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Forum » CMS - Standard features
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Simple internal 301 redirect
Hi I have an issue with a simple 301 redirect, from a subpage to domain index. I have tried several combinations in the ”Direct Path” module, with no success. The subpage I want to redirect is this one: Title: Boligadvokat Henrik Nøhr - Odense – fyn  ...
Jonas Jørgensen
15/06/2016 14:44:33
Last post: 16/06/2016 09:35:16
New Index - Instances not used based on time
Hi, We noticed that the new index always uses the first instance, instead of getting the most recently built. Shouldn't it pull from the most recently built? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/06/2016 16:31:37
Last post: 09/11/2016 15:24:02
Form save to user group
Hi I'm creating a new user with name, company and email on form submit. Does anybody know if it is possible to save the user to a specific user group/folder, and if so how? Regards Thomas ...
Thomas Schroll
10/06/2016 12:31:35
Last post: 07/09/2016 16:42:37
Searched items only show on list page
When searching with weighed search, paragraph based items are found but the link in the search result list links to the item publisher list and not the individual item found. How can I make this work? Example: ...
Per Søgaard
09/06/2016 17:31:03
Last post: 10/06/2016 09:30:09
Some paragraph items not showing
I am experiencing problems with adding new item paragraphs to a page - They simply don't show. On my textpage I only see these two paragraphs: When I go to the management center to check the allowed children I have this: htt ...
Søren Mastrup
09/06/2016 08:25:42
Last post: 09/06/2016 10:26:07
Item creator with attachment
Do the item creater support attachment upload? BR Thomas ...
Thomas Larsen
08/06/2016 11:31:26
Last post: 08/06/2016 14:00:32
Inherit user item types
Hi Dynamicweb, How can we set the "user item" on a user group to be inherited down to sub groups? Or is this a feature request? Best regads, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
07/06/2016 14:25:28
Last post: 07/06/2016 15:17:40
Domains and sitemap.xml
Hello, Currently we're working on a multi language DynamicWeb based website. We're having an issue with the language-websites -> domain setup and the resulting sitemap.xml though. We're supporting 4 langauges on the website, so we have 4 language- ...
Tymen NNM
07/06/2016 12:13:39
Last post: 09/06/2016 12:10:53
Using datalist to show related items and news in same result.
Hi! I'm wondering if there is a function to split a comma separated string to array for use in the data list SQL query I can see that this might be a confusing question, but I have to give it a try. I'm joining two tables and am using data from the u ...
Tom-Erik Paulsen
06/06/2016 11:42:43
Last post: 07/06/2016 09:33:54
Forms for editors, not possible to assign number of lines for textarea
I have tried to set up a form using form for editors, and I have entered lines (height) in the settings for a textare field, but the textarea does field does not output this paramter. Is this a bug in the newest version? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
03/06/2016 13:07:42
Last post: 07/06/2016 14:04:08
New index - Search using wildcard
Hi Guys, Would it be possible to use a wildcard in search? I mean, if I use the search term "kit" it should return all results that contains "kit" somewhere in the name (for example "sewing kit") while searching for "kit*" should return all results t ...
Adrian Ursu
03/06/2016 11:16:21
Last post: 24/01/2017 13:32:16
Search suggestions for the new index
Hi Guys, I remmeber in the old indes there was a set of tags available for spelling suggestions (see below). Are they available for the new index as well? I believe they were based on some Spell Checker module in Lucene. Template tag Description Ecom ...
Adrian Ursu
03/06/2016 09:42:33
Last post: 03/06/2016 11:56:32
Active directory for administration
Hi Dynamicweb, Is it possible to have Active Directory integration for the administration part only, so the backend users and login with their Windows credentials? On the frontend is should still be the normal user handling. Best regards, Anders ...
Anders Ebdrup
01/06/2016 17:59:53
Last post: 20/09/2017 17:16:55
Sorting in Query Publisher [New Index]
Hi Guys, I have a new index, built using SQL Index Builder. I am publishing the result using Query Publisher. I have not figured out how to sort the results. I have defined 2 default sorting criterias in the Query definition but I am not sure how to  ...
Adrian Ursu
31/05/2016 13:50:16
Last post: 31/05/2016 16:18:14
The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool
Hi! We are running out of connections in the connection pool for one of our sites. The error occurs when Items are being retrieved and rendered and it only occurs occasionally. We haven't modifeid any settings for the connection string, and I'm not e ...
Mats Lycken
26/05/2016 10:23:36
Last post: 01/06/2016 13:34:38
Is there a quick way of assigning a photo, and product text to all products in one group?
We have a costumer that has a webshop, containing 3 product groups. All products that are in a group, shall have the same image and the same product text - if not a product specific text and image has been specified on a product. Is there a way to so ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
25/05/2016 15:12:08
Last post: 27/05/2016 08:17:00
Ecom - in productlisting, is there a TAG that shows the stock number?
I want to show how many products are in stock in productlisting, but I cant find a tag for this in the product loop using @TemplateTags() Does anyone know how I can do this and/or if there is a tag, and what it is? ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
25/05/2016 14:44:50
Last post: 25/05/2016 14:53:54
Assortments Add Product Error
Hi. There is a bug in the assortment "add product" search when added a product with comma in its name. It makes the assortment useless as you cant add more products from any view. How to replicate: Make a product with comma in its name. Search(!) for ...
Henning Jensen
23/05/2016 11:34:08
Last post: 07/06/2016 14:27:45
Best practices adding Items from External source
Hi, I was wondering what best practice is on handling Items from other sources. Lets say I have made an itemType ( table: ItemType_companies ) And lets say I have made a script that checks an external source ( xml or json ) for new entries. And I wan ...
Tom-Erik Paulsen
20/05/2016 15:01:48
Last post: 24/05/2016 10:57:19
Repository index facets from comma splitted values
I have a custom product field, containing a comma separated list of values. How do I get the values divided on comma in my facets. I've tried to create a custom type using the CommaAnalyzer without any luck. ...
Thomas Larsen
17/05/2016 17:08:24
Last post: 25/05/2016 20:51:29