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How to set frontend permissions on ecom groups

Roald Haahr


I need to set some permissions on ecom groups on a project running 9.8.8, but cannot get it to work using permissions. The desired outcome is that a number of ecom groups are only visible to certain user groups. Please review my attempt to solve it below and guide me in the right direction.


Ecom groups

Ecom group A
Ecom group B
Ecom group C

User groups

User group 1
User group 2


The products within 'Ecom group C' should only be visible to 'User group 2' in the frontend.

Attempt to solve it

  • Go to permissions of 'Ecom group C'
  • Set permission for 'Authenticated users (frontend)' to 'None'
  • Set permission for 'User group 2' to 'Read'


Best regards,
Roald, Novicell


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


The permissions set on specific groups of Product Catalog are for backend access only. You should use Assortments feature to have availibility of specific ecom group(s) in page navigation on frontend. Please, find extra details about Permissions and Navigation if needs.

BR, Oleg QA  

Roald Haahr Jensen

Hi Oleg,

Thank you - that helped us some of the way. We are now experiencing that the product group navigation list is lacking some of the groups that are not related to any assortments. How do make sure that these groups are rendered in the group navigation list? The project is built on a Rapido 3.2.1 and the product list is using the default navigation template 'Rapido/Navigation/LeftNavigation.xslt'.

Let me expand the situation a bit to match our current situation.


Ecom groups

Ecom group A
Ecom group B
Ecom group C
Ecom group D
Ecom group E
Ecom group F

User groups

User group 1
User group 2


Ecom group A is selected for user group 1
Ecom group B is selected for user group 2

Additional information

Ecom group A and B both have products which are also related to Ecom group C and D

Expected result

Product groups shown for user groups

User group 1 User group 2
Ecom group A Ecom group B
Ecom group C Ecom group C
Ecom group D Ecom group D
Ecom group E Ecom group E
Ecom group F Ecom group F



The overall product list outputs the expected products. The ecom group navigation list, however, only shows

User group 1 User group 2
Ecom group A Ecom group B
Ecom group C Ecom group C
Ecom group D Ecom group D



Best regards,

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


You should put the rest E and F groups under assortment as well, probably. I don't know any solution to output the mixed groups, sorry. Perhaps, somebody who reads the forum can extra comment the case.

BR, Oleg QA 


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