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Problem with Search
As the description states, the search module in Dynamicweb, doesent seem to be able to search in ParagraphTitle, on any solution i have testet have anyone else experienced it? ...
15/04/2008 10:43:19
Last post: 02/11/2011 14:50:49
field not imported
According to the Import/Export Product Schema the ProductDefaultVariantComboID is required but, at least on my local solution, it is not imported.
Just wondering if this is a general issue or my local solution that is behaving oddly ...
14/04/2008 12:41:52
Last post: 19/05/2008 09:34:22
Dw Editor PostBack
Hi There fellow developers, Has anyone successfully grab the text from the Dw Editor on at ascx page on postback.
To problem is when using .net controls like Calendar it makes a postback. And all values in Dw Controls are gone. Is there a hidden way ...
09/04/2008 13:29:14
Last post: 23/10/2008 09:27:13
Search module for DW and custom data
This is not exactly a development related issue, but I found this area to suit my question the best. I was wondering if someone have any experience with serachmodules and data from custom modules / databases in Dynamicweb? Preferrably I need a module ...
09/04/2008 09:18:32
Last post: 09/04/2008 10:51:31
RSS feeds
I've just made a RSS feeds publishing newspost from my dynamicweb news module. The problem is that we use danish chars in the newspost (ÆØÅ) - so these chars will be replaced by '?'.
How can i change the charset in the XML encoding to something d ...
08/04/2008 13:03:21
Last post: 11/04/2008 14:57:34
user registration fields limitation
Hi, We are trying to prevent special characters in usernames. If we remove the validateFunctions tag, the validation should not occour for compulsory fields, nevertheless it does. how can we manipulate this without having to change the external js fi ...
04/04/2008 17:02:10
Last post: 03/06/2008 13:51:26
SMTP error in custom module
Here is the code i use to send mail:
System.Net.Mail.mail.IsBodyHtml =System.Net.Mail.smtp.Send(mail);MailMessage mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(this.Properties.get_Value("mySender"), this.Properties.get_Value("myRecipient" ...
04/04/2008 11:19:02
Last post: 08/04/2008 15:34:52
Auction module
We have a new case we are estimating at the moment which include an auction module on a DW portal with eCom. it should be standard with putting in a bid and seeing the bids on the item and correspondance regarding same, anyone out there with knowledg ...
03/04/2008 13:09:10
Last post: 04/04/2008 12:32:22
Group Custom Field on ProductList
Hi, When the user searches for a specific product, he ends up with the result list. This is fine, but when you then click on a product it's still displayed on the search list page-id. I would like it to jump to the page where the group, which the pro ...
25/03/2008 16:39:32
Last post: 05/06/2008 11:06:59
Using the @Global:Paragraph.Content() with coloumns
Hi I have this layout at, and I use the @Global:Paragraph.Content() to create a newslit i the right coloumn. The problem occurs when you click a newsitem in the right side - then the news will be shown ...
14/03/2008 07:29:24
Last post: 14/03/2008 11:54:45
Fck Editor
Hi there I'm having problem whit the fck editor. After uploading the site to a Dynamic server, the editor is not displayed. In Internet explorer 7 i'm getting many errors, the first one is: Line 27
Char 1
Error 'FCKDataProcessor' is undefined Code 0
13/03/2008 14:12:55
Last post: 09/04/2008 13:08:56
User notification on extranet registration
Hi, A client want's to be notified whenever an extranet user is created through the frontend. At the moment this is possible, but the backend user has to approve the user before it becomes active. The client want's users to be able to register and st ...
11/03/2008 19:38:18
Last post: 09/04/2008 11:55:34
The new tag from the Update Package 2008-01: Global:Page.Content([ID]) Doesnt seem to include global elements :( ... unless the global element is placed together with the "real" element - then both elements are displayed - strange!? But if I move the ...
11/03/2008 10:15:28
Last post: 09/04/2008 10:57:22
Hello I made an "Hello World" test as a ascx userControl file: I folowd the guide Here are my files: test.ascx: -- end file --- test.ascx.vb
Partial Class test Inherits ...
07/03/2008 13:24:57
Last post: 03/04/2008 09:38:14
Integration Vs. Import/Export
Hi, I never worked with neither, but from what I understand they can both import data from an SQL database to Dynamicweb databases. We need to have a solution where the system checks for changed data in either location and update them both, on a dail ...
06/03/2008 16:38:53
Last post: 10/03/2008 11:04:31
Content integration
I haves tested the module and text content is integrated ok. But if i want to place a page with graphics with relative links from the source site they are not shown.
Are there any way to correct this automatically/could such a feature be integrated i ...
06/03/2008 15:12:21
Last post: 12/03/2008 13:05:33
Shopping Cart: Display Price before discount
Hoping someone can help me with this. A customer would like the shopping cart shown in the following manner: ArticleArticleArticleTotal Price (before discount)----Total price after discount There does not seem to be a template tag which shows the ful ...
06/03/2008 14:50:10
Last post: 10/03/2008 15:48:15
Use local RSS feed locally?
I would like to use the RSS module in order to show the latest blogposts of the page.The reason to this is that I cant manage to get the weblogs list to be presented as I want it to. When I use the generated xml url (rss feed) for an internal weblog ...
06/03/2008 14:25:23
Last post: 07/03/2008 14:02:40
Problems with the new editor
After updating DW problems appear in the new editor. We host the solution. Ex. Fail to show new liniebreaks. Shift to kodeview and back. Then new liniebreaks is visibale. I have allso problems change font-size to ex xx-small. Any ideas. Is there a bu ...
06/03/2008 12:59:50
Last post: 10/03/2008 10:01:17
Calendar module features
Hi, We have an application still running on version and with the calendar module, there was a lot of options, including a monthly calendar template in a grid to show reservations, and some other options. We are testing the new version on an ...
05/03/2008 17:08:44
Last post: 06/03/2008 16:09:05