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Consuming a remote web service in cshtml
How are you supposed to call a remote web service in a Dynamicweb Template file (.cshtml)? I need a page that calls the web service and returns JSON. ...
26/01/2017 20:03:42
Last post: 26/01/2017 22:18:34
Minor Basic form Improvement
Hi, Looking for performance issues on a website I noticed that in 8.9.1 DW is performing this SQL query twice (one after the other) SELECT TOP 1 FormSubmitDate FROM FormSubmit WHERE FormSubmitFormID = 5 ORDER BY FormSubmitDate DESC As you might notic ...
Nuno Aguiar
26/01/2017 14:24:43
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Sometimes the Column is marked as read only (itemtype)
Hi, In Dynamic Web we configured an itemtype with some properties for our website Every night an import proces is executed and the property values of this itemtype are updated. Sometimes we receive an error "Column is marked read only" when the value ...
Sander Veltman
09/01/2017 15:01:14
Last post: 26/01/2017 12:54:29
New index - Search using wildcard
Hi Guys, Would it be possible to use a wildcard in search? I mean, if I use the search term "kit" it should return all results that contains "kit" somewhere in the name (for example "sewing kit") while searching for "kit*" should return all results t ...
Adrian Ursu
03/06/2016 11:16:21
Last post: 24/01/2017 13:32:16
Antispam, usermanagement, forms
Hi, I have a few questions. 1) Activating antispam in management center in version 8.8.X. What does this actually do? When I enable this, I cant really see a difference in the output atleast. 2) Antispam is that only in reference to forms, and not us ...
Jan Sangill
24/01/2017 09:23:48
Last post: 24/01/2017 13:25:47
Users - Hide fields in the backend
Hi, A customer would like the following. When creating a new user in the backend, they only want to see the users fields that apply to them. Is it possible to hide some of the standard user fields (ex "Fax") or groups (eg "Geolocation") in the backen ...
Harald Brouwers
19/01/2017 09:47:08
Last post: 19/01/2017 11:46:59
[Users] - Sub-group impersonate other sub-group
Hi All, I have a sub-group that impersonates other sub-group of the same tree. When I do that, the parent group makes an auto impersonate setup with that sub-groups, and that is wrong. Please see the screencast with the example: http://www.screencast ...
Ricardo Pereira
10/01/2017 19:00:45
Last post: 18/01/2017 14:33:00
Use ItemPublisher to list Items without pages or paragraphs
Hi Guys, I am using an ItemType to create a list of manageable Tags on a content rich website. I am connecting the tags with the articles with a Sql based checkbox list. Now, I need to publish the tags on the website. I tried to use the ItemPublisher ...
Adrian Ursu
24/12/2016 01:32:07
Last post: 18/01/2017 13:58:09
Extranet login - page when logged in
Hi, I have a question regarding Extranet login for a B2B shop. Product pages are public, but if you login (Extranet) you can see prices and add products to cart. We want to have login-link in the master template so the login link is at the top of all ...
Jens Jakob Kristensen
17/01/2017 14:56:53
Last post: 18/01/2017 08:04:59
Backend login user messed up with the frontend user
Hi, When an frontend user is authenticated in the frontend shop and we are logging in with the administrator in the backend (same browser, with an other tab) the frontend user is logged in at the backend. We are using Dynamic Web core version ...
Sander Veltman
12/01/2017 16:03:19
Last post: 17/01/2017 11:51:17
Slow app startup due to casting exceptions
Hi there, On a site with around 2000 users, I am seeing a very slow startup when debugging. I tracked the issue down to this in Fill in User.vb: StockLocationID = Base.ChkLong(reader("AccessUserStockLocationID")) The column AccessUserStockLocationID  ...
Imar Spaanjaars
28/09/2016 20:39:56
Last post: 12/01/2017 13:32:55
Forms for editors - submit form without reloading page
Hi Want to submit form without reloading page. Is there any way of doing this in standard Dynamicweb? Maybe some built in Ajax template or nnybody have some suggestions? br, Hans ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
11/01/2017 14:57:15
Last post: 11/01/2017 15:06:47
Adding values to Pageview
Hi guys, I have a project where I need to use a bit more extensively the Impersonation. In order to improve the performance and also ensure a more sticky impersonation, I need to access some properties from the user and also update some propeties on  ...
Adrian Ursu
07/01/2017 12:33:38
Last post: 09/01/2017 16:11:01
How does the "normalise characters" feature work?
Hi all We need to redirect a lot of URLs on a website, because links have been indexed without beeing "normalised". So we want to enable the "Normalize latin characters (ø->oe, é->e etc.)" feature in the Management Center, but since it unfortun ...
09/12/2016 13:32:09
Last post: 05/01/2017 09:16:48
CK Editor: include specific DW icons in config.js
Hi, when configuring a CK Editor, there is a basic and an "advanced" way to determine which icons that should be rendered. In advanced mode, you define config.toolbar and explicitly state the icons you need: config.toolbar = [ { name: 'clipboard', it ...
Martin Christensen
02/01/2017 16:14:35
Last post: 03/01/2017 12:23:15
New Index Facet Options Sort values
Hi Guys, I am trying to play weith the new index and use the Fiel list type of facet. I could not figure out how the Options are sorted. In GetLoop("FacetOptions") I see there is a tag called "FacetOption.Sort" but it always return 0. I was wondering ...
Adrian Ursu
26/12/2016 15:53:00
Last post: 02/01/2017 14:44:52
Weird trimming of long description when importing from Excel
Hi Guys, I have a weird behavior with a data integration job. I am trying to import data from an Excel file and everything seems fine except for the Long Description field that gets trimmed to 255 characters although the Field is defined as Nvarchar  ...
Adrian Ursu
27/12/2016 12:25:16
Last post: 29/12/2016 12:27:51
Link control adding http prefix
When using a paragraph of type item type, the field of type "Link" adds a http:// prefix when I try to use a relative path. For example, I'll set the value of the field to "/test", save, and view the field again and it will become "http:///test". How ...
Scott Forsyth
19/12/2016 19:50:00
Last post: 23/12/2016 05:24:12
Smart Search - caching and triggering
Hi, We have a customer that is using smart searches extensively (too much, but that's a different topic), but I am trying to figure out if we can cache the results and how/when smart searches are triggered. I am trying to understand if issues they ar ...
Nuno Aguiar
22/12/2016 17:12:11
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Password complexity error message
Hi, I am experiencing something odd. It looks like the password complexity error message if being generated by DW, instead of getting the data from the paragraph module settings. Is this a bug or should I be ch ...
Nuno Aguiar
22/12/2016 16:00:01
Last post: 22/12/2016 16:16:51