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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Not possible to move paragraphs by drag and drop in google chrome

Not possible to move paragraphs by drag and drop in google chrome

Mannon Wekking


Our customer has a lot of paragraphs on a page and sometimes they want to change the order of the paragraphs by drag and drop them. They work in chrome and do advise that to their customers as well. 

Now it doens't work anymore in google chrome, sinds the version of chrome updated I know for sure that it doesn't work in the chrome version: 62.0.3202.89 and 62.0.3202.94 . There website is on Dynamicweb version 9.3.5. 

Is this a known problem? Is there a way to solve this problem?

Hope to hear from you soon. 

Kind regards, 

Manon Wekking


Dynamicweb Employee
Carsten Boll

Hi Mannon,

This is is fixed in the latest hotfix:

As a temporary workaround - in case you can't update immediately - drag & drop works in Firefox.


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