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Recover password based on Username

Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

Is there any way to recover password based on username instead of Email Address?

We have a bunch of cases where multiple users share the same email address.




Scott Forsyth

I have some comments to add to this request.

What the reset functionality really needs are three things:

  1. Recover username. Many users don't know what their username is if the usernames are different than the email address. So there should be a recover username option too, in addition to reset password.
  2. When recovering the username and there are multiple usernames with the same email address, it should send an email with all usernames listed. That's standard functionality on many websites and it would address duplicate accounts sharing an email address.
  3. The reset password should be sent by filling in the username rather than the email address. Then there will be a single link sent in the email which is tied to a single password.

We really want to use the login password reset functionality in the Extranet/Intranet module, and those fixes should fill in the gaps.


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