I am experiencing a challenge regarding filters in Rapido 2.
It seems that if the filter is composed of two words separated by space - it will be interpreted as two different values.
Also if the value contains decimals, it seems like some weird conversion happens because the outputted value does not correspond to the actual value.
Have a look at this example: http://testhjj.hjj.dk/h-jessen-jurgensen/webshop/produkter/klimaanlaeg-og-varmepumper-1?ScrollPos=400
If you look at kølekapacitet for instance, and then open this product: http://testhjj.hjj.dk/h-jessen-jurgensen/webshop/produkter/klimaanlaeg-og-varmepumper/close-controls-proces-klimaanlaeg/bluebox-ucwco14xs-close-control
You will notice the value for Kølekapacitet has been formatted in a wrong way in the filter, and the "w" unit is a separate filter in its own right. This is not the expected result.
Do you have a fix for this, or at least a "recipe" for what kind of values a filter can contain, and more importantly which characters are not allowed as a filter ?