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password security settings problems
Hey I have some trouble getting the “Password reuse After number of times” and “After number of days” setting to work, Is there something else that I need to enable to get the feature to work? My current settings. <Extranet> <UseWithExtranet ...
Mark Preisler
14/03/2018 11:34:39
Last post: 06/04/2018 15:24:00
Newsletter email template builder.
Hey. Not really sure how to formulate the issue, because it is a two part problem. The main problem right now is that I have an email template for a newsletter that just look horrible in MS Outlook clients. The template is based on code from http://t ...
Bjørn Kamfjord
05/04/2018 22:10:40
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Sitemap only shows 1st level
Hi, We have a website and when we call the /sitemap.xml it only shows pages on level one, in our case the hompage: <urlset> <url> <loc></loc> </url> </urlset> I enabled th ...
Harald Brouwers
29/03/2018 08:46:54
Last post: 03/04/2018 15:33:41
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException in weighted search when having 5 or more words in the search input
Hi folks, On a DW 8.8.10 solution we got a customer notification that when searching sometimes a template error occurs. We can reproduce this and found out this happens when more than four words are submitted as the q value of the weighted search mod ...
Peter Leleulya
28/03/2018 11:58:00
Last post: 29/03/2018 09:19:56
Cannot delete page
Hi, We upgraded a solution to 9.4.6 recently and now when we try to delete pages we get an "Access denied" warning. What do we need to do to get proper permissions (I am using an Angel account). Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
22/03/2018 13:03:32
Last post: 23/03/2018 10:31:36
Automatic redirect when link changes
We have a case where the customer has changed a lot of the links in the solution, and now users that have bookmarked the old links get a 404. That is as expected, but the customer says that "all other CMS-systems" manage to remember link changes, and ...
Martin Grønbekk Moen
23/03/2018 08:40:22
Last post: 23/03/2018 09:01:46
Ecom field hide setting not working?
Hi I am trying to hide some of the fields, for our costumer to have a cleaner and more userfriendly interface - but it´s not working When I log in as a editor/user, I still see all the fields Am I missing something, o ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
16/05/2016 17:51:01
Last post: 23/03/2018 08:35:28
Bug fix list broken
Hi guys, I noticed that the bug fix list is stuck on Dynamicweb 9.4.2: Can we get the overview back of what has changed in recent hot fixes? Thanks! Imar ...
Imar Spaanjaars
21/03/2018 23:12:47
Last post: 22/03/2018 10:34:41
Personalized Emails in DW9
Hi, I would like to make use of personalized emails. So one paragraph of the newsletter should only be visible for one group of contacts. I have followed the steps in this video ( and via the Email preview (in the Content  ...
Nicole Busscher
21/03/2018 15:08:18
Last post: 22/03/2018 09:48:03
Check if user logged into backend?
I there a tag that shows if the user is logged into backend (without having Extranet module)? ...
Per Søgaard
13/10/2015 15:34:06
Last post: 20/03/2018 15:52:26
Default.aspx endless redirects
Hi there I'm experiencing some endless redirects on 9.3.x and 9.4.x. When the URL is /Default.aspx it is redirecting to /Default.aspx?. Here is an example: ...
Mario Santos
16/03/2018 16:49:59
Last post: 16/03/2018 19:02:18
Typo in password check
We're using PasswordGenerator.CheckPasswordComplexity to check a password's strength. There's a typo in the error message which prevents us from using the value as-is: Using dsExtranet = Database.CreateDataSet(CommandBuilder.Create("SELECT [AccessUse ...
Imar Spaanjaars
02/03/2018 19:48:46
Last post: 15/03/2018 09:09:35
Data Integration - "Delete old logs" small UX issues
Hi, If you try to rename jobs and delete old logs you run into some issues until you open the app again: If you delete old logs and then rename, you get the "logs deleted" alert if you rename and then try to dele ...
Nuno Aguiar
12/12/2017 12:25:20
Last post: 12/03/2018 18:12:01
Limit the charset on forms
Hi guys, Ihave a situation where I need to restrict the from from accepting Cyrillic (or any other special type of characters) from being saved in. I have found something that seems to solve this by specifiying an accep-charset on the form. Something ...
Adrian Ursu
12/03/2018 10:50:42
Last post: 12/03/2018 13:23:48
User group sort using razor
Hi. I have a group of users sorted in a particular way and want to display the users as sorted using razor. It is no problem to display the users as in DB or by name using Linq: @foreach (LoopItem i in GetLoop("Item.Brugere").OrderBy(o=>o.GetStrin ...
Peter Kristensen
06/03/2018 09:09:15
Last post: 12/03/2018 09:52:20
Meta information on items
Hi all We have a SEO firm who has reviewed our site, and told us that we need to have meta information on every sub page and so on. But the way our website has been built. Is for an example we have a page called solutions, and on that page we have a  ...
Casper Andersen
06/03/2018 12:41:49
Last post: 09/03/2018 11:13:01
Custom domains not in host headers with Azure Web App
Hello, We noticed today that customers with DW 9 hosted in Azure had issues with their email marketing because only the default Azure host binding was available in the domain dropdown. It looks like this is caused by some change in Azure, since we se ...
Hans Kloppenborg
26/02/2018 13:46:41
Last post: 08/03/2018 11:47:33
Why is the functionality for selecting email templates different throughout the site?
Hello! I want to send an email to a newly registered user and I noticed that the input for selecting the template is not a page-selector, but a regular template dropdown. See pic. While in the marketing tab, selecting an email body makes you select a ...
Oscar Romin
06/03/2018 13:56:57
Last post: 07/03/2018 15:10:00
Can't insert global elements
Hi. After upgrading to 9.3.12 we no longer kan insert any global elements anywhere on the site. We always get the error "Restriction settings for container does not allow it to contain specified item." The site is built up code first, with items. The ...
Mikael Conley
27/02/2018 15:34:13
Last post: 06/03/2018 06:14:22
Date an image fields in nested ItemTypes are broken
Hi guys, I am using 9.3.12 with Code First Items. I have defined an ItemType with an ItemRelation field using a separate ItemType. In the linked ItemType I have an Image field and a Date field. Whenever I try to add a new related record and fill the  ...
Adrian Ursu
02/03/2018 14:45:19
Last post: 02/03/2018 16:21:14