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Custom module IP detection change IMC SRC
Hey DWs would it be possible to change all IMC SRCs in a template to another server folder, based on IP detection? Any input to how we could make such a module (fast and cost-efficient). Kind regards Peter ...
Peter Bille Larsen
25/04/2013 08:22:50
Last post: 25/04/2013 10:37:14
Saving to Custom group field via the API
Hi guys, I forgot how to save a value to a custom group field via the API. I've created a new field on my groups, and now i'd like to save something to it. Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Products.Group group = new Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Products.Group(); group.N ...
Martin Nielsen
24/04/2013 15:52:19
Last post: 25/04/2013 08:27:34
Toolbar button dropdown options
Hello. Easy one (I think, even though I can´t find a way): how do I make a context menu appear for a toolbar button (when clicking on the little arrow)? Marco ...
Marco Santos
24/04/2013 15:44:22
Last post: 24/04/2013 17:06:47
User management backend extensibility
Hello. I'm working on a module for a client and i was wondering if there are any way to extend the user management module in the backend besides the custom fields? I want to make a dropdown, populated with custom data (files from a folder on disk) an ...
Mikkel Høst
18/04/2013 11:15:59
Last post: 23/04/2013 14:16:12
CheckoutHandlers - Using a proxy page and return
Hello, When integrating CartV2 checkout handlers with some payment providers I'm using an ASHX file in the middle, where I receive the submission from the CheckoutHandler.StartCheckout() and then contact the payment provider. Correct me if I'm wrong, ...
Diogo Lino
19/04/2013 19:22:50
Last post: 19/04/2013 19:33:41
Nested product filtering
Hello Is it possible to have nested product filtering in Dw? So I can have a structure like: filter 1 sub filter 1 sub filter 2 sub filter 4 filter 2 filter 3 And the "sub filters" should only be accesible when the parent is selected, e.g.  ...
Anders Ebdrup
19/04/2013 10:48:34
Last post: 19/04/2013 12:29:33
Get Discount information programatically
Hello. Is there a discount object that contains the information about it, and that I can get to it from a DiscountId (from an order line)? Can´t find any way to do it throught the Discount object in Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Discounts. How about get ...
Marco Santos
11/04/2013 15:59:25
Last post: 19/04/2013 10:38:39
Buffer false
Hello. Why won't a page run with Buffer="false" ? And are there a way around this? did my test on DW ...
Mikkel Høst
16/04/2013 21:56:23
Last post: 17/04/2013 14:14:20
Extending Calendar V2
Hello, For a customer we need to be able to extend the Calendar V2 module. Since the Calendar module doesn't seem to be extendable, we would like to explore the possibility to get the source code of this module, so we can make it a custom module ours ...
Ton Martens
02/02/2012 10:08:26
Last post: 17/04/2013 14:01:05
Discounts missing
Hi, I am working on an upgraded solution with Dynamicweb and Cart v1 Everything is working fine but when reacjing the payment gateway, discounts disappear. Anyone came across this? Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
11/04/2013 11:37:13
Last post: 12/04/2013 14:30:52
Problem with logging session
Hi, This is not a question, but a general problem when using the api... I have a problem with the error logging method: "Dynamicweb.Log", where this line assumes that a session is available: For Each key As String In HttpContext.Current.Ses ...
Anders Ebdrup
08/04/2013 23:11:36
Last post: 09/04/2013 00:02:34
Activate countries on other languages
Hi, Does anybody have a trick to activate the all countries in an eCom language? We have all countries active in Portuguese (easy) but now need to simply save and close one by one in 3 other languages (nightmare). Nuno ...
Nuno Aguiar
02/04/2013 16:42:14
Last post: 08/04/2013 16:38:25
CheckoutHandlers - GatewayResult is cleared
Hello, When creating a Checkout handler, on the Redirect function, I need to store a GatewayResult xml received from a webservice. I tried to change the order before and after the SetOrderComplete() call but with no success. public override string Re ...
Diogo Lino
08/04/2013 13:00:11
Last post: 08/04/2013 16:18:53
Something Strange on Notification in Global Tags
Hi people... I made one code, basicly to get all user custom fields and publish on Global Tags... Work fine when the customers have just one group. When they have more than one i got some problens. After my code, I got timeout... I mean, they don't d ...
George Nelzo Pereira
03/04/2013 16:23:40
Last post: 08/04/2013 15:56:18
NewsList AND operator
Hi, We have a client that wants to change the newslist recordset. Instead of loading all the news where newscategory = A OR newscategory = B to news that belong to category A AND category B In NewsListTemplateExtender the right way to do it? I don't  ...
Nuno Aguiar
27/03/2013 14:07:23
Last post: 02/04/2013 15:29:12
Template parsing bug?
I have a problem with the template parser, it mess up som of my content. The following HTML: <div class="menu style-1"> <ul class="menu"> <li><a href="#"><i class="icon-home"></ ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
22/03/2013 20:46:01
Last post: 02/04/2013 15:04:39
Overriding the maximum number of items for the Product Catalog
Hi there, Is there a way to programmatically override the limitation of 500 products shown using the Product Catalog, using a template extender for example? I am pretty sure I've seen this request before but I can't find the post or sample code. I ca ...
Imar Spaanjaars
27/03/2013 16:20:53
Last post: 02/04/2013 14:48:38
Catch wrong login with notificationsubscriber
For a B2B customer we're developing a website containing an login. The login is loaded in a small popup and works fine when you enter the correct logindata. However, if you enter wrong login data you see a postback happening but no error is/can be sh ...
Rob Lohmann
28/03/2013 08:55:45
Last post: 29/03/2013 14:52:52
EditableGrid dropdown column
Hello. I am using a EditableGrid where one of the columns has a dropdown list. In order to fill it I have an NewRowInitialize handler: protected void GrdPriceConditionOnNewRowInitialize(object sender, EditableGridRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType ! ...
Marco Santos
26/03/2013 10:32:54
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dw:Editor - change editor configuration
Hi, I'm creating some custom functionality for one of out customers, where I use the dw:Editor user control. Is there any way I can change the Editor Configuration for that control? It doesn't look like theres anything to do on the editor object, but ...
Rene Poulsen
13/03/2013 12:31:05
Last post: 26/03/2013 08:19:45