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User don't have access to page Properties

Umar Farooq


We are running on DW 9.4.9 and we have some users with default settings/ Permissions and these users have access to specific websites on the solution (in backend). They can modify the content without any problem but when they try to goto Page properties they get following error "Bruger har ikke adgang til denne side."



Martin Christensen

We are experiencing the same problems on 9.4.10

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi both

Be aware that ther is settings for both the website settings and the content tree root. Please check out this part of the permissions guide:

Otherwise please post a URL for us to look at your setup.

BR Nicolai

Umar Farooq

Hi Nicolai,

I can see you are refering to new Permission module but on our solution we are running old permission setup. So is that means we have to enable new permission module to make it work?

BR Umar

Martin Vang
Martin Vang

Hi Umar and Martin,

If you go to the page properties in question, you can see which permissions you have actually set for the given user-group. Take a look at my screenshow, where only the Newsletter group has edit rights to the page properties.



Edit: Didn't see the latest post. This is not a response to that!

Martin Vang
Martin Vang

Reproduced as Bug#49758, which will be part of the next hotfix.

There is no workarround, except to endable the new permission model - things broke when the new "readonly mode" was introduced.

Umar Farooq

Hi Martin, 

Can you please tell when the next hotfix is planned?


BR Umar

Nicolai Pedersen

Always Tuesdays, see here:

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Umar

The problem regarding #49758 "Page properties not accessible from old permission model" has now been resolved in Dynamicweb version 9.4.11

To upgrade please choose this version from backend or download from here:

Let me know if you need any more help regarding this

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt


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