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Newsletter subscription activation

Rene Poulsen


I have a customer with a lot of newsletter subscriptions. We send out a confirmation mail to the user - and some of the users hasn't confirmed yet. Is it somehow possible to send out the mail with a confirmation link to all these users again?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi René

You could make a smart search on users who has not confirmed - based on the smart search you can send out an email in email marketing.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Rene Poulsen

Great, I didn't know that you can filter on that in the smart search - I guess it's been to long since I've had a look at it :-)

Thaw Htun Lynn

Hi Nicolai,

Is there any way to regenerate active link and send notification email from login page or registration page? I have a requirement to show the button on login page to sent out confirmation email again when the inactive user try to login. Currently, the system will display the message "The user account not found". They want to display "We have sent you activation link email but you have not activated your account yet. Please click on the button below to resent activation email again.". Thank you.

Best regards,


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Thaw

There is no build in way.

But you can utilize the API:

Get the user that signed up:
var user = UserManagement.User.GetEmailSignUpUser("")

Create the link for activation:
String.Format("{0}://{1}?id={2}&approvalKey={3}", HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host, Pageview.Current.ID, user.ApprovalKey)

And then create a mail and send it out.

Hope this helps.

BR Nicolai

Thaw Htun Lynn

Thank you. I will try this and will update you.


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