure changes, so for SEO we need to set the correct redirects. I want a file with 'column 1 ProductID' and 'column 2 ProductUrl' (so I can cross reference it w ...
Davy Capiau
13/05/2024 12:00:32
Last post: 13/05/2024 16:47:56
Use previous order as template for new
Hi. One of our customers wishes to use previous orders, and simply "order again" the same in a new order. I know that "Recurring Orders" exist, but thats a slightly different use-case. Does DynWeb support "re-ordering" o ...
Stephen Anthony Jackson
22/02/2024 13:44:08
Last post: 13/05/2024 16:45:36
Discount Calculations Incorrect
While testing product discounts on a 9.16.6 site we discovered an issue with Discount calculations. Wew set up a very basic 20% Discount and applied it to a Product Group. When adding items from that group at multiple quantities to the cart the disco ...
George Jaros
06/05/2024 16:49:52
Last post: 08/05/2024 16:12:39
Reverse charge VAT on custom amount discount
Hi, We're using the Reverse charge for VAT option to not charge certain users for VAT. But when we are setting a custom amount discount on the cart the VAT is showing a negative number. It looks like there is VAT calculated on this discount while ...
John Broers
08/05/2024 12:39:44
Last post: 08/05/2024 15:23:23
Use a session variable as customer number for order list in customer center app
Hello. In the customer center app (my orders), you can choose to base list based on user id or customer number. We wish to base it on a customer number retrieved from a session object, which contains a group customer number we have set with ExtraNetL ...
Stephen Anthony Jackson
07/05/2024 13:42:27
Last post: 08/05/2024 09:18:51
Use email subscription in checkout
Hi, When I enable 'Use email subscription' at checkout, nothing appears on the frontend. I would like a newsletter subscribe checkbox to appear in the checkout for logged in users. Is this not the correct setting or does something else need t ...
Caro De Weze
08/05/2024 08:55:47
No replies yet
Shipmondo and address copying
Hi there, As it turns out, Shipmondo can return drop locations that have an address field that is too long to fit in the ERP's order record. As an example, here's what I got back from them for "address line 2": "Kein Barverkauf ...
Imar Spaanjaars
03/05/2024 11:33:22
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Apply different VAT based on Customer Billing country
Hi guys, I have a situation with a solution that is integrated with NAV. 95% of the customers are from Romania and they should see the prices without VAT and in the cart we have to display the total VAT and the total order value. This part works pret ...
Adrian Ursu
07/02/2022 17:35:23
Last post: 29/04/2024 13:44:07
Issue switching languages in Swift
Hi guys, We are experiencing some issues switching languages using Swift. It is indeed an older version of Swift but I am trying to figure out the expected behavior. We have noticed a cookie Ecom.SelectedLangID.Frontend that is not being set before t ...
Adrian Ursu
25/04/2024 08:47:10
Last post: 26/04/2024 10:15:15
Stop recurring order if product is inactive
Is there a way to stop a recurring order from being created and sent to ERP when a product has been set as inactive after the recurring order was created? I have tried creating a custom task that would skip the order if a product is inactive (code is ...
Bjørn Ingebrigtsen
19/04/2024 13:07:11
Last post: 24/04/2024 13:46:47
Recurring Order Error
Error at Recurring order creation when use RecurringOrdersScheduledTaskAddIn at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo) at Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.Order.get_Ip() in D:\Primero\Source\D ...
Shiwanka Chathuranga
19/04/2024 11:38:08
Last post: 24/04/2024 13:46:17
Error in OrderViewSearchList.cshtml
Hello. We are integrating a Visma Business ERP with DW, and importing older orders from the ERP so the customers can see their order history. However, when importing to the EcomOrders table, I get the following error Line 89: string orderDate = order ...
Stephen Anthony Jackson
24/04/2024 12:00:42
Last post: 24/04/2024 12:12:21
Facet count dont update after product delete
Hi. We are building a webshop for a customer selling new and used machinery. The used machinery gets handled by BC, so when a PM mark a machine in BC, it triggers an integration and then the product gets deleted in PIM and then also the Ecommerce. It ...
Kasper Legarth
22/04/2024 14:02:51
Last post: 24/04/2024 09:08:06
Robots.txt for an e-commerce setup
Hi, What is an ideal robots.txt for an e-commerce setup where you don't have any special additions to the file system? Asking for DW9. These are the things I came across inspecting other DW-webshops: Sitemap: [sitemap] User-agent: * Disallow: /Fi ...
Davy Capiau
19/04/2024 11:47:29
Last post: 23/04/2024 08:47:09
Favoritelist slow performance with Live integration
Hi, We are using standard swift template Favoritelist.cshtml and Live integration. Customers in the shop have very large favoritelists so when opening the favoritelist page showing all favoritelists it seems the it triggers Integration to fetch all p ...
Magnus Holmberg
12/04/2024 12:04:03
Last post: 19/04/2024 12:07:46
Read only on product field does not work
Hi, I have a product field which are "Read only" But i still can change the value through PIM and Ecom Regards Andreas ...
Andreas Pettersson
12/04/2024 16:13:39
Last post: 18/04/2024 07:39:16
Checkout to quote email notification breaks receipt context
Hi, We notice this on Swift but seems a DW issue. Using shopping cart to checkout to quote, if we set notifications to use a page for the email, the receipt context is lost and template return an exception - BR M ...
Mario Santos
01/02/2024 17:21:00
Last post: 16/04/2024 20:04:15
From AD Integration to Microsoft 365/Azure AD
Hello If you switch from the old web service based "active directory login" External Authentication to Microsoft 365/Azure AD login. Do you still need to import the users to DW first? It is not described in documentation https://doc.dynamic ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
21/03/2024 10:31:44
Last post: 11/04/2024 17:47:23
Scheduling index build
Hi there, I have a site with a configured index task as follows: What I would expect is that this task runs once a day at 7.02. What it does instead is run 24 hours after it completed the last time. The process takes more than an hour to complete (1. ...
Imar Spaanjaars
15/05/2023 21:36:01
Last post: 09/04/2024 12:31:06