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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Password in Email Marketing
Hello Guys, Is there any way in including the password in email campaigns? Similar with how you do it when sending User Details from Users Management Section? I have found {{Email:User.UserName}} and {{Email:User.LoginToken}} but not the clean Passwo ...
Adrian Ursu
15/10/2015 20:27:28
Last post: 16/10/2015 15:33:55
How to search in the forum module?
Hello, Do anyone know how to perform a search in the forum module in DW? Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
15/10/2015 16:41:45
Last post: 15/10/2015 18:05:25
Front end editing not possible on item text field
Front end editing is not possible on item text fields, only on rich text fields. This means that the user can not edit headers etc. in text fields. How can i make this possible or can you add this to the next DW version. ...
Per Søgaard
14/10/2015 14:29:37
Last post: 21/11/2017 12:52:32
New index - values and labels
Hi, We have a webshop where we need to index a few multi-select fields. The problem is that we need to index not only the values, but also the labels assign to it. Can we do that without having to create 2 seperate fields (1 to store values and anoth ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/10/2015 17:34:42
Last post: 19/10/2015 11:08:39
Check if user logged into backend?
I there a tag that shows if the user is logged into backend (without having Extranet module)? ...
Per Søgaard
13/10/2015 15:34:06
Last post: 20/03/2018 15:52:26
Forms module
Hi, I 'm developing a site based at, CMS version is And i have noticed that i don't have "Forms" module. The license type that have been set is Free, Is that module available under such license? ...
Sergey Kalinin
05/10/2015 14:09:36
Last post: 05/10/2015 16:51:05
MSSQL query - Why is this correct syntax not updating the table??
Hi I am trying to replace word smileys eomticons, with normal :) in the SQL firehose When i run this query Update News set NewsText=REPLACE(NewsText,'☺',':)') I get this error message what is wrong here? And how d ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
02/10/2015 16:48:38
Last post: 04/10/2015 03:39:21
RE: Open site in another language
Hello, I have a task to add multi language support to my site. I need to translate names of product groups and UI elements. So far I found an article about Language management: According to ...
Andrey Kozachuk
02/10/2015 16:20:57
Last post: 05/10/2015 11:42:57
File upload - extensions and security
Hi, I got a question from the client that I cannot find the answer to. Using the forms module: What file extensions are allowed? Where/if can I set them? Does Dynamicweb run any sort of security check or that should be set on the server itself (self- ...
Nuno Aguiar
01/10/2015 19:31:25
Last post: 02/10/2015 10:25:30
Forms for Editors - view in browser
Hi, In Forms for Editors, the default receipt templates do not create a link for uploaded files (only the relative path), and that's easy for us to change, but I was also trying to change the behaviour when the user clicks on "View in a browser". Whe ...
Nuno Aguiar
01/10/2015 11:47:18
Last post: 02/10/2015 10:32:26
RE: Analytics.js
Hej DW Ville i have noget imod, i fremtiden at minify jeres js filer? Helst så jeres kommentarer også bliver fjernet. Jeg får en pagespeed advarsel på den på alle sider vi tester, der påstår analytics.js kan reduceres med 35% ved en minify. ...
Peter Munkholm
30/09/2015 12:24:12
Last post: 30/09/2015 16:29:18
image behaviour doesn´t make sense
Hi on this wrap site for some reason - the productlist is only showing some images. this product has the sa ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
29/09/2015 17:16:57
Last post: 05/10/2015 11:07:16
Item Dropdown - @Code(Current Item)
Hi, We have an item with 2 item lists. In the second item list I need a field which options are based on the 1st item list. How can I achieve this? Page Item X Field A (item list) Field A1 Field A2 Field A3 Field B (item list) Field B1 Field B1 Field ...
Nuno Aguiar
28/09/2015 19:13:28
Last post: 29/09/2015 10:46:27
Delete part of text in NewsV2 via SQL
Hi I have tried to export News from the Data Integration, but it appears that it gives an error because the column NewsText in the table News, contains smileys (i cant make the same smiley in here, as it is a smiley that comes from word) Anyhow, can  ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
28/09/2015 18:06:26
Last post: 02/11/2015 09:09:25
Paragaph Item Type not saving
There are a few paragraph item types that I am not able to make changes to the content. When I make a content change and press the save or the save and close buttons they grey out but the page does not close or save. This problem does not happen if I ...
Alec Stubbs
28/09/2015 15:32:41
Last post: 29/09/2015 15:51:40
Named item list relationship table get's dropped
Hi, When we go into a named item list a start doing some things (search and sort) and then simply close the pop-up (we made up updates), we lose the items. I noticed that we they are in the DB, so all it seems to be lost are the relationship data bet ...
Nuno Aguiar
25/09/2015 11:38:28
Last post: 29/09/2015 11:20:54
Replacing invalid url chars
Hi guys, Of course I know of UrlEncode, but I noticed the Dynamicweb Url handler interprets ë, ö, etc and converts them in readable variations of that character in stead of %3cwhatever encoding. I need to auto generate sub domain bindings based on st ...
Peter Leleulya
24/09/2015 16:14:22
Last post: 25/09/2015 10:23:35
Recover password based on Username
Hi Guys, Is there any way to recover password based on username instead of Email Address? We have a bunch of cases where multiple users share the same email address. Thanks, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
24/09/2015 15:32:01
Last post: 24/09/2015 20:05:42
Issues after upgrade to
Hi, Despite noticing what was reported here we noticed (on a different solution) that: If we create a new product category field, it does not show up immediately on the product We edited the g ...
Nuno Aguiar
23/09/2015 13:38:15
Last post: 23/09/2015 16:43:35
Search content (in certain page item types only)
Hello, In the old days, all you had to do was to settup a Page, attach a "search module" to paragraph, and set to search only in current language layer. Than with default templates setup as default values - you are ready to do some searching in CMS c ...
Dmitrij Jazel
23/09/2015 12:33:03
Last post: 23/09/2015 14:08:01